3.2 Release

Updated UI and PH20 enhancements
Date: 06/15/12

1. Language Support
- English, Chinese, French, German and Japanese

2. User Interface Enhancements
- Improved ribbon bar layout
- Completed icon revamping
- Allows customization of ribbon bar buttons
- User can save/load custom layouts
- Added Run controls to program database window
- Master unlock edit setting allows to edit programs without unlocking dialog

3. PH20 Enhancements
- Allows PH20 Tip / Probe Calibration from CMM-Manager: No longer required to 
  perform calibrations from UCC Server
- New supported measurements:   
   - [1] Slot
   - [2] Hole Pattern
   - [3] CAD 2D Cloud
   - [4] Complex 2D Curve
- Various bug fixes on star probe handling
- Changed minimum value of incidence angle to 2 degrees
- Tip Manager now shows inferred tip property by using different icons; user
  can change the property from the Tip Details dialog
4. CAD Measure Complext 2D Curves
- Allows selection of multiple curves on CAD model for a single measurement
- Extensive tools for curve and point management
- Availble in both PH20 and PH10 measurement modes

5. Shaded Edge CAD Display
- Added Shaded Edge CAD Display option
- Added Toolbar buttons that toggle from Wireframe, Shaded and Shaded Edge

6. RPS Alignment Enhancements
- Improved algorithm to yield only one result by using unlocked components of 
  nominal points to calculate the best solution: this requires user to input
  all fields of the nominal points correctly
- Shows warning if alignment is over-constrained
- Fixed the issue when origin is overconstrained only the last point would
  take effect

7. Handheld / Portable Enhancements
- Unified keyboard shortcuts for view manipulation with Focus
- Layout for Tactile Measure in Focus is now preserved
- Increased tactile scanning speed for iGPS and arms
- Added tactile scanning and guided measurement to Nikon Metrology API driver
- Added user preference to determine line direction vector from order of 
  measured points

8. Vision Enhancements
- Allows selecting different video resolution with DirectShow driver
- Allow using digital cameras that support RGB24 format
- Improved robustness of Auto Focus function
- Projects with certain vision operations would not save and open correctly

9. NIST Traceable Fitting Algorithm Test
- Verify CMM-Manager fitting algorithms by importing NIST data points and
  comparing feature fit results to known NIST feature results
- Executable program located at: Program\NIST_test.prg

10. AS9102 Report Output
- Direct conversion of CMM-Manager Excel report to AS9102

11. TESA Motorized Probe Head Support
- Now supports TESASTAR-M and TESASTAR-SM probe heads with both 5 and 7.5
  degree increments
- TESA motorized probe heads are only supported through direct CMM control

12. New Controller Support
- Romer Absolut Arm (through NMAPI)

13. Driver Updates
- Galil controller
  [1] Added support for Win7
- Helmel USB controller
  [1] PMAC General Errors during tip indexing  
- I++ DME interface
  [1] Support UCC Suite 4.4.8 (recommended version)
- UCC driver
  [1] Probe comp not correct for joystick touches with SP25  
- Zeiss C99
  [1] Failed to take points
  [1] Failed to detect homing complete
- iGPS
  [1] Support Surveyor 2.0
- Nikon Metrology API
  [1] Added support for tactile scanning and guided measurement
- Romer WinRDS driver
  [1] Implemented probe auto detect

14. Enhancement
- [1] Improved path planning to select the tip with minimum probe rotation
      when two tips yield the same orientation (+ and - A angles)      
- [2] Implemented ACIS optimization when importing native CAD models
- [3] Added "Form Only" profile support
- [4] Allow reversed mouse wheel action for zooming
- [5] Display target features for canned alignment at program run time
- [6] After tearing out a window such as Report or Live Video (vision) it was
      difficult to re-dock window to original maximized location
- [7] Partial Run now auto sets program range based on current selection of
      operations on the program list
- [8] Improved segement delete method in CAD Slots and Cross Section
- [9] Changed default values of star adapter to match Renishaw definition
- [10] Tip Manager calibration status icons have been improved
- [11] Displays abstract probe model during Machine Setup to help visual
       verification of the setup

15. Bug Fixes - I++ Intrerface
- [1] Joystick re-measure fallback option was not available in RUN mode after
      a motion error was received
- [2] Verifying feature didn't show error for incorrect probe assembly
- [3] Enhanced communication by stacking DCC parameter commands
- [4] When sync'ing with I++ server, show more information in the warning
      message if there is a conflict, e.g. offsets difference between CMMM and
      I++ server
- [5] Handled case when some of the tools in UCCserver are uncalibrated which
      would cause UCCserver to throw "Tool not calibrated" error and subsequent
	  sync failure	   
- [6] Allows loading and saving tip files for PH10	  
- [7] UI items disabled, removed or guarded properly for I++ interface
- [8] Datum Alignment would freeze when running program
- [9] Relative Measure did not work correctly

16. Bug Fixes
- [1] Should not allow selection of non-coplanar circles for hole pattern 
- [2] Path planning for disc probe failed when measured points were not on
      probe quadrant(s)
- [3] Construct Define nominal values would get changed after re-opening 
      the construct dialog      
- [4] "Through" cylinders could not create path due to lack of 2nd head angle (PH20)
- [5] Added back scroll bars for Graphical Report window
- [6] Cross Section Measurement:
     - DCC override option was missing
	 - Click "Adjust Cutting Plane" button then Cancel would make it fail to
	   create the cross section
	 - Click "Adjust Cutting Plane" button would also cause wrong message box
- [7] In RUN mode opening a RPS Alignment line in the program would crash
- [8] When loading CMES tip file, tip index info for star stylus was not read
- [9] Arguments could not be edited in External Command dialog
- [10] Removed Machine Property dialog for arm driver types     
- [11] The active tip name in the status bar would get changed after clicking
       OK on the View Tip Details dialog 
- [12] Some drivers only allowed COM port 1 to 4
- [13] Orientation of Ram size was incorrect if Ram was not aligned to Z axis
- [14] Software crash when using Add Move command on certain controllers (UCC)
- [15] Software crash when picking a CAD surface for cloud measurement (only 
       occurred when CAD surface was set to "Complex Surfaces")
- [16] Exporting CAD Curves to DXF did not yield proper CAD data
- [17] Software crash when loading bad IGES files
- [18] Software may crash when saving a program with Construct Hi-Lo Point
- [19] Could not add SP25 SM25-x module to a rack while building tools
- [20] Sphere in CAD was OD but recognized as ID when picked with CAD Teach 3D
- [21] RTP20 probe: pole calibratiion and tip change may fail
- [22] Software may crash when opening a project that contains graphical reports
       of run results
- [23] Touch scan area may not run/verify correctly when using micro plane
- [24] Should not allow verifying features in RUN mode
Version (SP1)
Date: 08/29/12

1. Concurrent release of CADLink 22
- CADLink R22 is built with Spatial InterOP Release R22 SP2, and it supports:
  * ACIS	1.0 - R22
  * CATIA V4	4.1.9 - 4.2.4
  * CATIA V5	R2 - R21
  * Inventor	(.ipt) 6 - 2012, (.iam) 11 - 2012
  * Parasolid	10 - 24.0.133
  * Pro/E	16 - Wildfire 5, Creo 1.0
  * SolidWorks	98 - 2012
  * STEP	AP203, AP214
  * Unigraphics	11 - 18, NX - NX8	
  * VDA-FS	1.0 & 2.0

2. Enhancements
- [1] Allows changing a DCC taught (joystick) program to PH20 motion
- [1] Allows re-picking nominal from CAD in the Nominal tab of all measurements
- [2] Auto fill the tip name suffix field with stylus index when creating tip
      set for a star probe
- [3] Too many prompts after a failed touch which was remeasured with joystick 
      on a PH20
3. Bug Fixes - Drivers
- [1] All DCC drivers:
      - Reduced the minimum DCC parameter values
- [2] LK:
      - Software may freeze when taking points with joystick on certain firmware
- [3] UCC:
      - A limit contact in joystick measure mode was returned as a touch
      - SP25 scanning may fail to start motion due to large search distance
	exceeding machine limits
- [4] Helmel USB:
      - Failed to detect home staus with new controller firmware
- [5] NMAPI:
      - Long press of a button would enter into scan mode even if trigger mode
	was selected from UI

4. Bug Fixes
- [1] Link paths may have collision with some PH20 features
- [2] Memory leak in CAD Teach Complex 2D
- [3] A cutting plane was displayed when revisiting CAD Teach Complex 2D
- [4] When creating a tip set with PH20, the correct tips were not created
- [5] Resource leaks that caused large programs to fail to load
- [6] Cylinder fit not using nominal feature info and could yield wrong results      
- [7] When run as Tactile Module for Focus Handheld, when clicked on the icon to
      return to Focus, the items in the Feature tab move to the right
- [8] The program database window no longer auto-scrolls while running a program
      to keep the current line visible
- [9] Starting path of Define Hole Pattern was set at machine origin
- [10] Abstract probe may keep showing even machine setup dialog was closed
- [11] Relative measure for features converted from joystick teach didn't execute
- [12] Software would hang when using Place CAD with a modle that contains more
       than 10000 surfaces      
- [13] Software would crash on certain system when connection to CMM is failed 
       at startup
- [14] Software would crash when opening a Bestfit Construct dialog in Run mode
- [15] Layout buttons could disappear if screen size was too small
- [16] In Define DCC feature dialog, DCC overwirte tab was always shown
- [17] Software may crash when installing 3.2 on top of an existing 3.1 
       installation due to ribbon bar layout migration
Version (SP2)
Date: 11/01/12

1. Enhancements
- [1] Allow use of all compatible Renishaw probe racks and components
  *All SP25 components
  *Extension Bars
- [2] Change SP25 Calibration form results from Absolute Error to 2xRMS Error
2. Bug Fixes - Drivers
- [1] Sharpe2:
      - Fixed incompatibility issue with some downl.oad  / syspar files
- [2] Deva DCC:
      - Resolved error handling for DCC move failure
- [3] LK / Nikon:
      - Fixed pause between probe rack changes with SP25

3. Bug Fixes
- [1] Enabled auto-scrolling of Program Database cursor during program run-time
- [2] Fixed Runout report calculation for cone feature
- [3] Fixed tip calibration issues:
      - correct probe is now retrieved when modules are stored in multiple rack ports
      - allow scan and touch probes in batch calibration
      - eliminate unnecessary prompts during batch tip calibration
      - prevent collision with calibration sphere after SP25 calibration
- [4] Fixed display of tolerance band curves in graphical report
- [5] Eliminate unnecessary DCC moves during probe rack changes
- [6] Fixed file path issues when writing report to non-local / Network location
- [7] Include audible tone when programming move points in Vision Module
- [8] Fixed High Accuracy / 5 position pixel resolution calibration in Vision Module
- [9] Fixed unintended nominal shift upon loading or syncing CAD in existing project
- [10] Fixed error recovery and prevent DCC motion after PH10 "Head Datum Error"
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