Offline Programming for Vision

Take offline programming to the next level with CMM-Manager Optical for both Manual and DCC Vision Measurement Systems. Leverage the power of 3D CAD and eliminate interruptions on your production Vision Systems.

Offline Vision Programming
Simulated Live Video and Stage motion while programming Offline

Starting in version 3.7 SP1, the Live Video Source can be simulated for Offline Programming. Normally while programming Online the user relies on Live Video image of part in order to adjust lighting, edge threshold, zoom, and for creation of edge tools, and pattern recognition. Traditionally much of the programming process is highly dependent on having not only 3D CAD model but also the actual part to be measured.

CMM-Manager allows creation of Offline vision program relying on on 3D CAD. Simulated Live Video re-uses CAD data from 3D scene into the 2D Live Video Window. This enhanced Offline Programming capability allows preparation of inspection programs ahead of time thus allowing immediate execution of part program once the part arrives to the vision inspection system. Other 3D metrology software packages allow offline programming for tactile and laser probing, where CMM-Manager is unique in the world of Offline 2D vision programming.

Live Video with real camera image
Real Camera Image
Simulated Live Camera View for Offline Programming
Simulated Camera View

The simulated Camera View shown above represents a real camera image closely, thus allowing complete Offline preparation of inspection programs for Vision Measurement Systems.