Renishaw Revo-2

The REVO system uses synchronized motion and 5-axis scanning technology to minimize CMM motion while maintaining high measurement speed.

Tackle the most demanding high speed, complex 5-axis measurements with familiar software. With CMM-Manager’s world-renowned path-planning the software user picks features, curves, surfaces or sections from 3D CAD and the 5-axis scanning path is created for you.

CMM-Manager supports Renishaw Revo 5-axis scanning probe

Revo-2 Supported Hardware

  • Up to 500 mm/sec resulting in increased part throughput
  • Data collection rates up to 4,000 points per second
  • Infinite positioning and 5-axis motion reduces non-productive transitions between features
  • Rapid calibration with all positions inferred means more time measuring
Renishaw Revo Probes

CMM-Manager supports RSP-2 and RSP-3 Probing components and related Probe Rack Stations.

Revo-2 Scanning and Path-Planning

  • Maximum reach up to 800 mm from center of head rotation
  • Stylus wear minimized by extremely low scanning forces
  • Infinite positioning and five-axis motion aid access to difficult features
  • Tip-sensing further adds to the systems’ accuracy and flexibility
Renishaw Revo Scan Types

Pick from CAD to create Planes, Slots, Circles, Cylinders, Gasket, Sweep & Section Scans

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