Version (three point ten) Date: 07/31/2020 1. Language Support - English, Chinese, Czech, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Spanish 2. CAD Importer Support: Spatial 3D InterOp Release 2020 The following formats and their versions are supported: * ACIS R1 ? 2020 1.0 * CATIA V4 4.1.9 - 4.2.4 * CATIA V5/V6 V5 R8 ? V5/6 R2020 * DWG 2.5 ? 2020 * Inventor V11 ? 2020 * JT JT 8.x, 9.x, 10 and 10.2 * NX NX 1 ? NX 1872 * Parasolid 9.0.x?? 31.1.x * Pro/E 16 ? Creo 6.0 * Solid Edge V18 ? SE 2020 * SolidWorks 2003 ? 2020 * STEP AP203, AP214, AP242 * VDA-FS 1.0 ? 2.0 3. SP25 Support on Pantec Controllers - SP25 probe and scanning functionalities are fully supported 4. PH20 Enhancemetns - Various PH20 path planning enhancements and fixes - Improved simulation of PH20 head touch and 5-axis move motions - Updated preferences UI for PH20 path creation option "Use best tip" 5. Report Enhancements - Added Pass/Fail status to report header and allow access from VBScript or Pipe - Added program run time to report header - Improved loading speed of project containing large CAD model in graphical report - Improved execution speed of program containing large number of report operations - Added option to save in-tolerance reports only to the main output directory - Added support for vertical scrolling on report view with touch gesture - Auto set Disc or Spike mode when adding Cloud-to-CAD or Cloud-to-Curve to graphical report - Allows selection of .xls and .xlsm file in addition to .xlsx from DDE Operation - Fixed Min, Max & RMS dev missing from form and best-fit RPT output - Fixed CAD surface Label not updating in graphical report when view was manipulated - Fixed new graphical report text box not using selected font - Fixed moving any report item to very top would create a corrupt custom report - Fixed duplicate line/surface profile report items after feature renaming - Fixed crash when DDE ouput to non-supported Excel sheet type, e.g. Chart Sheet - Fixed multi-line notes not saving properly in Excel or CSV 6. DMIS Engine Enhancements - Improved and more robust DMIS parser - Improved DMIS Editor and Dmis Program Window - Added line number to program display - Replaced with a more user friendly font - Added mouse wheel scroll support - Auto scrolls to the error line on syntax error - Fixed issues with RMB menu commands, Ln/Col number update, break point toggling - Improved sensor handling - Tip availability is checked before program running instead of at runtime - SNSLCT allows selecting tips from different probe assemblies, and supports auto probe change if probe rack is configured - Improved error handling in program running especially for motion errors - Added support for ARC feature type - Added support for CRNOUT and TRNOUT tolerances - Allows BF construction from point buffer of one or more features - Improved DATSET handling of secondary axis and use of plane feature for origin - DMIS program execution now starts from current CMM-Manager ref. frame to allow using CMM-Manager built-in alignment tools for initial datum creation - Fixed AUTO mode path collision for OD circles 7. Rotary Table Enhacements - Addes support for manual rotary table either with or without encoder - Added partial calibration routine to allow quickly re-establishing table center that may have shifted due to poor machine homing repeatbility - Fixed issue with table calibraion routine in DCC mode when current ref. frame was not MCS 8. Installer Update - Replaced InstallShield installer with WiX installer - Improved installation logging - Fixed issue with blank DRO and measurement counter due to font installation 9. Other Enhancements - Allows programmed Batch Tip Calibration to run across I++ and other controllers - VB Script editor enhancements: - resizable, updated font, Ctrl+A and Tab support - Allows specifying order for Hole Pattern measurement - CAD Teach Complex 2D - Allows picking a plane to define curves - Made Depth and Increment persistent - Fixed auto sorting curve sequence in Pick Start Curve - Fixed Ctrl+LMB function in Define Curve Sequences - Added new construction types - point from circle / plane - Added graphical feature prompt for vision measurements - Added ability to view changes of preferences from default values - Added more options for Create CAD Curve from Cloud - Added an Auto CAD Surface Normal option for spherical rays from centroid - Added Form Error column to Tip Manager and make all columns sortable in both ascending and descending order - Added option to save tip summary after batch tip calibration ? Allows to run program from DCC CMM on portable arm - Allows to use numeric point labels for imported points via ASCII file format - Clarified probe change message to prompt for the expected probe by name - Remember Adjust Path setting for Cylinder and Cone features - Display warning message at bottom of main graphics window when GDI Generic renderer is detected. 10. Driver Updates - API ISA card - Added 64-bit support for ApiServer configuration only - Faro Arm - Added support for probe auto detection - Hexagon RC controller - Fixed occasional protocol authorization error - I++ - Fixed probe sometimes rotating to A0B0 between tips during batch calibration - Fixed possible collision with cal. sphere during batch tip calibration - Fixed manual probe head support - Fixed probe sync issue with star stylus holder "M2 CENTER SWIVEL" - Nikon iNexiv - Set minimum touch backoff distance to 0.1mm per controller spec - Pantec Controller - Added support for SP25 probe - Added PHC and joystick support via ethernet - Renishaw UCC Direct 2.0 - Added support for thermal compensation - Improved error handling - Zeiss C99 - Added PHC to Zeiss controller option to Machine Setup UI 11. Bug Fixes - Calibrate Gear Tips should not create duplicate tips that already exist - Parameter validation check for internal gear was incorrect - Gear properties dialog with new gear not converting units correctly initially - Navigating program list using arrow keys would leave previous path highlighted - Save Image using EDF option did not work with Inch units - Save Image should not check vertical or horizontal range for single image - Unable to create tip set with fixed A = 0 or B = 0 - Nominal values shift after Datum Alignment in program run - The minimum size of the search area of pattern search tool was affected by the image zoom factor - Existing custom tool not flushed from memory when tool was edited in UCCServer ? Software crash when reporting a cloud with fewer actual points than nominal - Copy & Paste may cause software issue when a Get PA OPO was auto added - Software crash due to Loop Operations naming issue - Operation Plan path planning issue when last measurement operation had path locked - Restore default values for some Preference settings were not correct - Transform with rotation did not change 2D feature projection plane - Auto orientation plane calculation may be wrong with "Show Live Results" option - SP25 scan path creation may cause software crash when it failed to generate paths - Probe head mount calibration routine did not update ref. tip offset immediately - VB MsgBox or Form in SFL mode may be hidden behind main window - Failed to connect to Virtual CMM when default port is used by another application