Version Date: 07/19/16 1. Nikon iNexiv / Vision Phase II - Improved UI / user experience for vision related tasks - Embedded lighting & zoom Controls - Allows batch changes of vision commands - "Go To Feature" function to quickly restore vision environment - Double click 3D CAD to move XY stage - New default vision UI layout - Extended CAD teach capabilities - Point, Plane, Cloud, Slots, Arc, Complex 2D - Relative measure for 2D features - Allows range adjust - Extended Image Tools - New Projection tool - Enable scan direction toggle for linear tools - Multi-Point vision auto focus - Pattern recognition / search & train Image - Enhanced edge detection / edge threshold - Direct access to edge threshold settings from Ribbon bar - Added Absolute Maximum and User Pick options - Allows separate positive and negative edge thresholds - Auto light intensity function - Unknown 2D cloud measurement / edge tracing - 1.5x objective lens support - Added variable support for nominal feature location of vision measurement - Improves Vision AF repeatability 2. Reporting Enhancements - Supports up to Microsoft Excel 2016 - New Datum Alignment report output - DDE output reduced writing time to Excel file - Allows single axis true position for Point and Sphere - Report note is now included in fly-by results window - Normal Parallel option is now the default for report distance between two lines - Profile Report tile now includes feature name 3. Path Planning Enhancements - Updated PH20 model accuracy for improved reach - Allows SP25 range adjust for Arc 4. SP25 Enhancements - Added dedicated SP25 Define & Scan Arc function - SP25 tip calibration now uses user defined colatitude angle - All SP25 measurement will generate nominal raw data 5. Alignment Enhancements - Free Position Alignment takes into account vision tool placement - Added option to auto runtime align part with Set Origin for Vision - Added a CAD synchronization indicator to status bar 6. Gear Enhancements - Added left hand helix gear support - Allows to measure an internal gear with a boss above the gear - Improved gear graphical report 7. Other Enhancements - [1] Added multi-Copy option to Transform - [2] Allow alphanumeric sorting of programs in SFL tree - [3] Added prompt to clear report at beginning of Operation Plan execution - [4] Best Tip from CAD 3D is extended to include irregular surfaces - [5] Allows editing operation plan after it has been created - [6] Removed restriction that a shank be smaller than the tip - [7] Added variable name support for constructed features - [8] Added Home Rotary Table command 8. Language Support - new - Czech and Italian - English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Polish and Spanish 9. Update to Spatial 3D InterOp Release 2016 1.0.1 - The following formats and their versions are supported: * ACIS R1 ? 2016 1.0 * CATIA V4 4.1.9 - 4.2.4 * CATIA V5 V5R8 ? V5?6R2016 * CATIA V6 V6 R2016x * Inventor (.ipt) V6 - V2016, (.iam) V11 - V2016 * Parasolid 9.0 ? 28.0 * Pro/E 16 ? Creo 3.0 * SolidWorks 2003 ? 2016 * STEP 203, 214 * Unigraphics NX 1 ? NX 10 * VDA-FS 1.0 ? 2.0 10. Driver Updates - Nikon iNexiv - Out of limit stage moves will no longer be executed and error will be reporte - Allows to home when probe is detached - I++ Driver - Supports UCCsuite software V5.0.3 - Helmel USB - Fixed: Small moves were not executed - IMUSB - Fixed: Probe may not trigger after running a long period of time - Zeiss - Allows using RDS/DSE head in either Zeiss or Renishaw head convention - Mitutoyo MAG - Added GPIB command delay - Newmark Rotary Table - Improved rotary table communication control 11. Bug Fixes - [1] Tolerance in Report Position would reset after selecting a Datum Feature - [2] Cloud-to-Cloud profile max / min deviation were using absolute values - [3] Zoom All should not include CAD Furniture - [4] Renaming a point extracted from a cloud could cause crash - [5] Status Bar did not close or refresh properly from Layout menu - [6] Vision measurement issues when nominal and actual ref. frame were different - [7] Surface display mode could not be changed - [8] Possible software crash when double clicking Calibrate button on SP25 ref. tip calibration dialog - [9] Unable to create PH20 paths when CAD teach a line not on XY plane - [10] Dimension tools in graphical report may cause software crash when feature was added, deleted or status changed - [11] Construct Define nominal values could change after re-opening the dialog - [12] Software crash when picking an invalid surface for Cross Section base plane - [13] Software crash while doing a Measure & Scan of a circle without CAD - [14] Software would not start up after switching license - [15] Probe tip display was not smooth in INCH mode - [16] Mirroring not working properly with Runtime Align Part, Sync Part Ref. Frame and Report Composite Position - [17] The "Show Location Tolerances" option in Report Position was not saved - [18] Show / Hide flag was not persistent in CAD Editor - [19] Batch run report header didn't update correctly - [20] Align or Level may not take effect if the axes were already very close - [21] Point order of raw data for circle could change after being extracted with Apply probe comp option
Version (SP1) Date: 02/28/17 1. Driver Updates - TOPMES AX3 - New manaul interface support, available in both USB and PCI versions - LK Driver - Fixed probe touch vector issue on older firmware (9312) - Sheffield SMP - No DRO update after connection on some controllers - Zeiss C99 - No DRO update and wouldn not home intermittently on older firmware - Deva Manual - Could not change scale resolution from Machine Setup - Faro Arm - Added option to allow connection retry for Faro Gage 2. Filter for SP25 Scan Features - UPR filter for Circles - Linear filter for Lines / Planes - Standard deviation elimination filter - Can be used with SP25 scan measurement directly or best-fit construction 3. Vision Enhancements - [1] Added All Matches option for Pattern Recognition to allow multiple point measurement with single execution - [2] Improved edge profiling speed at run time - [3] Slot tool scan direction not uniform - [4] Ring light orientation not updated correctly after Rotate Transform - [5] CAD taught point value not updated after Verify - [6] Multi-Point Vision AF Z axis value not correct - [7] Inconsistent vision tool location when switching between Circle and Arc - [8] Improved implementation Of DCC pause before data collection - [9] Removed ribbon tab auto switching behavior when switching between Image Window and Main Graphics Window - [10] iNexiv specific - Added Laser AF Threshold setting to allow using higher value to improve Laser AF performance on highly reflective surfaces - Added edge thresholds setting for Pixel Resolution Calibration, and the same value will also be used for Parcentricity Calibration - Improved error message during calibration - [11] Other cameras - Added Deva 036 Vision Probe to Probe Assembly component list - All vision moves will be 3D when running program if Deva camera is mounted, regardless of alignment status 4. Improved Offline Vision / Image Inspection - Allows programmable import of static images - Added preference to auto collect vision tool for offline - Allows for unattended inspection of images from external source such as: - 2D X-Ray Images - Vision Systems ? Large FOV, ShuttlePix, 3rd Party 5. Enhancements - [1] Auto save fixture reference frame at table centerline after rotary table calibration, to facilitate programming parts held on rotary device - [2] Added "Always Visible" option in Deviatio Disk Display Settings to allow showing disks even if behind CAD surfaces - [3] Added RTP20 locking lever offset setting to help prevent RTP20 pole over-travel / deflection - [4] Added "Large Probe Offset" setting to probe rack to allow additional clearance motion for large probes like Laser Scanner or Deva Vision Probe 6. Bug Fixes - [1] Mirroring Operation: - Software crash when using append option - Offset Align was not mirrored - Cloud Report was not Mirrored - [2] I++ PH20: - Measurement counter delayed count down due to unnecessary communication with I++ server - Sometimes program wouldn't run due to probe radius not being set - Calibrated start probe showing as non-calibrated in CMMM - Eliminated unnecessary tip change motion during tip calibration - [3] Negative (-) CAD thickness for Cloud to CAD Report didn't work properly - [4] Prevented crash when using DMIS Editor - [5] Construct Circle Tangent to 2 lines gave wrong result upon running program - [6] Program (PRG) files not added to recent file list - [7] Could not open Program (PRG) files from recent file list - [8] Lower case "w" was disabled for feature renaming - [9] Closing certain driver comm log window may cause software crash - [10] Load User View did not work when Vision window was active - [11] CAD Alignment result box might be empty when running program - [12] Copying and pasting a feature sometimes produced a feature of same name
Version (SP2) Date: 05/18/17 1. Driver Updates - Improved driver Log Manager utility - Log Manager is now accessible from Start Menu Program list - Sheffield manual - Trigger point not detected when there was controller error - Nikon iNexiv - Could not set DCC move speed less than 0.5 mm/sec - Nikon NMAPI - Updated to support NMAPI 4.4 - No longer compatible with previous versions of NMAPI - I++ Driver - Out of limit move after tip calibration in INCH mode - Sync with I++ didn't work properly with knuckle tips 2. Vision Enhancements - [1] Multi-Point Vision AF - Allows multi-point Vision AF to be used in Contrast mode in addition to Surface mode - Allows more flexible pattern creation for multi-point Vision AF - Allows multi-point Vision AF to succeed if 50% or more points are collected - [2] Allows DCC vision program to run on manual machine - [3] Vision CAD Teach All Circles / All Lines will now create automatic operations for DCC machines 3. Other Enhancements - [1] Allows user to change file path for programmed Import Point operation - [2] Skip pre-check of tip availability before program execution if Load Probe / Tip command exists in program 4. Bug Fixes - [1] DRO window could disappear when two or more graphics windows were open - [2] Constructed best fit planes had larger dimensions - [3] Collision might happen when moving from Port 4 to Port 5 during ACR3 calibration - [4] DMIS SNSDEF() and SNSSLCT() do not allow UCC Server naming convention - [5] Vision CAD Teach Complex 2D - actual feature not updated after verify - [6] Could not use enter button on handbox to interact with prompt for batch run - [7] Y coordinate inverted within FOV for Vision AF measurement - [8] Partial run outside an infinite VB Script loop caused the software to hang