Advanced Training

Advanced Training (24 hr) course is available either onsite or at our facility in Lewis Center, OH. This basic course is meant for experienced CMM-Manager users. Students will study advanced topics and learn to leverage the highest level of CMM-Manager functionality. See our training schedule here

Course Curriculum

  • Program Database
    • Drag-n-Drop
    • Right Mouse Menu options
  • Advanced Preferences
  • Advanced Path Planning
    • Graphic Tools editing
  • Working with CAD
    • Manipulate CAD Origin
    • In-car / assembly Coord systems
  • Advanced Alignments
    • Datum (Iterative)
    • RPS
    • Free Position
    • Cloud to CAD / Best-Fit
  • Advanced Constructions
  • Report
    • Customized Header / Layout
    • Advanced GD&T
  • Operation Planner
  • Recover Out of Sync CAD-Align
  • Best Fit Interpretation / Analysis
  • Mirror Program

Optional topics as time allows

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