CMM-Manager software is designed to easily operate almost all CMM and Metrology hardware. These systems include manual, motorized, and portable arm CMMs as well as vision measurement systems. Keep reading to learn more about supported CMM hardware and how CMM-Manager is compatible with your CMM – More software options and info

CMM-Manager’s unique plug-n-play interface allows users to operate many different CMMs and Metrology systems using one unified software. Meaning, less training and higher degree of program interoperability between all of your CMM hardware. Instead of training Quality and Inspection personnel on each unique system, one software empowers them to operate many devices with one familiar software. Sharing programs between devices allows you to use a Manual CMM or Portable Arm to elevate a bottleneck in the CMM lab.
Compatible CMMs
- Mitutoyo – Crysta, Apex, Bright, MiSTAR, BHN, BN, RV, FN
- Hexagon / Brown & Sharpe – Global, MicroVal, PFx, One, MicroHite
- DEA – Gamma, Iota, Mistral, Delta, Epsilon, Lambda
- Sheffield / Giddings & Lewis – Cordax, Endeavor, MEA, Discovery
- LK / Metris – Altera, Maxima, Aeros, HC-90, G80, G90, Integra
- AIMS – Revolution HB, LM, Summit
- Helmel – Phoenix, Checkmaster, Microstar
- Haas – HMM430
- Starrett – Checkmaster, HGC, RapidCheck
- Wenzel – XO, LH, XOrbit
- Zeiss / Numerex – C, Vista, Contura, Eclipse, Mauser
- zCat / Fowler – zCat
- Aberlink – Extol, Horizon, Axiom, Zenith, Azimuth
- Tarus CMM
- Coord3 CMM – Universal, Ares, Benchmark, Kronos
- Nikon – iNexiv VMA with Touch Probe
- Renishaw – Equator gauging system
5-axis app CAD DCC DEA FARO GD&T Gear Health Helmel Hexagon Lite LK Maintenance Manual Mitutoyo news Nikon offline Portable Arm release Renishaw reporting Romer Scanning Sheffield SSC Standard Support Tarus Tesa Training vision Warranty Wenzel zCat Zeiss
Compatible Vision Systems
- Nikon
- iNexiv VMA
- Nexiv VMZ-R & VMZ-S
- MM-400 / 800 Microscope
- Any Manual Measuring Microscope
- Any CMM with add-on Vision Probe
- Imaging Source USB Camera
- Deva Electronics 036 CMM Vision Probe
- Any DirectShow compatible digital camera
- Offline – Prepare programs or measure from single images Offline
- FOV – Field of View – images from FOV systems or external images such as X-Ray / radiographs
Compatible Probing Systems
CMM-Manager will operate your CMM that includes the following probing systems:
- Renishaw
- Heads – PH9, PH10, PH20, PH50, Revo, RTP20, MIP, MH8, MH20, etc.
- Probing – TP2, TP20, TP200, SP25, RSP2, RSP3
- Zeiss – ST, RDS – digital touch probe only
- Tesa – TESAStar – M, SM, HH – digital touch probe only
- zCat – VP, HP
- Portable Arms – tactile hard probes and touch probes
Compatible Portable Arms
CMM-Manager is compatible with all portable arm CMMs with tactile probing systems.
- FARO – Gold, Silver, Sterling, Bronze, Titanium, Platinum, Edge, Quantum
- Romer/ Hexagon – Infinite, Stinger, Absolute
- Kreon – Ace
- Metris – MCA I & MCA II
- Nikon – MCAx
- LK – Freedom Arm
- Tomelleri – Space / Space Plus
- RPS Metrology Arm
- Trimos – A5 / A6
- Revware – MicroScribe Arm
- 7D Kinematic Metrology – iGPS
- API – Radian Laser Tracker / vProbe
Retrofit Interface for any CMM
CMM-Manager is compatible with almost all CMMs. For non-compatible models we can help with a hardware retrofit on any CMM.
- Renishaw – UCC / I++
- Deva Electronics – 004 DCC and 037 Manual Interface
- Pantec – WPC, Eagle
- Caliper Designs – CDI PCI for manual CMM
- Insight Metrology – IMUSB
- TopMes – AX3 Manual counter