Version Date: 08/13/15 1. Nikon iNexiv / VMA Support - 3D Multi-Sensor Metrology Software support for Nikon iNexiv - 2D / 3D CAD Import - CAD Teach - Touch Probe and Vision Probe - Lighting ? Top, Bottom & Eight Segment Ring - Laser Auto Focus Z Depth Measurement - Rotary Index ? fully controlled with feedback loop - Automatic Probe Changer 2. Deva 036 Camera Support - Digital USB Camera for CMM Retrofit - 3 Mega-Pixel Color Camera - 16 White LED Ring Light - PH10M Compatible 3. Vision Enhancements - Implemented more robust edge detection and blob algorithms with user preferences - Unified lighting control panel; Associates lighting parameters with video tip - Allows 3D alignment and measurement by measuring surface points with Vision AF or Laser AF tools - Display camera FOV in main graphics display to facilitate programming - Implemented double-click function on image view to move stage - Made Save Image to file command programmable - Added a vision specific Add Move operation - Added a unique mark to Crosshair image tool to indicate it's at image center - Allows obtaining Auto Focus score using VBScript: GetAFScore - Improved vision driver - Added Video Capture Filter and Pin property buttons in Machine Setup to allow direct access - Supports RGB24 and RGB32 formats for generic DirectShow compatible cameras 4. Reporting Enhancements - Allows editing report directly from report view using double-click - Allows direct PDF export - Allows direct QC-Calc export for foreign language users - Allows using two datums for Total Runout - Allows variable definition of report notes - Default Report window is now saved with UI layout - Color bar legend will always be shown for disc display in Graphical report even when form deviation is 0 5. Support of CAD Furniture - Allows to permanently import and locate CAD elements into software workspace for Probe Racks, Cal Sphere, Fixtures etc. - Furniture participates in Path planning / Collision Avoidance - Easy movement of entities between CAD Furniture and CAD Part 6. Language Support - English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Polish and Spanish 7. Update to Spatial 3D InterOp Release R25 SP1 HF21 - The following formats and their versions are supported: * ACIS R1 ? R25 * CATIA V4 4.1.9 - 4.2.4 * CATIA V5 R8 ? R24 (V5?6R2014) * CATIA V6 V6 R2014x * Inventor (.ipt) V6 - V2015, (.iam) V11 - V2015 * Parasolid 9.0 ? 27.0 * Pro/E 16 ? Creo 3.0 * SolidWorks 2003 ? 2014 * STEP 203, 214 * Unigraphics NX 1 ? NX 9 * VDA-FS 1.0 ? 2.0 8. Other Enhancements - [1] Allows removing operations from Operation Plan after creation - [2] Allows using a previously created alignment for Gear measurement - [3] Sets smaller default Chord Height Tolerance and make it persistent - [4] Allows live deviation for CAD taught / DCC measured points - [5] Improve default settings for CAD import - [6] Added support for Tesastar-i-M8 probe - [7] Allows not to add temporary approaching path when verifying a DCC path - [8] Added stretch, fit for image options in Prompt operation - [9] Tip Manager window is now resizable - [10] Allows constructing features from Clouds measured by SP25 offline - [11] Translate and Rotate include transformation details in program line - [12] CAD Ref. Frame symbol is shown by default - [13] Added option to include stylus with ruby ball in probe display configuration - [14] Allows setting start up view of main graphics in Machine Setup 9. Driver Updates - NMC / LK Controller - Lock up issue during program run - After unexpected touch, could not move the machine with joystick - Hang during initial startup connection with SP25 probe on - I++ Driver - [1] Added SP25 gasket scan - [2] SP25 cylinder scan would not run if cylinder axis was parallel to machine X axis - [3] PHC setting in driver INI file could cause hang - Leitz Controller - Added Ethernet and error comp settings in Machine Setup - Approach distance may be overwritten by backoff distance - Pantec WPC - Approach distance may be overwritten by backoff distance - iGPS - Surveyor Simple Status bar did not update on probe/frame change - IMUSB box - Could not connect on non-US Windows system - Helmel ProCounter III - Fixed trigger latching issue - Tutor P - Problem with registering points - Tutor M - Problem with registering points - ComUD PCI - Handles foot switch trigger 10. Bug Fixes - [1] Custom tool bar position was not relative to the active display - [2] No "Quick Calibration" option in SP25 batch calibration - [3] Display > Window > Tile Vertical and Horizontal did not work - [4] DDE Preview didn't work if last saved report file path was no longer valid - [5] Large amounts of unused inferred PH20 tips were created in I++ - [6] Use PH20 inferred option should be disabled for cylinder styli - [7] CAD surface or layer color got lost when switching display mode or saved to IQCAD format - [8] Shop Floor Launcher DRO was always in Machine Ref Frame - [9] Cylinder fitting may yield invalid result with negative diameter - [10] When exporting fixture alignment file it defaulted to the last fixture reference frame created - [11] Relative measure on a manual machine / arm would still ask for measuring 3 points even if a 4th plane was selected - [12] Circle Form was output incorrectly on Feature Report - [13] MACHINE ref frame could be changed / overwritten - [14] Customer Data was not added to Data Page or BIW reports - [15] Construct bestfit 2D line could yield wrong result - [16] Error with calculating reference length of cylinder for true position - [17] Selecting an Inch program after a metric program would change decimal places to Metric program - [18] Off-line Simulation of Cone and Cylinder Scan may crash - [19] Cloud to CAD report min/max dev color issue when teaching a program with no deviation - [20] Number of days was shown as %d in maintenance contract expiring message - [21] Program summary with path shown, only reported to 3 decimal places - [22] Could not change DCC or PH20 settings from program tree if any parameter was out of range - [23] Calculation of best tip when using PH20 as PH10 may be wrong for circles - [24] Report Cloud nominals from previous project were not imported correctly in 3.4 - [25] RTP20 did not index to AxxB-180 under certain circumstances - [26] Registry permission was not set properly on non-English OS - [27] A0B0 tip was not selected properly after batch tip calibration - [28] Using joystick to add move did not show the command in Add Move dialog - [29] Could not variable named feature for DDE output - [30] T value got reported with Report Cloud when the option was not selected - [31] Software crash while doing CAD Measure Cloud on a manual machine - [32] Images were missing for MCR20-3 calibration dialog(s) - [33] PH20 measurement not possible with (+) depth - [34] Software crash when copying portion of program that contains DDE - [35] Failed to locate RTP20 pole with Deva controller - [36] Transparent DRO wouldn't show / update if main graphics is not the active view
Version (SP1) Date: 11/06/15 1. Updated Controller Support - Added support for Deva 037 USB encoder interface via a unified driver that also supports other Deva PCI/PCIE manual interface 2. Vision Enhancements - [1] Fixed inconsistent lighting control issues - [2] Improved error handling for Vision AF and Laser AF - [3] Fixed issues with relative measure and CAD 2D line picking when Z axis of part ref. frame is not aligned with machine Z axis - [3] iNexiv specific - Added "No Probe" option for Probe Assembly to allow using vision without touch probe being attached - iNexiv Cross Calibration routine could not be aborted, and may also cause software to crash - [4] Other cameras - Inhibit touch probe automatically for Autojoint mounted Deva camera - Added Z axis measurement in offset calibration routine 3. Enhancements - [1] Allows to use Gear module with I++ - [2] CAD furniture should not contribute to clearance height for path planning 4. Bug Fixes - [1] Mirroring Operation: - CAD model is no longer changed to LH coordinate system after mirroring, so all CAD related operations can function properly in mirrored programs - Rounding error of mirrored program tip angles - Restoring a mirrored program should not delete preexisting Furniture - [2] I++ PH20: - Status bar now shows actual angles instead of Non-Calibrated for inferred tips - PH20 inferred calibration could not be disabled when creating a new tip - [3] View or save report as PDF will default to the last device selected as printer - [4] Re-arm probe on iNexiv would cause CMMM to crash - [5] Moving program cursor during Align Part would disable temporary features - [6] Sphere / Cylinder setting for guided measure was not persistent - [7] Bestfit plane didn't show form error in the Feature Report - [8] Software would crash when performing CAD Teach Cloud if auto reporting was on - [9] Graphical report size got reduced each time after it was opened - [10] DDE of feature tolerance may get changed to a geometry output of a different feature