Version Date: 05/31/19 1. Improved Large 3D CAD Performance - Multi-threading for 20x faster CAD import - Faster Auto-Normal, Best-Fitting & CAD Editor - Faster open & save projects containing CAD 2. 3D Graphics Rendering Performance - Faster & Smoother display of large CAD - Less CPU demand due to GPU rendering - Updated OpenGL rendering - Use of Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs) 3. Added Support for ISO Standard GD&T - User setting for ISO or ASME GD&T - Parallelism, Perpendicularity, Angularity - Symmetry, Concentricity, Runout - Position, Profile 4. Vision Enhancements - New CAD-teach Edge Point - DCC Re-measure for faster joystick programming - Save composite image output after Image Stitching - Set Runtime images as Graphical Report background - New Max Focus Point image tool - VBScript variable from Light Value Tool - Manual Optical License for Measuring Microscopes and Optical Comparators 5. Robot / PLC / Automation - Error reporting & recovery allows improved unattended operation 6. Other Enhancements - Allows to reset default values in Preferences - Added CAD importer options editor - Allows keyboard trigger in lieu of probe or footswitch - Allows "Find Program" to search entire content of VBScript - Added preference for 2D SP25 Probe Comp - Added option to prevent using negative (-) A tip angle in auto path - Changed behavior of report tolerance indicator - Allows Free-Position Alignment for manual system - Speeds up loading time of projects containing long program 7. Language Support - English, Chinese, Czech, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Spanish 8. CAD Importer Support: Spatial 3D InterOp Release 2019 - The following formats and their versions are supported: * ACIS R1 ? 2019 1.0 * CATIA V4 4.1.9 - 4.2.4 * CATIA V5/V6 V5 R8 ? V5/6 R2018 * DWG 2.5 ? 2019 * Inventor V11 ? 2019 * JT JT 8.x, 9.x and 10.0 - 10.2 * NX NX 1 ? NX 12.0.0 * Parasolid 9.0.x ? 30.0.x * Pro/E 16 ? Creo 5.0 * Solid Edge V18 ? ST11 * SolidWorks 2003 ? 2019 * STEP AP203, AP214, AP242 * VDA-FS 1.0 ? 2.0 9. Driver Updates - Faro Arm - 64-bit driver would not connect - Helmel USB controller - 64-bit driver would not connect on some systems - Hexagon Leitz / RC controller - Use proper settings based on controller type selection in machine setup - I++ - Allows to select I++ server type from controller page of machine setup - iGPS - Added support for iGPS G6 probes - Mitutoyo UC Controller - UC400 controller may get unexpected touch during tip angle change - Pantec WPC Controller - Software would not connect to external PHC10-3 on cold start on some systems 10. Bug Fixes - Slot image tool produced is outside of the FOV if the slot is wider than FOV - Probe comp for SP25 Scan 2D Cloud could be in the wrong direction when point density is high - F5 button not working for feature re-measure during SFL program running - Some preference settings do not stay set after exiting CMM-Manager - NM PDF Writer is interacting with the Windows printer driver incorrectly - Exported alignment file (.mtf) is not correct - Software crash during execution of a mirrored program with the append program option - Cone angle display in Report Feature dialog doesn't follow angle formats set in Preferences - Selecting "Create Path" after the original path generation from Hole Pattern dialog with PH20 causes the points to be deleted - Export Raw Data as CSV with IJK does not work - Software crash when opening map component in Create Error Map utility - CAD/Report window states are not restored properly on some systems - DRO flickering issue - Relative Measurement option for CAD Teach Line is missing on manual CMMs and portable arms
Version (SP1) Date: 08/23/19 1. Vision Enhancements - Added laser scan option to CAD Teach Vision 3D on NEXIV ? Added nominal raw data to CAD Teach vision feature - Reset Tool Position command will retain the grid of multi-point Vision AF tool ? Made multi-point Vision AF tool parameters sticky - Fixed non-stopping for Vision Edge Profile when using large step distance - Fixed cropped display issue for simulated live video when image view was scaled below 100% 2. Reporting Enhancements - Displays Shrink Factor on report up to 10 decimal precision - Allows Shrink Factor to be set from VB variable - Fixed missing legend on new graphical report - Fixed "Always Visible" setting for disk deviation display on graphical report at runtime - Fixed missing images for report when saved as MS Excel - Fixed missing last page for manually printing report when default printer was PDF 3. Rendering Enhancements - Improved CAD surface rendering using Frustum Culling - Fixed missing 2D elements with some Intel graphics adapters - Displays system OpenGL driver info on the About dialog 4. Other Enhancements - Allows circular range adjust for point locations on PH20 plane - Allows resizing of Status Bar in SFL - Added option for Rotate Rotary Table to suspend Align Part operation - Added VB variable support for GoTo operation - Improved mirroring of program containing CAD based alignment - Added new user option to specify un-mirrored CAD axis 5. Driver Updates - Deva DCC - Did not handle 3D circular move correctly for RTP20 probe - Nikon iNexiv / Nexiv - Increased maximum touch speed to 5mm/sec - Nikon LK/NMC - Fixed error 5000 on NMC100 controller when connecting - UCC I++ - Software might hang when attempting to sync a large number of tip orientation with UCCServer - Displays warning when I++ Sync with UCCServer times out 6. Bug Fixes ? Get Tip commands in PH20 program failed to mirror in certain cases ? Some view helpers no longer shown after cancelling a mirror operation - Inconsistent compensation direction of constructed line from cloud data - "Reverse Comp Dir." on Bestfit Line/Plane dialog might not update properly - Create Tip Set should validate angle intervals - Notes did not display correctly in graphical report if the first column was too small. - Circle feature dialog showed wrong header description during tactile scanning - Importing an IGES file without entity for CAD Point caused software to crash - Feature preview did not display during Plane-Line-Circle Alignment - Gear Graphical Report should not allow editing otherwise it may cause crash - Ref. frame was reset to machine if rotation flag was removed from a pattern rec point used in Align operation - Guided measurement cloud lost probe radius info after program run
Version (SP2) Date: 11/22/2019 1. Renishaw UCC Direct Driver 2.0 - Removes the need of user interaction with UCCserver - Probes, tip calibration and change racks are all managed within CMM-Manager - Improves speed performance and exchangeability with other systems - Limitation: SP25 and PH20 are not supported (must use I++ driver) 2. Driver Updates - Mitutoyo MAG Box - Fixed connection issues caused by GPIB address settings - Nikon iNexiv / Nexiv - Fixed video feed error on VMZ-R system with XGA BW camera - Renishw I++ UCCserver - Fixed syncing issue of Deva camera - Fixed syncing issue of custom disc styli - Fixed syncing issue of hemisphere styli 3. Bug Fixes - Multiple Excel instances after saving Excel report - Pressing F5 (for re-measure) during program run would cause VB Syntax error - Cloud-To-CAD Alignment would not recalculate after unselecting points if the cloud name contained lower case letters - Cloud-to-CAD Reporting without bestfit option would generate large deviation if the CAD surfaces had been used in a previous Cloud-to-CAD reporting operation with bestfit option