Version Date: 10/18/17 1. SP25 Support on Mitutoyo ComUC Controllers - SP25 probe and scanning functionalities are fully supported 2. UCC I++ Full Synchronization - Full synchronization of probe heads, probe assemblies, tips, calibration spheres, machine limits, table position for UCC Server version 5.0.3 and above. - Configuration of probes is no longer required and allowed in CMM-Manager. - Recalling probe assemblies by name is added and must be used for I++ systems, and as a result, program migration is needed for I++ systems - An I++ migration tool is added. 3. Vision Enhancements - Programmable Vision AF settings by each AF tool - Programmable Live Video - Added VB Script function to obtain pattern search score - Added feature filter to vision measurement - Improved Edge Profile simple tool alignment 4. Gear Module Enhancements - Added feature output to Gear Profile Check, Lead Check and Spacing / Runout Check - Added support for exporting gear data: currently supports Involute Pro format 5. Reporting Enhancements - Refactored Excel interface to be version independent - DDE improvements: - copy cell address directly from Excel - batch change of cell addresses - Allows to update report tolerance for multiple operations - True position of tilted cylinder: allows definition of nominal direction vector - Set default display mode for 2D (spike) and 3D (disc) Form Graphical Report - Added a command to re-order Default Report based on program steps 6. Other Enhancements - Added support for relative measurement on outer circles, ellipses and slots - Graphical display improvements with smoothing and anti-aliasing - Use "start diameter" instead of "start roll angle" in Gear definition - Allows multi-select Cloud features for Extract Raw Data construction - Improved default center of graphics rotation - Made Export Ref Frame for Focus programmable - Made Export Features Operation programmable - Allows zero offset and zero difference for various stylus creations - Changed STEP import options to enable healing 7. Language Support - English, Chinese, Czech, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Spanish 8. CAD Importer Support: Spatial 3D InterOp Release 2017 - The following formats and their versions are supported: * ACIS R1 ? 2017 1.0 * CATIA V4 4.1.9 - 4.2.4 * CATIA V5 V5R8 ? V5?6R2016 * CATIA V6 Up to V6 R2016x * Inventor (.ipt) V6 - V2016, (.iam) V11 - V2016 * Parasolid 9.0 ? 29.0 * Pro/E 16 ? Creo 3.0 * SolidWorks 2003 ? 2016 * STEP AP203, AP214, AP242 * Unigraphics NX 1 ? NX 10 * VDA-FS 1.0 ? 2.0 * (NEW) JT JT 9.x and 9.x * (NEW) Solid Edge V18 ? ST8 * (NEW) DWG 2.5 ? 2017 9. Driver Updates - NMC / LK Controller - Changed SP25 scan deflection defaults to 0.2 and 0.4 (Open loop) - Improved SP25 scanning slot robustness - Nikon iNexiv - Startup magnification is now set to low mag - Improved Laser AF robustness - Newmark Rotary Table - Exposed Newmark rotary indexer parameters in Machine Setup 10. Bug Fixes - Vision Arc tools sometimes move (float) when being resized - No probe path is generated when using CAD Teach Pilot Hole - Vision tools have wrong orientation for some CAD related measurement - Ignore tip availability/calibration warning for disabled operations - Crash when canceling Pattern Search tool during execution - Gear Lead Check diameter issue with unit change - Right click on a vision tool after starting a collect point causes the operation to start over - Software crash when closing a project file after highlighting a video tip - Values are incorrectly rounded in machine properties table page - Initial tip nominal offset is not updated on the New Tip dialog - Lighting sometimes not correct on first step of program execution - Disable PH20 inferred calibration option for unsupported stylus type - Units are not converting correctly on the Laser AF search range - Runtime results for Datum Alignment (Point Dev. and RMS) do not match the report output - Bestfit report output results should be updated to show +/- deviation - Measure Cross Section doesn't work properly in PH20 Mode - Open file from command line failed when file directory contains "." - The "rubber band" feature that occurs when using the watch window, doesn't point to the correct location on CAD taught points when the feature is verified immediately after creating it.
Version (SP1) Date: 12/14/17 1. Simulated Live Video for Offline Programming - Simulates live camera view based on CAD model, camera FOV, zoom and lighting - Allows offline creation and adjustment of image tools such as pattern recognization - Allows easy moving of camera FOV from either simulated view or CAD view 2. Shop Floor Launcher Updates - Displays live video during SFL program execution - Fixed issue with hidden dialogs in SFL - Fixed issue with Load User View not working in SFL 3. Driver Updates - MicroScribe Arm - Updates to latest SDK - Mitutoyo ComUC Controller - Controller error when CMM-Manager attempts to set scan defection on machine with no scanning probe attached - Nikon iNexiv - Allows Vision Auto Focus that exceeds Z- machine limit on iNexiv - Repeated open / run / close program causes video feed to disconnect - Laser AF failure flag sometimes not cleared so subsequent command would fail - User abort flag sometimes not cleared so subsequent command would fail - Pixel calibration could fail due to lighting control logic - Nikon LK / NMC - SP25 Gasket Scan Arc direction reversed when scan surface was downward 4. Other Enhancements - Added option to allow "fixed nominal" for CAD based manual point measurement - Added option to highlight out of tolerance report items in report database - Sets the Save Run Data into Project option default to On 5. Bug Fixes - CMM-M crashes when exporting report to Excel with "Append" option - DDE slowdown when outputting to multiple worksheets in the same Excel file - Export Feature crashes the software in Teach Off mode - Export Raw Data failed to execute in Teach Off mode - Threaded Hole settings are not sticky with thumb tack / pin - CAD Surface Thickness settings are not sticky with thumb tack / pin - Re-Pick CAD nominal does not work for Circular Plane - A point is measured relative if "relative" is set in the circle measure window - Graphic report deviation label text and disc / spike color do not match - Changing the Soft Limit checkbox in machine setup turned on the probe outline - CMM-M point spacing not equal to requested spacing in Cross Section or 2D Complex Measurement - Transform Copy naming behavior with suffix is not consistent - Cloud-to-CAD alignment does not allow for confirmation of alignment when inside of a loop and will cause the software to crash when stopping the execution. - Tesastar head - negative A angles in full auto not working - Angle and Edge Point Measure do not update actual feature after Verify - CMM-M crashes when copying an operation before finishing constructing it - CMM-M crashes when switching to system tab after simulating advanced CAD Teach - If the vision window is undocked, when CMM-Manager is opened, the vision window will be cut off at the bottom. - Adding CAD features used by program to Furniture would cause software to crash - Gear reference frame calculation is incorrect for helical gear - Gear tip creation may not work if gear boss diameter is set to zero - Deleted Fixture Ref Frame returns unexpectedly when loading the project that saves it - Transform Copy tip angle is not rounded correctly - When a surface is 3D CAD taught from the vision tab, applied changes to the points per length/width are not shown graphically until the range adjust is brought up and closed - When you use a CAD alignment for "Align Part", the best-fit alignment report is added to the default report and cannot be deleted. - Cannot use "/r" command line argument to run offline program on manual system - Vision error message from Run Mode appears in Teach Mode when aborted by user - Tip Calibration does not allow more than 20 points - Operation pinned status not correct when cancelling picking tools - Virtual CMM loading probe assembly from CMM-Manager's Resource directory
Version (SP2) Date: 2/5/18 1. Add support for zCat portable DCC CMM (I++) - Inferred horizontal probe calibration - Partial I++ Probe Sync - zCat firmware BOOT-02-06-18 and later 2. Vision Enhancements - Allow CAD teach vision AF point on surface not parallel to XY plane - Improved Vision and Laser AF robustness 3. Bug Fixes - Prevent long delays during tip calibration for I++ controller - Fixed DDE (MS Excel) failed incremental option for merged cells - Fixed software crash during connection to Galil controller - Fixed crash for programs containing VB Script and large Point Clouds