***************************************************************************** ********************* CMM-Manager V2024 Release Note ********************** ***************************************************************************** Version 2024 ( Release Date: 12/20/2024 Required SSC Date: 01/01/2025 or later 1. Supported Operating Systems - Windows 11 Pro or Enterprise - Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise * Windows 7 or 8 may still work, but not officially supported or tested * CAD Converter 2023 and later no longer support 32-bit OS, but CAD Converter 2022 can be used with CMM-Manager 2024 on 32-bit OS 2. Language Support - English, Chinese, Czech, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Spanish 3. CAD Importer Support: Spatial 3D InterOp Release 2025 1.0 - The following formats and their versions are supported: * ACIS R1 – 2025 1.0 * CATIA V4 4.1.9 - 4.2.4 * CATIA V5/V6 V5 R8 – V5-6 R2024 * DWG 2.5 – 2025 * Inventor V6 – 2025 * JT JT 8.x, 9.x, 10, 10.2, 10.3, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 10.8 and 10.9 * NX NX 1 – NX 2406 * Parasolid 9.0.x – 37.0.x * Pro/E 16 – Creo 11.0 * Solid Edge V18 – SE 2024 * SolidWorks 2003 – 2025 * STEP AP203, AP214, AP242 * VDA-FS 1.0 – 2.0 4. Profile Reporting Enhancements - Integrated Cloud-to-CAD into Profile reporting - Addes support for more comprehensive datum configuration - Added support for floating datum by using datum locks and the default locks are auto determined based on datum configuration – Added option to use a total tolerance zone and removed Distribution option 5. Other Reporting Enhancements - Added support for Flatness per unit tolerance – Added user preference to use GD&T symbol instead of text for tolerance name - Added support for constrained best-fit in Report Cloud-to-CAD and Cloud-to-Curve - Added option to invert best-fit transformation in Report Cloud-to-CAD and Cloud-to-Curve - Added option to show Max and Min deviation text box in graphical report - Added option to show 2D best-fit info text box in graphical report - Added option to show Ncompass in graphical report to depict best-fit result - Added option to display dev. value and sequence number for dev. labels in graphical report - Added min/max suffix to dev. labels in "Display dev. value" mode - Added option to toggle on/off all report output during program execution - Added support for .xls and .xlsm file formats in Excel to CSV command - Allows printed header even when report header output is disabled 6. Tip Calibration Enhancements - Made Locate Cal. Sphere operation programmable (for non-I++ systems only) - Batch Tip Calibration - Added option to force "Establish Ref. Tip" at beginning of calibration - Added option to only calibrate tips suitable for a specified cal. sphere - Added user preference for table clearance distance for tip calibration - Improved tip calibration routine to avoid possible collision when using the lower half of cal. sphere with short stem 7. PH20/5-Axis Measurement Enhancements - Allows using 5-axis commands for measuring circular plane - Allows centroid of range adjust for circular plane to exceed surface edges - Uses more accurate approach and backoff position for creation, display and simulation of PH20 link paths - Improved PH20 link path efficiency for Hole Pattern - Eliminated unnecessary ceiling moves from PH20 paths - Fixed: PH20 path planning and display issues with multiple probe assemblies - Fixed: Link path for PH20 measured cloud could cause software crash - Fixed: Link path could change measurement mode from PH20 to PH10 silently - Fixed: Surface edge could not be measured with PH20 probe - Fixed: PH20 might fail to go outside of safe cube when OP Planner was Used - Fixed: Performance issue when creating PH10 paths using PH20 in a large program 8. Scanning Enhancements - Added disc probe support for SP25 scanning on non-UCC controllers - Added new measurement methods (Lines, Circles) to Scan Cylinder - Added option to define helical scan by specifying pitch - Added new Scan Point command using self-centering function (I+ systems only) - Added Pick Apex tool to Scan Sphere - Fixed: Scan path should be based on actual reference frame instead of nominal - Fixed: Simulation speed of circle scan was not consistent - Fixed: Stop plane orientation (display) of 2D open scan might not be accurate 9. CAD Import and Management Enhancements - Allows grouping CAD entities into layers by color - Added new secondary healing option for CAD import - Added pre-process option for importing DXF file - Added option to move entire part program with Place CAD command - Added new Pick to Select tool to CAD Editor - CAD clouds are now highlighted when selected in CAD Editor - Fixed: CAD import preferences were not migrated 10. Shop Floor Launcher Enhancements - Added Calibrate Rotary Table command in SFL - Keeps SFL open, if open, when executing program from command line - Fixed: SFL did not handle tall pictures correctly 11. Other Enhancements - [1] Improved robustness of QxAutomation-Manager for extended runs - [2] Added new VBScript functions: GetReportHeaderInfo, GetCloudPointName, GetDatumAlignIterationCount - [3] Added option to project edge point to sample hit height - [4] Added option to define sphere apex by IJK input in addition to picking - [5] Updates nominal coordinates of features used in Bestfit Alignment based on user input - [6] Ensures Enter key and joystick OK button always work on Prompt dialog - [7] Added tool to export points from measurement dialog - [8] Added support for more image file formats in various operations - [9] Recall Reference Frame command now highlights currently selected ref. frame in graphics - [10] Allows Get Probe Assembly operation to be copied - [11] When an operation is enabled/diabled, dependent operations will be enabled/disabled automatically - [12] Added support for using ACR1 rack in passive mode - [13] Added option to allow calibrating ACR1 rack without using datum stylus 12. Driver Updates - Mitutoyo UC - Fixed: SP25 calibration result incorrect when scale factor was not 1.0 - Pantec - Fixed: SP25 DCC touch measurement following scanning did not work - Renishaw Equator - Fixed: Could not connect to older Equator Server running on Win7 system - Sheffield MP/SMP - Allows to configure the RECORD joystick button as keyboard Return for Prompt - Fixed: Calibrate Probe Head command not working - Fixed: Rotary table accuracy issue when table axis was tilted - Fixed: Rotary table center was not retrieved correctly in INCH mode upon connection - UCC Direct 2.0 - Added rotary table support - UCC I++ - Added the ability to execute ReQualify Head from Machine Setup - Fixed: Cylindrical probe and disc probe may not sync correctly - Zeiss C99 - Fixed:No trigger received from C99L Controller 13. Bug Fixes - [1] Touch speed should be used for moving into the feature for Find Hole function - [2] Reordering reporting operations in Program database may dissociate report items - [3] Batch reporting of true position for cylinders did not use correct vector - [4] 2D scan cloud offline resulted in empty cloud in Teach mode - [5] Line/Plane option update issue on the Distance Between dialog - [6] Failed to set password in Preferences > General Permission on some PC's - [7] Circular planes would not export as IGES - [8] Circular planes added to CAD were not recognized as circular plane - [9] Report item title and report header should always be left-justified - [10] Hole Pattern path disappeared from graphics display after Save - [11] Circular Runout name "CRUN" in report could become Total Runout "TRUN" during program run if the operation was in a collapsed program group - [12] Could not add/modify points when rectangular 5-Axis touch was selected as default - [13] Software crash if using variable feature name in Report Profile and Cloud-to-CAD - [14] 5-Axis move inside Add Move/Get Tip may be executed asynchronously when verified - [15] Save or Auto Save while simulating a hole pattern measurement would cause software crash - [16] Reset Actuals would clear out all points from an extracted cloud - [17] Reset Actuals on joystick created/measured features would clear out raw data - [18] Simplified CAD Measure interface did not create raw data - [19] Report database did not auto scroll when drag-n-drop items at the bottom of the tree - [20] Copy & Paste did not work for Report Profile - [21] Smaller font size displayed on main graphics when CAD or Cloud editor was open - [22] CMM-M would not restore/maximize once minimized on certain drivers - [23] Software crash when re-pathing from right click menu on joystick-taught features on PH20 - [24] Software crash when closing the report print preview window - [25] Gap between probe head and ram due to probe mount offset may cause path collision - [26] Cloud-to-CAD Report added to program during Align Part if Live Report option was enabled - [27] ACR1 front direction vector display was incorrect in Probe Station dialog - [28] Runtime Align Part did not work if a fixture ref. frame was taught and recalled in the same program - [29] Opening a .prg file may not load fixture ref. frame - [30] Revo 5-axis scan path creation would cause nominal shift when nominal and actual ref. frames are different - [31] Sweep Scan for plane only contained two raw data points unless verified --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2023 HF1 ( Release Date: 01/11/2024 Required SSC Date: 01/01/2024 or later 1. General Information - This hotfix release is a full standalone release and will overwrite any existing 2023 installation 2. Bug Fixes - [1] Error when connecting or homing with IMUSB box - [2] Hole pattern paths deleted after running Operation Plan --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2023 ( Release Date: 12/22/2023 Required SSC Date: 01/01/2024 or later 1. Supported Operating Systems - Windows 11 Pro or Enterprise - Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise * Windows 7 or 8 may still work, but not officially supported or tested * CAD Converter 2023 or later no longer supports 32-bit OS, but CAD Converter 2022 can be used with CMM-Manager 2023 on 32-bit OS 2. Language Support - English, Chinese, Czech, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Spanish 3. CAD Importer Support: Spatial 3D InterOp Release 2024 1.0 - The following formats and their versions are supported: * ACIS R1 – 2024 1.0 * CATIA V4 4.1.9 - 4.2.4 * CATIA V5/V6 V5 R8 – V5-6 R2024 * DWG 2.5 – 2024 * Inventor V6 – 2024 * JT JT 8.x, 9.x, 10, 10.2, 10.3, 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7 * NX NX 1 – NX 2306 * Parasolid 9.0.x – 36.0.x * Pro/E 16 – Creo 10.0 * Solid Edge V18 – SE 2023 * SolidWorks 2003 – 2024 * STEP AP203, AP214, AP242 * VDA-FS 1.0 – 2.0 4. New Automation Software - QxAutomation-Manager - Simple yet powerful solution for automation integration with CMM-Manager - Intuitive UI for configuration, testing and operation - Allows a maximum of 255 programs - Supported protocols: - Modbus TCP/IP Server - Modbus TCP/IP Client - Generic, Fanuc, Siemens - Socket TCP/IP Client 5. Added support for Renishaw Equator Gauging System - Supports full functionalities including CMM calibration for Equator - Allows one program to be used for calibraiton, mastering and measuring - Supports VB Script variable for mode selection 6. Added support for API Laser Tracker - Supports API Radian Core/Plus/Pro models - Supports various targets including SMR, Nest and vProbe - Supports auto stability trigger and auto probe comp point collection - Supports Jog, Go To and Leap Frog operations 7. Usability Improvements - Added optional simplified CAD measurement interface for quick programming - Made Program database right click menu context sensitive - Added shortcut keys in the Program database for Copy, Paste, Cut, Find, Select All 8. Reporting Enhancements - Allows to add report notes from Report database right click menu - Allows multi-select Cloud features for Report Cloud Operation - Allows to include header and customer data fields at top of each repport page - Allows output of report title in DDE operation - Allows to expand/dollapse all report database window - Changed report preview display to higher contrast colors - Improved drag-n-drop behavior in Report database - Auto switch to Report database when creating a new graphical report - Fixed: buildup of background Excel instances caused issue with paste address function in DDE operations - Fixed: dashed lines for tolerance band did not show correctly in graphical report - Fixed: Distance and Angle Between batch reporting only applying nominal values to first report output 9. Path Planning Enhancements - Increased default clearance distance for path planning to 6.0 mm - Added preference for rectangular vs circular for 5-axis plane measurement - Fixed: link path issue in certain cases - exit point from previous feature was too far out than needed - Fixed: Verify did not create approach path if the first command was a 5-axis move - Fixed: find Hole paths for Relative Measure could be created on wrong side of the feature 10. Client Monitoring App Enhancements - Added tracking joystick motion as well as DCC motion - Added option to resize dashboard tiles - Fixed: DST issue in utilization calculation 11. Other Enhancements - [1] Added new operation to allow sending I++ DME commands directly - [2] Added Construct Point - intersection of (curve) cloud and plane/line - [3] Allows to open associated program operation from Feature dialog - [4] Keeps Furniture shown when using Place CAD command - [5] Chagned circular plane size definition from radius to diameter - [6] Allows to set VB Script variables via command line argument - [7] Project revision history is now saved in file with optional comments - [8] Improve ISO 10360 Probing Test - Allows to retrieve/input temperature info - Allows to output raw data 12. Driver Updates - B&S Sharpe2 - COM port communication issue with USB to Serial adapter - Faro Arm - TP20 trigger not detected reliably on Faro USB Arm - Mitutoyo UC - Allow smaller pitch for SP25 unknown scan - Fixed SP25 calibration output not scaled to Scale Factor - Fixed software crash upon connection due to unexpected PHC response - UCC Direct 2.0 - Fixed failure to send tool offset to UCC when re-connecting - UCC I++ - Fixed software crash when doing I++ Sync with UCCserver that contains incompletely defined tools - UCC Manual (New) - Add support for UCC manual controller (MMI-2) - Zeiss C99 - Allows to set joystick backoff distance 13. Bug Fixes - [1] Edge/Angle points did not simulate or verify when using the simulate/verify function - [2] Edge Point could show false error "two vectors are not perpendicular" - [3] 2D scan feature location should not be projected to working plane - [4] Edge Points in Points page sometimes did not snap points to the nearest edge - [5] Probe Assembly dialog always shown in 3 decimal places even for inch - [6] No verify button for Manual Measure Hole Pattern - [7] Furniture did not stay hidden across sessions - [8] No prompt to save project file upon closing with changes made to graphical report - [9] Probe display incorrect during probe change (higher than it is) - [10] Operation dialog shown on main monitor when CMM-M was running on second monitor - [11] Help desk file export did not include files in all subfolders - [12] Line-Circle intersection did not display points when axis line was used - [13] Re-Boundary CAD surfaces on some models could cause software crash - [14] Exported DXF Curves could not be opened in Fusion 360 / Autodesk - [15] Not all features translate after cut/paste - [16] Certain STEP model dimension became much larger when imported - [17] SP25 scan program execution could use wrong approach and backoff distance - [18 ]Selecting multiple features for construction may cause software crash - [19] Wrong T deviation output when actual and nominal ref. frames were different - [20] Homing in SFL without configuration file would cause the software to freeze - [21] Certain Construct Point operation in a program could cause software crash upon file close - [22] Failed to close programs with collapsed Program Groups containing disabled Get Probe Assembly operations - [23] Default Vision layouts included incorrect DRO window - [24] Error constructing mid-plane of two circular planes - [25] Construct Bestfit Plane probe comp direction could be wrong when PCS Z-axis was inverse of nominal plane direction - [26] Convert Excel to CSV may fail due to non-existent cached file path - [27] Gasket scan not working properly in INCH mode - [28] Ellipse fitting issue with probe comp - [29] Background was not white when printing the display window --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2022 HF1 ( Release Date: 02/16/2023 Required SSC Date: 10/01/2022 or later 1. General Information - This hotfix release is a full standalone release and will overwrite any existing 2022 installation 2. Bug Fixes - [1] Non-teach features shouldn't be allowed to be picked in Teach mode - [2] File name on report properties window should allow trailing spaces - [3] Vision command Z location could change unexpectedly - [4] UCCserver offset knuckle probe orientation not matching in CMM-M - [5] Could not right-click on feature to create Form Graphical Report when custom report title was in use - [6] Auto-created reports (Form Deviation, Cloud-to-CAD) didn't update next custom report title - [7] Some batch reports didn't update next custom report title - [8] Pass/Fail was not reported correctly for Report Position when using Feature Report without Location Tolerance --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2022 ( Release Date: 12/20/2022 Required SSC Date: 10/01/2022 or later 1. Supported Operating Systems - Windows 11 Pro or Enterprise - Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise - * Windows 7 SP1 Pro, Enterprise or Ultimate * CAD Converter 2022 or later no longer supports Windows 7, but CAD Converter 2021 can be used with CMM-Manager 2022 on Windows 7 2. Language Support - English, Chinese, Czech, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Spanish 3. CAD Importer Support: Spatial 3D InterOp Release 2023 1.0 - The following formats and their versions are supported: * ACIS R1 – 2022 1.0 * CATIA V4 4.1.9 - 4.2.4 * CATIA V5/V6 V5 R8 – V5-6 R2022 * DWG 2.5 – 2023 * Inventor V6 – 2023 * JT JT 8.x, 9.x, 10, 10.2, 10.3, 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7 * NX NX 1 – NX 2206 * Parasolid 9.0.x – 35.0.x * Pro/E 16 – Creo 9.0 * Solid Edge V18 – SE 2022 * SolidWorks 2003 – 2022 * STEP AP203, AP214, AP242 * VDA-FS 1.0 – 2.0 3. Added support for Renishaw REVO-2 head - Supports RSP2 and RSP3 probe systems - RSP2 probes support 5-axis scan of Circle/Arc, Line, Ellipse, Slot, Plane, Cylinder, Cone, Surface Cloud features, and 5-axis touch of all features currently supported with PH20 - RSP3 probes support 3-axis scan of all features currently supported with SP25 - Supprted 5-axis scan methods: Circle, Cylinder, Gasket, Sweep, Section 4. Added support for custom Report Title - Allows using custom titles for all report items, e.g. balloon numbers - Allows auto indexing for next report title - Supports the use of variables for report title - Supports batch renaming of report titles - Added a Migrate Notes to Report Title tol to facilitate migrating previous reports 5. CAD Import and Rendering Improvements - Updated some default values for CAD import options to improve robustness - Allows retaining entity colors during CAD import - Allows importing CAD file by Drag-n-Drop from Windows Explorer - Allows wider color pallet for CAD and Feature display - Softened background colors of the graphics display 6. Reporting Enhancements - Default Report is now always sorted to match program order - Allows User Notes to be added to Graphical Report - Added Profile to DataPage and DataPage+ report output - Fixed: The OK button was greyed out on the Report Properties window if the file path was not accessible - Fixed: The bilateral position option was only set for the frist feature when doing batch reporting 7. Vision Enhancements - Added support for Nikon VMZ-S vision system - Added option to save live video image as JPEG or BMP - Fxied AF Image Tool parameter handling for non-Nexiv devices such as Deva camera - Fixed AF parameter validation issue in both Tip Info and AF Image Tool settings dialogs - Fixed Simulate/Verify issue for measurements created using Vision Auto Feature - Fxied Vision CAD Teach Complex 2D Measurement issues - Failed to create sufficient measurement points on certain curves - Generated target points were off when nominal and actual Ref. Frames were different - Picked Line may have wrong orientation plane 8. VBScript Enhancements - Added ability to allow SFL programs to pass VB variables during Run - Allows more program/report info to be retrieved using VBScript function - GetBatchRunNumber() returns total number of batch run - GetReportInfo() now support Profile and Best-fit xform values from Cloud-to-CAD and Cloud-to-Curve reports 9. Gear Enhancements - Allows Gear Probe Path creation with non-calibrated tips - Fixed software crash when running gear inspection program with graphical reports - Fixed unstable behavior when a project containing gear reports was saved to program (.prg) file 10. DMIS Enhancements - Fixed incorrect True Position tolerance calculation - Fixed DMIS feature definition for FA() which should be converted to MCS - Fixed "Cannot Compensate Probe" error when measuring point 11. Client Monitoring App Enhancements - Added notification settings for: Program start/stop/error and Report OOT - Addd Auto Refresh setting to Details view - Added Probe Trigger & Rotation Cycles view - Added visual indicator column to calibration, probe trigger and rotation cycle list views - Allows to use Windows default authentication or user input credentials - Fixed data validation issues in settings - Fixed calibration report issues with Never calibration date and large number of tips 12. Other Enhancements - [1] Added Program Group option to collapse or expand Program Database - [2] Added new CAD Scan Cloud command to allow scanning any surface as cloud feature - [3] Allows Recall of CAD Ref Frame in program - [4] Allows range adjustment for circular plane numerically - [5] Added option to "Hide/Show All Features" in Feature Database - [6] Suppresses incomplete ref. frame warning during Operation Plan program running - [7] Disabled "double click to exit application" behavior of System Pearl button - [8] Updated "NIST_test.prg" to handle Windows locale and CMM-Manager versions 13. Driver Updates - Deva DCC - Fixed: Deva camera on Deva controller failed to perform Auto Focus - Fixed: False "Machine Off" error when connecting to Deva controller on Aberlink CMM - Faro Arm - Added support for the latest Faro USB driver and arms - Fixed: Faro Serial Arm could not calibrate tips on 64-bit Windows - MCA-I / Garda Arm - Added 64-bit support - Mitutoyo UC - Fixed: DCC parameters were not scaled to Scale Factor - Pantec - Allows SP25 unknown scan's end zone size configurable - Fixed: System error 5040 upon connection on certain systems - Fixed: SP25 rack change issue - Romer RDS Arm (New) - Supports Romer Absolute Arm and Nikon MCAx direclty using RDS - Starrett API-ISA - Fixed: DCC mode disabled after probe change - Fixed: Driver INI file missing from 64-bit installer - Tomelleri Arm - Add support for Tomelleri arms using T-Core - UCC Direct 2.0 - Fixed: Vision AF command could not succeed without toggling DCC/joystick mode - UCC I++ - Allows overwriting machine limits and table height from I++ Sync - Added support for rotary table - Fixed: Knuckle tool configurations not matching in CMM-M - Fixed: PEM2 adapter configuration not matching in CMM-M - Fixed: Star probe tips syncing issue - Fixed: Block commands not executed correctly when total command number exceeded 500 - Fxied: Cal. Sphere stalk direction not sync'ed correctly with UCCserver 5.8 - Fixed: Batch tip calibration of tips not already in UCCServer failed to clear the sphere with UCC 5.7.2 and later - zCat - Added support for the latest zCAT firmware for tool sync 14. Bug Fixes - [1] QX PDF Writer did not show the file explorer window when printing - [2] Exported DXF curves could not be opened in SolidWorks, NX, etc. - [3] Construction of intersection point of Line and Circle may fail - [4] Construct point by move the point along its normal vector created an incorrect vector - [5] Path planning issues: - Could not create path with star probe in some cases - Could not create PH20 paths for cylinders with -Z axis in some cases - Could not create PH20 paths for OD circles in some cases - [6] Tactile Complex 2D point generation didn't consider depth if CAD model contains curves only - [7] CAD 3D Pick failed to identify cylinder/cone/sphere on some models - [8] CAD Measure Cloud did not retain point labels from CAD Cloud - [9] CAD Measure 3D not setting partial sphere range correctly - [10] Newly created Edge/Angle Point measurement not keeping verified actual data - [11] OD Ellipse measured with probe comp could have major and minor axes swapped - [12] Preference "Use point order for line direction" did not work - [13] Auto Feature on Arm would not take point after first feature was measured - [14] First point incorrect on auto invoked measurement when machine axes were changed - [15] Failed to create cross section curve on some closed/periodic NURBS surface - [16] Failed to import points via ASCII file format with trailing spaces on data line - [17] Number format in Excel output incorrect for European locale - [18] Report header items did not display "&" correctly - [19] CMM-Manager window could be off screen upon startup - [20] The "Show Ruby Ball Only" display option was greyed out for non-spherical probes - [21] Trigger sound settings not working for PC Speaker - [22] PH20 tip lost inferred state after "View Detail" in Tip Manager - [23] Sorting feature by name could cause software hang - [24] Software crash when auto creating a Cloud-to-CAD graphical report with over 10,000 points - [25] Software crash after deleting a feature being used by Edit Features tool - [26] Software crash when viewing Report Angle Between operation in a program (.prg) file --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2021 ( Date: 09/21/2021 1. Language Support - English, Chinese, Czech, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Spanish 2. CAD Importer Support: Spatial 3D InterOp Release 2021 1.0.0 - The following formats and their versions are supported: * ACIS R1 – 2021 1.0 * CATIA V4 4.1.9 - 4.2.4 * CATIA V5/V6 V5 R8 – V5-6 R2021 * DWG 2.5 – 2021 * Inventor V6 – 2021 * JT JT 8.x, 9.x, 10, 10.2, 10.3 and 10.5 * NX NX 1 – NX 1953 Series * Parasolid 9.0.x – 33.0.x * Pro/E 16 – Creo 7.0 * Solid Edge V18 – SE 2021 * SolidWorks 2003 – 2021 * STEP AP203, AP214, AP242 * VDA-FS 1.0 – 2.0 3. Added support for 3Dconnexion SpaceMouse - Plug and play with full functionality support on both main graphics view and graphical report view - Allows all CMM-Manager commands to be assigned to SpaceMouse programmable buttons and radial menus 4. Rendering Improvements - Improved surface edge rendering utilizing Multisampling Antialiasing (MSAA) - Resolved edge trimming for tolerance band on Cloud-to-Curve graphical report 5. Path Planning Enhancements; - Added collision avoidance for the upper extents of machine volume - Added link path option for Edge Points and Angle Points measurement - Checks and shows appropriate path planning adjustments warning for PH20 commands - Checks machine limits in all axes during program simulation - Fixed OD Cylinder path planing issue in PH20 all-axis mode 6. Feature Fitting and Construction - Added Fixed Radius fitting algorithm for Circle feature - Added option to allow using more than just the nominal axis as initial guess for cylinder fitting - Added option to construct a line from ellipse axis - Added option to construct a point by moving a point along its normal vector 7. Vision Enhancements - Added ability to pick CAD Points for vision - Added an option in parcentricity calibration to enable adjusting circle tool size dynamically based on video tip resolution - Allows iNexiv touch probe approach distance to be greater than 1mm - Fixed software crash on exit caused by image tools on floating image window 8. IPC Server Version 2.0 Update - Added more commands and new unsolicated event messaging mechanism to further facilitate client application integration - See the spec document for details 9. New Client Monitoring App - Standalone companion application, free for users with active SSC - Connects to single or multiple CMM-Manager instances over company intranet - Monitors and displays useful information in real time including CMM usage, program running state, error events, probe rotation and trigger cycles, tip calibration status etc. 10. Other Enhancements - [1] Improved points generation for Measure Cross Section and 2D Complex Curve - [2] Allows batch change to DDE settings: file name, sheet number, dev. output option and incremental option - [3] Allows grouping and sorting of Feature Database - [4] Allows graphics update for PH20 block command execution 11. Driver Updates - Caliper PCI Card - Added 64-bit driver support - Hexagon DC1 - Allows use of DONE button on joystick for Trigger Verify - I++ - Add an option to select the last used probe for Set Active Tool prompt - Fixed: inconsistent PH20 tip handling of certain custom parts added in UCCserver - Fixed: connection error due to "bad property" when querying scan parameter of a touch probe - Fixed: "Incorrect arguments" error due to sending PCS for joystick - Fixed: older UCC congiurations may not support JogDisplayCsy command - Fixed: batch calibration of tips not already in UCCServer failed to clear the sphere - Kreon Arm - Added 64-bit driver support - LK Controller - Added option to home X-axis first - Fixed: joystick trigger does not always register - Fixed: SP25 closed-loop calibration may fail - Mitutoyo UC - Improved SP25 calibration especailly with longer stylus modules - Improved SP25 unknown scan data control - pitch and stop zone - Displays error during probe change when inhibit probe command is not supported by controller - Mitutoyo UD1 - Fixed: driver may fail to load "UD1W.dll" - Romer Infinte / MCA II Arm - Fixed: connection issue on Windows 10 64-bit system using WinRDS - Sheffield MP/SMP DCC - Fixed: probe angle in DRO display not updating - UCC Direct 2.0 - Fixed: "Incorrect arguments" error due to sending PCS for joystick - Fixed: older UCC congiurations may not support JogDisplayCsy command - zCat - Fixed: "zCatParcer" error when connecting 12. Bug Fixes - [1] Link path may not be created properly for Transform Rotate operation - [2] Runout calculation for cone feature not correct - [3] Shop floor launcher may crash on launching new program after running other program - [4] CMM-Manager keeps Excel file locked after DDE operation - [5] DDE does not always output Feature Geometry in current CS - [6] DDE issue when minimizing CMM-Manager - [7] Clicking on Define Tolerance button on a blank document causes CMM-Manager to crash - [8] Customized keyboard shortcut settings are not sticky between sessions - [9] Running a program with Auto Feature commands causes CMM-Manager to crash - [10] On some systems there are missing and offset images in Excel report output - [11] Best Tip for CAD Feature results in unsupported PH10 probe orientation - [12] Changing GD&T Preferences from ASME to ISO does not stick - [13] Program Runtime format is not displayed correctly on 32-bit OS - [14] Software crash when constructing a circle tangent to a line and a ref. frame axis at runtime - [15] Gear Report Graphical variation bar graph is missing - [16] Cannot create gear tips or gear inspection path with PH20 on certain interal gears - [17] Gear parameter check (base diameter vs root diameter) is incorrect - [18] OOT positional report items with "Feature Rpt" option may not be highlighted in the Report database. - [19] Software crash when using Non-Repeatable Tip Calibration - [20] SPACE key won't work as trigger after updating feature name on measurement counter dialog for manual system - [21] Software crash after saving and load Measure & Scan Circle operation with 4th plane - [22] CAD taught 2D Arc display incorrect after re-pick CAD --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2020 ( Date: 11/06/2020 1. Software / License Rebranding - Version 2020 can be installed side by side with and migrate settings from prior versions - QxSoft license is required to run 2020 and later versions - Upgrade to version 2020 is strongly recommended as Nikon license support will be discontinued 2. Language Support - English, Chinese, Czech, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Spanish 3. CAD Importer Support: Spatial 3D InterOp Release 2020 1.0.1 - The following formats and their versions are supported: * ACIS R1 – 2020 1.0 * CATIA V4 4.1.9 - 4.2.4 * CATIA V5/V6 V5 R8 – V5/6 R2020x * DWG 2.5 – 2021 * Inventor V11 – 2021 * JT JT 8.x, 9.x, 10, 10.2, 10.3 and 10.5 * NX NX 1 – NX 1926 * Parasolid 9.0.x – 32.0.x * Pro/E 16 – Creo 7.0 * Solid Edge V18 – SE 2020 * SolidWorks 2003 – 2020 * STEP AP203, AP214, AP242 * VDA-FS 1.0 – 2.0 4. Notable Enhancements - Added VB variable access to VMZ-R laser scan start and end points - Added "Has Laser Scan" option to Video Machine Setup - Replaced Log Manager with unified driver logging control accessible from System Pearl Button | Diagnostics. - Tether Preferences Permissions to Auto Save Results - Added option to save keyboard shortcuts in Layout - Added option to display cal. sphere in main graphics view - Added option to allow easily defining start/direction/end points for Scan 2D Cloud - Added DMIS support for CPARLN - Allows to stop program running at any time not just during machine movement 5. Driver Updates - I++ - Added support for joystick motion and DRO display in PCS - Added support for VBScript function GetTemperatureReading - Added support for SP25 stylus holders SH-2A, SH-3A and SH-4A - Fixed unit change issue for scanning pitch parameter - LK Controller - Made 2D unknown scan's end zone configurable - Pantec WPC Controller - Fixed probe error upon connection for WPC-2030 and older controllers (regression introduced in 3.10) - UCC Direct 2.0 - Added support for joystick motion and DRO display in PCS - Added support for VBScript function GetTemperatureReading - Fixed potential stability issue of UCC Direct 2.0 driver 6. Bug Fixes - Fixed PH20 path linking issue for cloud measurement - Fixed DMIS syntax highlighting for keywords that are both major and minor - Fixed feature staying highlighted when switching modes - Fixed Report Cloud not outputting results when cloud is constructed in a mirrored program - Probe head mount calibration should only be allowed with digital probe --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 07/31/2020 1. Language Support - English, Chinese, Czech, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Spanish 2. CAD Importer Support: Spatial 3D InterOp Release 2020 - The following formats and their versions are supported: * ACIS R1 – 2020 1.0 * CATIA V4 4.1.9 - 4.2.4 * CATIA V5/V6 V5 R8 – V5/6 R2020 * DWG 2.5 – 2020 * Inventor V11 – 2020 * JT JT 8.x, 9.x, 10 and 10.2 * NX NX 1 – NX 1872 * Parasolid 9.0.x – 31.1.x * Pro/E 16 – Creo 6.0 * Solid Edge V18 – SE 2020 * SolidWorks 2003 – 2020 * STEP AP203, AP214, AP242 * VDA-FS 1.0 – 2.0 3. SP25 Support on Pantec Controllers - SP25 probe and scanning functionalities are fully supported 4. PH20 Enhancemetns - Various PH20 path planning enhancements and fixes - Improved simulation of PH20 head touch and 5-axis move motions - Updated preferences UI for PH20 path creation option "Use best tip" 5. Report Enhancements - Added Pass/Fail status to report header and allow access from VBScript or Pipe - Added program run time to report header - Improved loading speed of project containing large CAD model in graphical report - Improved execution speed of program containing large number of report operations - Added option to save in-tolerance reports only to the main output directory - Added support for vertical scrolling on report view with touch gesture - Auto set Disc or Spike mode when adding Cloud-to-CAD or Cloud-to-Curve to graphical report - Allows selection of .xls and .xlsm file in addition to .xlsx from DDE Operation - Fixed Min, Max & RMS dev missing from form and best-fit RPT output - Fixed CAD surface Label not updating in graphical report when view was manipulated - Fixed new graphical report text box not using selected font - Fixed moving any report item to very top would create a corrupt custom report - Fixed duplicate line/surface profile report items after feature renaming - Fixed crash when DDE ouput to non-supported Excel sheet type, e.g. Chart Sheet - Fixed multi-line notes not saving properly in Excel or CSV 6. DMIS Engine Enhancements - Improved and more robust DMIS parser - Improved DMIS Editor and Dmis Program Window - Added line number to program display - Replaced with a more user friendly font - Added mouse wheel scroll support - Auto scrolls to the error line on syntax error - Fixed issues with RMB menu commands, Ln/Col number update, break point toggling - Improved sensor handling - Tip availability is checked before program running instead of at runtime - SNSLCT allows selecting tips from different probe assemblies, and supports auto probe change if probe rack is configured - Improved error handling in program running especially for motion errors - Added support for ARC feature type - Added support for CRNOUT and TRNOUT tolerances - Allows BF construction from point buffer of one or more features - Improved DATSET handling of secondary axis and use of plane feature for origin - DMIS program execution now starts from current CMM-Manager ref. frame to allow using CMM-Manager built-in alignment tools for initial datum creation - Fixed AUTO mode path collision for OD circles 7. Rotary Table Enhacements - Addes support for manual rotary table either with or without encoder - Added partial calibration routine to allow quickly re-establishing table center that may have shifted due to poor machine homing repeatbility - Fixed issue with table calibraion routine in DCC mode when current ref. frame was not MCS 8. Installer Update - Replaced InstallShield installer with WiX installer - Improved installation logging - Fixed issue with blank DRO and measurement counter due to font installation 9. Other Enhancements - Allows programmed Batch Tip Calibration to run across I++ and other controllers - VB Script editor enhancements: resizable, updated font, Ctrl+A and Tab support - Allows specifying order for Hole Pattern measurement - CAD Teach Complex 2D - Allows picking a plane to define curves - Made Depth and Increment persistent - Fixed auto sorting curve sequence in Pick Start Curve - Fixed Ctrl+LMB function in Define Curve Sequences - Added new construction types - point from circle / plane - Added graphical feature prompt for vision measurements - Added ability to view changes of preferences from default values - Added more options for Create CAD Curve from Cloud - Added an Auto CAD Surface Normal option for spherical rays from centroid - Added Form Error column to Tip Manager and make all columns sortable in both ascending and descending order - Added option to save tip summary after batch tip calibration – Allows to run program from DCC CMM on portable arm - Allows to use numeric point labels for imported points via ASCII file format - Clarified probe change message to prompt for the expected probe by name - Remember Adjust Path setting for Cylinder and Cone features - Display warning message at bottom of main graphics window when GDI Generic renderer is detected. 10. Driver Updates - API ISA card - Added 64-bit support for ApiServer configuration only - Faro Arm - Added support for probe auto detection - Hexagon RC controller - Fixed occasional protocol authorization error - I++ - Fixed probe sometimes rotating to A0B0 between tips during batch calibration - Fixed possible collision with cal. sphere during batch tip calibration - Fixed manual probe head support - Fixed probe sync issue with star stylus holder "M2 CENTER SWIVEL" - Nikon iNexiv - Set minimum touch backoff distance to 0.1mm per controller spec - Pantec Controller - Added support for SP25 probe - Added PHC and joystick support via ethernet - Renishaw UCC Direct 2.0 - Added support for thermal compensation - Improved error handling - Zeiss C99 - Added PHC to Zeiss controller option to Machine Setup UI 11. Bug Fixes - Calibrate Gear Tips should not create duplicate tips that already exist - Parameter validation check for internal gear was incorrect - Gear properties dialog with new gear not converting units correctly initially - Navigating program list using arrow keys would leave previous path highlighted - Save Image using EDF option did not work with Inch units - Save Image should not check vertical or horizontal range for single image - Unable to create tip set with fixed A = 0 or B = 0 - Nominal values shift after Datum Alignment in program run - The minimum size of the search area of pattern search tool was affected by the image zoom factor - Existing custom tool not flushed from memory when tool was edited in UCCServer – Software crash when reporting a cloud with fewer actual points than nominal - Copy & Paste may cause software issue when a Get PA OPO was auto added - Software crash due to Loop Operations naming issue - Operation Plan path planning issue when last measurement operation had path locked - Restore default values for some Preference settings were not correct - Transform with rotation did not change 2D feature projection plane - Auto orientation plane calculation may be wrong with "Show Live Results" option - SP25 scan path creation may cause software crash when it failed to generate paths - Probe head mount calibration routine did not update ref. tip offset immediately - VB MsgBox or Form in SFL mode may be hidden behind main window - Failed to connect to Virtual CMM when default port is used by another application --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 11/22/2019 1. Renishaw UCC Direct Driver 2.0 - Removes the need of user interaction with UCCserver - Probes, tip calibration and change racks are all managed within CMM-Manager - Improves speed performance and exchangeability with other systems - Limitation: SP25 and PH20 are not supported (must use I++ driver) 2. Driver Updates - Mitutoyo MAG Box - Fixed connection issues caused by GPIB address settings - Nikon iNexiv / Nexiv - Fixed video feed error on VMZ-R system with XGA BW camera - Renishw I++ UCCserver - Fixed syncing issue of Deva camera - Fixed syncing issue of custom disc styli - Fixed syncing issue of hemisphere styli 3. Bug Fixes - Multiple Excel instances after saving Excel report - Pressing F5 (for re-measure) during program run would cause VB Syntax error - Cloud-To-CAD Alignment would not recalculate after unselecting points if the cloud name contained lower case letters - Cloud-to-CAD Reporting without bestfit option would generate large deviation if the CAD surfaces had been used in a previous Cloud-to-CAD reporting operation with bestfit option --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 08/23/19 1. Vision Enhancements - Added laser scan option to CAD Teach Vision 3D on NEXIV – Added nominal raw data to CAD Teach vision feature - Reset Tool Position command will retain the grid of multi-point Vision AF tool – Made multi-point Vision AF tool parameters sticky - Fixed non-stopping for Vision Edge Profile when using large step distance - Fixed cropped display issue for simulated live video when image view was scaled below 100% 2. Reporting Enhancements - Displays Shrink Factor on report up to 10 decimal precision - Allows Shrink Factor to be set from VB variable - Fixed missing legend on new graphical report - Fixed "Always Visible" setting for disk deviation display on graphical report at runtime - Fixed missing images for report when saved as MS Excel - Fixed missing last page for manually printing report when default printer was PDF 3. Rendering Enhancements - Improved CAD surface rendering using Frustum Culling - Fixed missing 2D elements with some Intel graphics adapters - Displays system OpenGL driver info on the About dialog 4. Other Enhancements - Allows circular range adjust for point locations on PH20 plane - Allows resizing of Status Bar in SFL - Added option for Rotate Rotary Table to suspend Align Part operation - Added VB variable support for GoTo operation - Improved mirroring of prgram containing CAD based alignment - Added new user option to specify un-mirrroed CAD axis 5. Driver Updates - Deva DCC - Did not handle 3D circular move correctly for RTP20 probe - Nikon iNexiv / Nexiv - Increased maximum touch speed to 5mm/sec - Nikon LK/NMC - Fixed error 5000 on NMC100 controller when connecting - UCC I++ - Software might hang when attempting to sync a large number of tip orientation with UCCServer - Displays warning when I++ Sync with UCCServer times out 6. Bug Fixes – Get Tip commands in PH20 program failed to mirror in certain cases – Some view helpers no longer shown after cancelling a mirror operation - Inconsistent compensation direction of constructed line from cloud data - "Reverse Comp Dir." on Bestfit Line/Plane dialog might not update properly - Create Tip Set should validate angle intervals - Notes did not display correctly in graphical report if the first column was too small. - Circle feature dialog showed wrong header description during tactile scanning - Importing an IGES file without entity for CAD Point caused software to crash - Feature preview did not dispaly during Plane-Line-Circle Alignment - Gear Graphical Report should not allow editing otherwise it may cause crash - Ref. frame was reset to machine if rotation flag was removed from a pattern rec point used in Align operation - Guided measurement cloud lost probe radius info after program run --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 05/31/19 1. Language Support - English, Chinese, Czech, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Spanish 2. CAD Importer Support: Spatial 3D InterOp Release 2019 - The following formats and their versions are supported: * ACIS R1 – 2019 1.0 * CATIA V4 4.1.9 - 4.2.4 * CATIA V5/V6 V5 R8 – V5/6 R2018 * DWG 2.5 – 2019 * Inventor V11 – 2019 * JT JT 8.x, 9.x and 10.0 - 10.2 * NX NX 1 – NX 12.0.0 * Parasolid 9.0.x – 30.0.x * Pro/E 16 – Creo 5.0 * Solid Edge V18 – ST11 * SolidWorks 2003 – 2019 * STEP AP203, AP214, AP242 * VDA-FS 1.0 – 2.0 3. Improved Large 3D CAD Performance - Multi-threading for 20x faster CAD import - Faster Auto-Normal, Best-Fitting & CAD Editor - Faster open & save projects containing CAD 4. 3D Graphics Rendering Performance - Faster & Smoother display of large CAD - Less CPU demand due to GPU rendering - Updated OpenGL rendering - Use of Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs) 5. Added Support for ISO Standard GD&T - User setting for ISO or ASME GD&T - Parallelism, Perpendicularity, Angularity - Symmetry, Concentricity, Runout - Position, Profile 6. Vision Enhancemetns - New CAD-teach Edge Point - DCC Re-measure for faster joystick programming - Save composite image output after Image Stitching - Set Runtime images as Graphical Report background - New Max Focus Point image tool - VBScript variable from Light Value Tool - Manual Optical License for Measuring Microscopes and Optical Comparators 7. Robot / PLC / Automation - Error reporting & recovery allows improved unattended operation 8. Other Enhancements - Allows to reset default values in Preferences - Added CAD importer options editor - Allows keyboard trigger in lieu of probe or footswitch - Allows "Find Program" to search entire content of VBScript - Added preference for 2D SP25 Probe Comp - Added option to prevent using negative (-) A tip angle in auto path - Changed behavior of report tolerance indicator - Allows Free-Position Alignment for manual system - Speeds up loading time of projects containing long program 9. Driver Updates - Faro Arm - 64-bit driver would not connect - Helmel USB controller - 64-bit driver wouldn not connect on some systems - Hexagon Leitz / RC controller - Use proper settings based on controller type selection in machine setup - I++ - Allows to select I++ server type from controller page of machine setup - iGPS - Added support for iGPS G6 probes - Mitutoyo UC Controller - UC400 controller may get unexpected touch during tip angle change - Pantec WPC Controller - Software would not connect to external PHC10-3 on cold start on some systems 10. Bug Fixes - Slot image tool produced is outside of the FOV if the slot is wider than FOV - Probe comp for SP25 Scan 2D Cloud could be in the wrong direction when point density is high - F5 button not working for feature re-measure during SFL program running - Some preference settings do not stay set after exiting CMM-Manager - NM PDF Writer is interacting with the Windows printer driver incorrectly - Exported alignment file (.mtf) is not correct - Software crash during execution of a mirrored program with the append program option - Cone angle display in Report Feature dialog doesn't follow angle formats set in Preferences - Selecting "Create Path" after the original path generation from Hole Pattern dialog with PH20 causes the points to be deleted - Export Raw Data as CSV with IJK does not work - Software crash when opening map component in Create Error Map utility - CAD/Report window states are not restored properly on some systems - DRO flickering issue - Relative Measurement option for CAD Teach Line is missing on manual CMMs and portable arms --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 10/05/18 1. Vision Enhancements - Added option to perform Laser AF at beginning of Laser Scan measurement - Allows using step distance for visional tool point density - The image tool settings ribbon bar will now bring up appropriate settings for Vision AF, Laser AF, Laser Scan, Pattern Search or Pattern Train tool when the respective tool is active - Added reset vision tool command that only sets position of tool while keeping its tool size - Laser scan calibration / laser scan tools improvement 2. Reporting Enhancements - Text color for out of tolerance conditions customizable - Allow user to manually input deviation magnification factor for graphical report - Auto arrange of annotations in graphical reports now also happens at runtime, and avoids the view helper area 3. iNexiv / Nexiv Enhancements - Added new settings for joystick button functions: Laser ON/OFF, X/Y axis lock - Added Z-axis fine motion setting for VMZ-R joystick 4. UCC I++ Enhancements - Added a tool to help migrate I++ tip file - Improved handling of tip syncing: keep inferred tips, maintain probe/tip mapping when probe order changes in UCC Server - Fixed probe changing and calibration issues with paritial star probe without zero index 5. Other Enhancements - Allows to display A and B probe angles in DRO - Reset batch run alignment after each run - Allows for tip summary to be auto saved in the same fashion as program summary - Added support for Hexagon 2.5 degree incremental probe heads HH-A-T2.5, HH-AS8-T2.5 - Show previous version info to be imported during CMM-M installation - Updated licensing driver to fix long delay issue on certain Windows 10 systems 6. Driver Updates - New controller support - Hexagon RC1 controller - RPS Metrology Revo Arm - Mitutoyo ComUC - 64-bit driver random crash issue - Fixed E390 and E470 error during probe change using FCR25 with SP25 on UC400 - Nikon iNexiv / Nexiv - X004 error immediately after connection and on any light control UI interaction - Connection error with Newmark rotary table using x64 driver - UCC I++ - 32-bit I++ driver errors when getting probe assembly - DCC move in one or two axes only after tip index may not be correct 7. Bug Fixes - Save and View QC-CALC toolbar icons don't work on floating report window - CMM-M crash after a failed I++ batch tip calibration - SP25 scan circle direction sometimes shown reversed in graphics display - Gear graphical report sometimes gets truncated upon initial display - Paste from Excel: clears DDE Customer Data name field - Merged excel cells are copied into DDE cell as a range of cells instead of a single entry - CMM-M is hung when the image tool is executing and a goto feature command is sent - CMM-M crash when the operator attempts to verify vision operation while AF tool is executing - Ignore failed image tool execution causes CMM-M to crash with static image - Cannot load error map in Build Error Map dialog - Hole Pattern linking path issue - Output file from Export Raw Data and Export IGES have garbled characters - Stop Program button will stop program execution regardless of user response of "Continue Program" or "Re-measure" - F5 key is supposed to remeasure the last feature on manual systems and it is crashing the software - CMM-M crash after acknowledging run-time tip calibration prompt on a manual cmm --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 07/27/18 1. Language Support - English, Chinese, Czech, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Spanish 2. CAD Importer Support: Spatial 3D InterOp Release 2018.1.0.2 - The following formats and their versions are supported: * ACIS R1 - 2018 1.0 * CATIA V4 4.1.9 - 4.2.4 * CATIA V5/V6 V5 R8 - V5/6 R2018 * Inventor V11 - 2018 Build 112 * Parasolid 9.0.x - 30.0.198 * Pro/E 16 - Creo 4.0 * SolidWorks 2003 - 2018 SP 0.1 * STEP AP203, AP214, AP242 * Unigraphics NX 1 - NX * VDA-FS 1.0 - 2.0 * JT JT 8.x, 9.x and 10.0 - 10.2 * Solid Edge V18 - ST10 * DWG 2.5 - 2018 3. True 64-bit Application - Installs 32-bit or 64-bit application based on Windows OS architecture - Some controllers will require device driver udpate: please refer to updated installation guide on CMM-Manager Forum 4. Updated VBScript Engine - Replaced old Cypress Enable engine with Microsoft Active Scripting Engine - Fully supports all official VBScript commands - Minor changes for VBScript syntax and commands: please refer to the updated VBScript Function Reference and CMM-Manager Forum 5. Support for Nikon VMZ-R - Type 1, 2 & 3 - B&W or Color camera - VGA or XGA camera - TTL Laser scan sensor supported - Movable dual segmented Ring Light supported - Micro Focus Jogbox buttons supported 6. Vision Enhancemetns - Added support for pattern search with 360 degree rotation - Added support for iNexiv / Nexiv EDF and Stitching image acquisition - Added light amount calibration routine - allows calibration of light intensity between multiple Nexiv systems - Added automatic error recovery options for vision measurement - Added additional ribbon bar controls for vision AF - Added joystick teach vision plane measurement - Allows resizing of live video window - Allows resizing of Teach Edge dialog - Improved vision auto replace image tool - Show vision commands in Program Summary 7. Reporting Enhancements - Allows reporting bilateral position in any axis for point reducible features - Improved dialog behavior for Nominal value on True Position operation - Improved performance and robustness of DDE operation 8. Other Enhancements - Allows probe compensation for SP25 Scan 2D Cloud - Added 2D Cloud to Curve Alignment - Allows addition of CAD Furniture on manual systems - Added Wait option for External Command Operation - Added size filter for CAD Teach Hole Pattern - Enabled Leap Frog for DCC systems such as zCAT - Added user option to Operation Plan report prompt - Show warning message when loading probe assembly file fails at startup - Report more detailed messages when licensing check fails - No longer disable thermal compensation by default on connection 9. Driver Updates - LK Controller - SP25 SM/SH-5 module failed to calibrate due to incorrect retract direction - Temperature sensor values are not accessible via VBScript function - UCC I++ - Added support for DEVA camera - Tip change hangs on I++ DCC with manual head - Star Probe indexing convention in UCC Server and CMM-Manager do not always match causing the incorrect tip to be called in CMM-Manager - zCAT - Updated firmware support: BOOT-06-01-18 - Error reporting when probe is positioned out of limit 10. Bug Fixes - Disable Ref. Frame shift during Transform operation - Changing AF settings in multiple AF mode would change to single AF mode - Cannot re-size surface AF tool after triggering the contrast tool - Focus feature files data have inconsistent alignment applied - Importing CAD Files with names that include a "%" will cause an error message - Loading a corrupted Furniture file would crash the software - 2D Cross Section Curves Chord Height Tolerance is too small - Executing a pattern search tool w/o an image would cause software to crash - zCAT cannot add Tip Set by typing in B angle increment - Copying & pasting features doesn't transform raw data - Paste in right click menu still active after move - Vision CAD Teach Round Slot generated arc tool in wrong location --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 2/5/18 1. Add support for zCat portable DCC CMM (I++) - Inferred horizontal probe calibration - Partial I++ Probe Sync - zCat firmware BOOT-02-06-18 and later 2. Vision Enhancements - Allow CAD teach vision AF point on surface not parallel to XY plane - Improved Vision and Laser AF robustness 3. Bug Fixes - Prevent long delays during tip calibration for I++ controller - Fixed DDE (MS Excel) failed incremental option for merged cells - Fixed software crash during connection to Galil controller - Fixed crash for programs containing VB Script and large Point Clouds --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 12/14/17 1. Simulated Live Video for Offline Programming - Simulates live camera view based on CAD model, camera FOV, zoom and lighting - Allows offline creation and adjustment of image tools such as pattern recognization - Allows easy moving of camera FOV from either simulated view or CAD view 2. Shop Floor Launcher Updates - Displays live video during SFL program execution - Fixed issue with hidden dialogs in SFL - Fixed issue with Load User View not working in SFL 3. Driver Updates - MicroScribe Arm - Updates to latest SDK - Mitutoyo ComUC Controller - Controller error when CMM-Manager attempts to set scan defection on machine with no scanning probe attached - Nikon iNexiv - Allows Vision Auto Focus that exceeds Z- machine limit on iNexiv - Repeated open / run / close program causes video feed to disconnect - Laser AF failure flag sometimes not cleared so subsequent command would fail - User abort flag sometimes not cleared so subsequent command would fail - Pixel calibration could fail due to lighting control logic - Nikon LK / NMC - SP25 Gasket Scan Arc direction reversed when scan surface was downward 4. Other Enhancements - Added option to allow "fixed nominal" for CAD based manual point measurement - Added option to highlight out of tolerance report items in report database - Sets the Save Run Data into Project option default to On 5. Bug Fixes - CMM-M crashes when exporting report to Excel with "Append" option - DDE slowdown when outputting to multiple worksheets in the same Excel file - Export Feature crashes the software in Teach Off mode - Export Raw Data failed to execute in Teach Off mode - Threaded Hole settings are not sticky with thumb tack / pin - CAD Surface Thickness settings are not sticky with thumb tack / pin - Re-Pick CAD nominal does not work for Circular Plane - A point is measured relative if "relative" is set in the circle measure window - Graphic report deviation label text and disc / spike color do not match - Changing the Soft Limit checkbox in machine setup turned on the probe outline - CMM-M point spacing not equal to requested spacing in Cross Section or 2D Complex Measurement - Transform Copy naming behavior with suffix is not consistent - Cloud-to-CAD alignment does not allow for confirmation of alignment when inside of a loop and will cause the software to crash when stopping the execution. - Tesastar head - negative A angles in full auto not working - Angle and Edge Point Measure do not update actual feature after Verify - CMM-M crashes when copying an operation before finishing construcint it - CMM-M crashes when switching to system tab after simulating advanced CAD Teach - If the vision window is undocked, when CMM-Manager is opened, the vision window will be cut off at the bottom. - Adding CAD features used by program to Furniture would cause software to crash - Gear reference frame calculation is incorrect for helical gear - Gear tip creation may not work if gear boss diameter is set to zero - Deleted Fixture Ref Frame returns unexpectedly when loading the project that saves it - Transform Copy tip angle is not rounded correctly - When a surface is 3D CAD taught from the vision tab, applied changes to the points per length/width are not shown graphically until the range adjust is brought up and closed - When you use a CAD alignment for "Align Part", the best-fit alignment report is added to the default report and cannot be deleted. - Cannot use "/r" command line argument to run offline program on manual system - Vision error message from Run Mode appears in Teach Mode when aborted by user - Tip Calibration does not allow more than 20 points - Operation pinned status not correct when cancelling picking tools - Virtual CMM loading probe assembly from CMM-Manager's Resource directory --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 10/18/17 1. Language Support - English, Chinese, Czech, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Spanish 2. CAD Importer Support: Spatial 3D InterOp Release 2017 - The following formats and their versions are supported: * ACIS R1 – 2017 1.0 * CATIA V4 4.1.9 - 4.2.4 * CATIA V5 V5R8 – V5–6R2016 * CATIA V6 Up to V6 R2016x * Inventor (.ipt) V6 - V2016, (.iam) V11 - V2016 * Parasolid 9.0 – 29.0 * Pro/E 16 – Creo 3.0 * SolidWorks 2003 – 2016 * STEP AP203, AP214, AP242 * Unigraphics NX 1 – NX 10 * VDA-FS 1.0 – 2.0 * (NEW) JT JT 9.x and 9.x * (NEW) Solid Edge V18 – ST8 * (NEW) DWG 2.5 – 2017 3. SP25 Support on Mitutoyo ComUC Controllers - SP25 probe and scanning functionalities are fully supported 4. UCC I++ Full Synchronization - Full synchronization of probe heads, probe assemblies, tips, calibration spheres, machine limits, table position for UCC Server version 5.0.3 and above. - Configuration of probes is no longer required and allowed in CMM-Manager. - Recalling probe assemblies by name is added and must be used for I++ systems, and as a result, program migration is needed for I++ systems - An I++ migration tool is added. 5. Vision Enhancemetns - Programmable Vision AF settings by each AF tool - Programmable Live Video - Added VB Script function to obtain pattern search score - Added feature filter to vision measurement - Improved Edge Profile simple tool alignment 6. Gear Module Enhancements - Added feature output to Gear Profile Check, Lead Check and Spacing / Runout Check - Added support for exporting gear data: currently supports Involute Pro format 7. Reporting Enhancements - Refactored Excel interface to be version independent - DDE improvements: - copy cell address directly from Excel - batch change of cell addresses - Allows to update report tolerance for multiple operations - True position of tilted cylinder: allows definition of nominal direction vector - Set default display mode for 2D (spike) and 3D (disc) Form Graphical Report - Added a command to re-order Default Report based on program steps 8. Other Enhancements - Added support for relative measurement on outer circles, ellipses and slots - Graphical display improvements with smoothing and anti-aliasing - Use "start diameter" instead of "start roll angle" in Gear definition - Allows multi-select Cloud features for Extract Raw Data construction - Improved default center of graphics rotation - Made Export Ref Frame for Focus programmable - Made Export Features Operation programmable - Allows zero offset and zero difference for various stylus creations - Changed STEP import options to enable healing 9. Driver Updates - NMC / LK Controller - Changed SP25 scan deflection defaults to 0.2 and 0.4 (Open loop) - Improved SP25 scanning slot robustness - Nikon iNexiv - Startup magnification is now set to low mag - Improved Laser AF robustness - Newmark Rotary Table - Exposed Newmark rotary indexer parameters in Machine Setup 10. Bug Fixes - Vision Arc tools sometimes move (float) when being resized - No probe path is generated when using CAD Teach Pilot Hole - Vision tools have wrong orientation for some CAD related measurement - Ignore tip availability/calibration warning for disabled operations - Crash when canceling Pattern Search tool during execution - Gear Lead Check diameter issue with unit change - Right click on a vision tool after starting a collect point causes the operation to start over - Software crash when closing a project file after highlighting a video tip - Values are incorrectly rounded in machine properties table page - Initial tip nominal offset is not updated on the New Tip dialog - Lighting sometimes not correct on first step of program execution - Disable PH20 inferred calibration option for unsupported stylus type - Units are not converting correctly on the Laser AF search range - Runtime results for Datum Alignment (Point Dev. and RMS) do not match the report output - Bestfit report output results should be updated to show +/- deviation - Measure Cross Section doesn't work properly in PH20 Mode - Open file from command line failed when file directory contains "." - The "rubber band" feature that occurs when using the watch window, doesn't point to the correct location on CAD taught points when the feature is verified immediately after creating it. --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 05/18/17 1. Driver Updates - Improved driver Log Manager utility - Log Manager is now accessible from Start Menu Program list - Sheffield manual - Trigger point not detected when there was controller error - Nikon iNexiv - Could not set DCC move speed less than 0.5 mm/sec - Nikon NMAPI - Updated to support NMAPI 4.4 - No longer compatible with previous versions of NMAPI - I++ Driver - Out of limit move after tip calibration in INCH mode - Sync with I++ didn't work properly with knuckle tips 2. Vision Enhancements - [1] Multi-Point Vision AF - Allows multi-point Vision AF to be used in Contrast mode in addition to Surface mode - Allows more flexible pattern creation for multi-point Vision AF - Allows multi-point Vision AF to succeed if 50% or more points are collected - [2] Allows DCC vision program to run on manual machine - [3] Vision CAD Teach All Circles / All Lines will now create automatic operations for DCC machines 3. Other Enhancements - [1] Allows user to change file path for programmed Import Point operation - [2] Skip pre-check of tip availability before program execution if Load Probe / Tip command exists in program 4. Bug Fixes - [1] DRO window could disappear when two or more graphics windows were open - [2] Constructed best fit planes had larger dimensions - [3] Collision might happen when moving from Port 4 to Port 5 during ACR3 calibration - [4] DMIS SNSDEF() and SNSSLCT() do not allow UCC Server naming convention - [5] Vision CAD Teach Complex 2D - actual feature not updated after verify - [6] Could not use enter button on handbox to interact with prompt for batch run - [7] Y coordinate inverted within FOV for Vision AF measurement - [8] Partial run outside an infinite VB Script loop caused the software to hang --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 02/28/17 1. Driver Updates - TOPMES AX3 - New manaul interface support, available in both USB and PCI versions - LK Driver - Fixed probe touch vector issue on older firmware (9312) - Sheffield SMP - No DRO update after connection on some controllers - Zeiss C99 - No DRO update and wouldn not home intermittently on older firmware - Deva Manual - Could not change scale resolution from Machine Setup - Faro Arm - Added option to allow connection retry for Faro Gage 2. Filter for SP25 Scan Features - UPR filter for Circles - Linear filter for Lines / Planes - Standard deviation elimination filter - Can be used with SP25 scan measurement directly or best-fit construction 3. Vision Enhancements - [1] Added All Matches option for Pattern Recognition to allow multiple point measurement with single execution - [2] Improved edge profiling speed at run time - [3] Slot tool scan direction not uniform - [4] Ring light orientation not updated correctly after Rotate Transform - [5] CAD taught point value not updated after Verify - [6] Multi-Point Vision AF Z axis value not correct - [7] Inconsistent vision tool location when switching between Circle and Arc - [8] Improved implementation Of DCC pause before data collection - [9] Removed ribbon tab auto switching behavior when switching between Image Window and Main Graphics Window - [10] iNexiv specific - Added Laser AF Threadhold setting to allow using higher value to improve Laser AF performance on highly reflective surfaces - Added edge thresholds setting for Pixel Resolution Calibration, and the same value will also be used for Parcentricity Calibration - Improved error message during calibration - [11] Other cameras - Added Deva 036 Vision Probe to Probe Assembly component list - All vision moves will be 3D when running program if Deva camera is mounted, regardless of alignment status 4. Improved Offline Vision / Image Inspection - Allows programmable import of static images - Added preference to auto collect vision tool for offline - Allows for unattended inspection of images from external source such as: - 2D X-Ray Images - Vision Systems – Large FOV, ShuttlePix, 3rd Party 5. Enhancements - [1] Auto save fixture reference frame at table centerline after rotary table calibration, to facilitate programming parts held on rotary device - [2] Added "Always Visible" option in Deviatio Disk Display Settings to allow showing disks even if behind CAD surfaces - [3] Added RTP20 locking lever offset setting to help prevent RTP20 pole over-travel / deflection - [4] Added "Large Probe Offset" setting to probe rack to allow additional clearance motion for large probes like Laser Scaner or Deva Vision Probe 6. Bug Fixes - [1] Mirroring Operation: - Software crash when using append option - Offset Align was not mirrored - Cloud Report was not Mirrored - [2] I++ PH20: - Measurement counter delayed count down due to uncessary communication with I++ server - Sometimes program wouldn't run due to probe radius not being set - Calibrated start probe showing as non-calibrated in CMMM - Eliminated unnecessary tip change motion duringg tip calibration - [3] Negative (-) CAD thickness for Cloud to CAD Report didn't work properly - [4] Prevented crash when using DMIS Editor - [5] Construct Circle Tangent to 2 lines gave wrong result upon running program - [6] Program (PRG) files not added to recent file list - [7] Could not open Program (PRG) files from recent file list - [8] Lower case "w" was disabled for feature renaming - [9] Closing certain driver comm log window may cause software crash - [10] Load User View did not work when Vision window was active - [11] CAD Alignment result box might be empty when running program - [12] Copying and pasting a feature sometimes produced a feature of same name --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 07/19/16 1. Language Support - new - Czech and Italian - English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Polish and Spanish 2. Update to Spatial 3D InterOp Release 2016 1.0.1 - The following formats and their versions are supported: * ACIS R1 – 2016 1.0 * CATIA V4 4.1.9 - 4.2.4 * CATIA V5 V5R8 – V5–6R2016 * CATIA V6 V6 R2016x * Inventor (.ipt) V6 - V2016, (.iam) V11 - V2016 * Parasolid 9.0 – 28.0 * Pro/E 16 – Creo 3.0 * SolidWorks 2003 – 2016 * STEP 203, 214 * Unigraphics NX 1 – NX 10 * VDA-FS 1.0 – 2.0 3. Nikon iNexiv / Vision Phase II - Improved UI / user experience for vision related tasks - Embedded lighting & zoom Controls - Allows batch changes of vision commands - "Go To Feature" function to quickly restore vision environment - Double click 3D CAD to move XY stage - New default vision UI layout - Extended CAD teach capabilities - Point, Plane, Cloud, Slots, Arc, Complex 2D - Relative measure for 2D features - Allows range adjust - Extended Image Tools - New Projection tool - Enable scan direction toggle for linear tools - Multi-Point vision auto focus - Pattern recognition / search & train Image - Enhanced edge detection / edge threshold - Direct access to edge threshold settings from Ribbon bar - Added Absolute Maximum and User Pick options - Allows separate positive and negative edge thresholds - Auto light intensity function - Unknown 2D cloud measurement / edge tracing - 1.5x objective lens support - Added variable support for nominal feature location of vision measurement - Improves Vision AF repeatability 4. Reporting Enhancements - Supports up to Microsoft Excel 2016 - New Datum Alignment report output - DDE output reduced writing time to Excel file - Allows single axis true position for Point and Sphere - Report note is now included in fly-by results window - Normal Parallel option is now the default for report distance between two lines - Profile Report tile now includes feature name 5. Path Planning Enhancements - Updated PH20 model accuracy for improved reach - Allows SP25 range adjust for Arc 6. SP25 Enhancements - Added dedicated SP25 Define & Scan Arc function - SP25 tip calibration now uses user defined colatitude angle - All SP25 measurement will generate nominal raw data 7. Alignment Enhancements - Free Position Alignment takes into account vision tool placement - Added option to auto runtime align part with Set Origin for Vision - Added a CAD synchronization indicator to status bar 8. Gear Enhancements - Added left hand helix gear support - Allows to measure an internal gear with a boss above the gear - Improved gear graphical report 9. Other Enhancements - [1] Added multi-Copy option to Transform - [2] Allow alphanumeric sorting of programs in SFL tree - [3] Added prompt to clear report at beginning of Operation Plan execution - [4] Best Tip from CAD 3D is extended to include irregular surfaces - [5] Allows editing operation plan after it has been created - [6] Removed restriction that a shank be smaller than the tip - [7] Added variable name support for constructed features - [8] Added Home Rotary Table command 10. Driver Updates - Nikon iNexiv - Out of limit stage moves will no longer be executed and error will be reported - Allows to home when probe is detached - I++ Driver - Supports UCCsuite software V5.0.3 - Helmel USB - Fixed: Small moves were not executed - IMUSB - Fixed: Probe may not trigger after running a long period of time - Zeiss - Allows using RDS/DSE head in either Zeiss or Renishaw head convention - Mitutoyo MAG - Added GPIB command delay - Newmark Rotary Table - Improved rotary table communication control 11. Bug Fixes - [1] Tolerance in Report Position would reset after selecting a Datum Feature - [2] Cloud-to-Cloud profile max / min deviation were using absolute values - [3] Zoom All should not include CAD Furniture - [4] Renaming a point extracted from a cloud could cause crash - [5] Status Bar did not close or refresh properly from Layout menu - [6] Vision measurement issues when nominal and actual ref. frame were different - [7] Surface display mode could not be changed - [8] Possible software crash when double clicking Calibrate button on SP25 ref. tip calibration dialog - [9] Unable to create PH20 paths when CAD teach a line not on XY plane - [10] Dimension tools in graphical report may cause software crash when feature was added, deleted or status changed - [11] Construct Define nominal values could change after re-opening the dialog - [12] Software crash when picking an invalid surface for Cross Section base plane - [13] Software crash while doing a Measure & Scan of a circle without CAD - [14] Software would not start up after switching license - [15] Probe tip display was not smooth in INCH mode - [16] Mirroring not working properly with Runtime Align Part, Sync Part Ref. Frame and Report Composite Position - [17] The "Show Location Tolerances" option in Report Position was not saved - [18] Show / Hide flag was not persistent in CAD Editor - [19] Batch run report header didn't update correctly - [20] Align or Level may not take effect if the axes were already very close - [21] Point order of raw data for circle could change after being extracted with Apply probe comp option --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 11/06/15 1. Updated Controller Support - Added support for Deva 037 USB encoder interface via a unified driver that also supports other Deva PCI/PCIE manual interface 2. Vision Enhancements - [1] Fixed inconsistent lighting control issues - [2] Improved error handling for Vision AF and Laser AF - [3] Fixed issues with relative measure and CAD 2D line picking when Z axis of part ref. frame is not aligned with machine Z axis - [3] iNexiv specific - Added "No Probe" option for Probe Assembly to allow using vision without touch probe being attached - iNexiv Cross Calibration routine could not be aborted, and may also cause software to crash - [4] Other cameras - Inhibit touch probe automatically for Autojoint mounted Deva camera - Added Z axis measurement in offset calibration routine 3. Enhancements - [1] Allows to use Gear module with I++ - [2] CAD furniture should not contribute to clearance height for path planning 4. Bug Fixes - [1] Mirroring Operation: - CAD model is no longer changed to LH coordinate system after mirroring, so all CAD related operations can function properly in mirrored programs - Rounding error of mirrored program tip angles - Restoring a mirrored program should not delete preexisting Furniture - [2] I++ PH20: - Status bar now shows actual angles instead of Non-Calibrated for inferred tips - PH20 inferred calibration could not be disabled when creating a new tip - [3] View or save report as PDF will default to the last device selected as printer - [4] Re-arm probe on iNexiv would cause CMMM to crash - [5] Moving program cursor during Align Part would disable temporary features - [6] Sphere / Cylinder setting for guided measure was not persistent - [7] Bestfit plane didn't show form error in the Feature Report - [8] Software would crash when performing CAD Teach Cloud if auto reporting was on - [9] Graphical report size got reduced each time after it was opened - [10] DDE of feature tolerance may get changed to a geometry output of a different feature --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 08/13/15 1. Language Support - English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Polish and Spanish 2. Update to Spatial 3D InterOp Release R25 SP1 HF21 - The following formats and their versions are supported: * ACIS R1 – R25 * CATIA V4 4.1.9 - 4.2.4 * CATIA V5 R8 – R24 (V5–6R2014) * CATIA V6 V6 R2014x * Inventor (.ipt) V6 - V2015, (.iam) V11 - V2015 * Parasolid 9.0 – 27.0 * Pro/E 16 – Creo 3.0 * SolidWorks 2003 – 2014 * STEP 203, 214 * Unigraphics NX 1 – NX 9 * VDA-FS 1.0 – 2.0 3. Nikon iNexiv / VMA Support - 3D Multi-Sensor Metrology Software support for Nikon iNexiv - 2D / 3D CAD Import - CAD Teach - Touch Probe and Vision Probe - Lighting – Top, Bottom & Eight Segment Ring - Laser Auto Focus Z Depth Measurement - Rotary Index – fully controlled with feedback loop - Automatic Probe Changer 4. Deva 036 Camera Support - Digital USB Camera for CMM Retrofit - 3 Mega-Pixel Color Camera - 16 White LED Ring Light - PH10M Compatible 5. Vision Enhancements - Implemented more robust edge detection and blob algorithms with user preferences - Unified lighting control panel; Associates lighting parameters with video tip - Allows 3D alignment and measurement by measuring surface points with Vision AF or Laser AF tools - Display camera FOV in main graphics display to facilitate programming - Implemented double-click function on image view to move stage - Made Save Image to file command programmable - Added a vision specific Add Move operation - Added a unique mark to Crosshair image tool to indicate it's at image center - Allows obtaining Auto Focus score using VBScript: GetAFScore - Improved vision driver - Added Video Capture Filter and Pin property buttons in Machine Setup to allow direct access - Supports RGB24 and RGB32 formats for generic DirectShow compatible cameras 6. Reporting Enhancements - Allows editing report directly from report view using double-click - Allows direct PDF export - Allows direct QC-Calc export for foreign language users - Allows using two datums for Total Runout - Allows variable definition of report notes - Default Report window is now saved with UI layout - Color bar legend will always be shown for disc display in Graphical report even when form deviation is 0 7. Support of CAD Furniture - Allows to permanently import and locate CAD elements into software workspace for Probe Racks, Cal Sphere, Fixtures etc. - Furniture participates in Path planning / Collision Avoidance - Easy movement of entities between CAD Furniture and CAD Part 8. Other Enhancements - [1] Allows removing operations from Operation Plan after creation - [2] Allows using a previously created alignment for Gear measurement - [3] Sets smaller default Chord Height Tolerance and make it persistent - [4] Allows live deviation for CAD taught / DCC measured points - [5] Improve default settings for CAD import - [6] Added support for Tesastar-i-M8 probe - [7] Allows not to add temporary approaching path when verifying a DCC path - [8] Added stretch, fit for image options in Prompt operation - [9] Tip Manager window is now resizable - [10] Allows constructing features from Clouds measured by SP25 offline - [11] Translate and Rotate include transformation details in program line - [12] CAD Ref. Frame symbol is shown by default - [13] Added option to include stylus with ruby ball in probe display configuration - [14] Allows setting start up view of main graphics in Machine Setup 9. Driver Updates - NMC / LK Controller - Lock up issue during program run - After unexpected touch, could not move the machine with joystick - Hang during initial startup connection with SP25 probe on - I++ Driver - [1] Added SP25 gasket scan - [2] SP25 cylinder scan would not run if cylinder axis was parallel to machine X axis - [3] PHC setting in driver INI file could cause hang - Leitz Controller - Added Ethernet and error comp settings in Machine Setup - Approach distance may be overwritten by backoff distance - Pantec WPC - Approach distance may be overwritten by backoff distance - iGPS - Surveyor Simple Status bar did not update on probe/frame change - IMUSB box - Could not connect on non-US Windows system - Helmel ProCounter III - Fixed trigger latching issue - Tutor P - Problem with registering points - Tutor M - Problem with registering points - ComUD PCI - Handles foot switch trigger 10. Bug Fixes - [1] Custom tool bar position was not relative to the active display - [2] No "Quick Calibration" option in SP25 batch calibration - [3] Display > Window > Tile Vertical and Horizontal did not work - [4] DDE Preview didn't work if last saved report file path was no longer valid - [5] Large amounts of unused inferred PH20 tips were created in I++ - [6] Use PH20 inferred option should be disabled for cylinder styli - [7] CAD surface or layer color got lost when switching display mode or saved to IQCAD format - [8] Shop Floor Launcher DRO was always in Machine Ref Frame - [9] Cylinder fitting may yield invalid result with negative diameter - [10] When exporting fixture alignment file it defaulted to the last fixture reference frame created - [11] Relative measure on a manual machine / arm would still ask for measuring 3 points even if a 4th plane was selected - [12] Circle Form was output incorrectly on Feature Report - [13] MACHINE ref frame could be changed / overwritten - [14] Customer Data was not added to Data Page or BIW reports - [15] Construct bestfit 2D line could yield wrong result - [16] Error with calculating reference length of cylinder for true position - [17] Selecting an Inch program after a metric program would change decimal places to Metric program - [18] Off-line Simulation of Cone and Cylinder Scan may crash - [19] Cloud to CAD report min/max dev color issue when teaching a program with no deviation - [20] Number of days was shown as %d in maintenance contract expiring message - [21] Program summary with path shown, only reported to 3 decimal places - [22] Could not change DCC or PH20 settings from program tree if any parameter was out of range - [23] Calculation of best tip when using PH20 as PH10 may be wrong for circles - [24] Report Cloud nominals from previous project were not imported correctly in 3.4 - [25] RTP20 did not index to AxxB-180 under certain circumstances - [26] Registry permission was not set properly on non-English OS - [27] A0B0 tip was not selected properly after batch tip calibration - [28] Using joystick to add move did not show the command in Add Move dialog - [29] Could not variable named feature for DDE output - [30] T value got reported with Report Cloud when the option was not selected - [31] Software crash while doing CAD Measure Cloud on a manual machine - [32] Images were missing for MCR20-3 calibration dialog(s) - [33] PH20 measurement not possible with (+) depth - [34] Software crash when copying portion of program that contains DDE - [35] Failed to locate RTP20 pole with Deva controller - [36] Transparent DRO wouldn't show / update if main graphics is not the active view --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version (SP1) Date: 07/07/14 1. Updated Controller Support - Add support for Helmel ProCounter III manual interface box 2. Enhancements - [1] Add option to changle color of individual CAD layers - [2] Add PH20 mode support for CAD Measure Cloud - [3] Allow to change global PH20 settings within a program - [4] Allow range adjustment tool to use full circle range for SP25 Scan Arc 3. Bug Fixes - [1] Options are not sticky for Report True Position - [2] PH20 offline machine settings do not match online settings - [3] True position of point not supported in DMIS - [4] IQCAD does not import to the center of the machine - [5] Partial Run clears the already generated report - [6] Unit in graphical report of gear inspection data is not correct - [7] Project becomes corrupt when adding features to cad - [8] Point features are not highlighted when selected from feature list or used in Construction - [9] Absolute Coord Deviation does not calculate correctly - [10] With UCC Server block mode on, sometimes CMMM is not stoping when UCC is in an error state - [11] When re-visiting a constructed feature, actual and nominal features may have opposite directions - [12] Tip storage in registry won't migrate properly if there are unexpected sub-keys under "TipList" - [13] Any 10 digit part number is converted to "2147483647" in report header - [14] Preferences > General Permissions > Change Preferences becomes unchecked when you cancel the Preferences dialog - [15] Unchecking "Overwrite DCC Parameters" option in PH20 measurement dialog will not remove PH20 tab - [16] Sometimes cannot perform DCC measurement with Tutor driver --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 04/18/14 1. Language Support - English, Chinese, French, German and Japanese 2. Unified Nikon Metrology License / Dongle Support - All Nikon Metrology 3D Software Products now use a unified license and dongle - New features include: - [1] Network / Site License - [2] One Dongle for up to three software products (CAMIO, CMM-Manager & Focus) - [3] Softlock Option – no dongle required 3. Update to Spatial 3D InterOp Release R24 SP2 - The following formats and their versions are supported: * ACIS R1 – R24 * CATIA V4 4.1.9 - 4.2.4 * CATIA V5 R6 – R23 (V5 – 6R2013) * CATIA V6 V6R2014x * Inventor (.ipt) V6 - V2014, (.iam) V11 - V2014 * Parasolid 12 – 26.0.151 * Pro/E 16 – Creo 2.0 * SolidWorks 2003 – 2014 * STEP 203, 214 * Unigraphics NX 1 – NX 9 * VDA-FS 1.0 – 2.0 4. Improved IGES Import - CAD Layer Support - [1] Options to show / hide and include / omit for Path Planning - IGES import healing option - [1] Automatically fix surface trimming 5. New DCC Tip Calibration Options - Spend less time calibrating probe tip angles - All DCC Tip Calibration options now include: - [1] Calibrate One Tip - [2] All Tips - [3] All New Tips - [4] All Tips Required for Current Program 6. More Batch Run Options for Multi-Part Fixture Arrangements - In addition to linear part arrangement / spacing, now rectangular grids can be specified - Specify number of rows / columns of parts and spacing - Optionally, specify angular offset for offset rows / columns 7. Enable Live Report in Run Mode - After Program Execution any Measured Point(s) will be compared to CAD automatically if Live Report Preference is enabled 8. VB Script Variable Defined User Notes - Allows more flexibility for parametric program including User Notes - User Note Report text can now be assigned via VB Script variable 9. Enhanced Global Security Settings - Prevent unauthorized program and software changes - Globally assign permissions including: - [1] View, Modify, Run, Load and Save Programs - [2] Change Preferences - [3] Option for password protection 10. Automatic Help Desk File Export - Spend less time looking for files - Single button click to export all files required for Help Desk submission 11. Other Enhancements - [1] Multi-Touch graphics manipulation support for Multi-Touch displays - [2] Included Nikon’s Focus style graphic manipulationso 3D Orbit and 2D Rotate - [3] Official Microsoft Windows 8 / 8.1 Support - [4] Microsoft Excel 2013 Report & DDE Output - [5] Added Profile of Point for DMIS execution - [6] Allow reporting of Cone Half Angle as well as current Full Angle - [7] Add IJK ouput for all applicable features in the Feature Report - [8] Include Cloud Name for Imported Point Clouds - [9] Added an option to not show location tolerance info in True Position report - [10] Added threaded hole option to Teach Bolt Pattern - [11] Allow prompt for Customer Data of Batch Run before program execution - [12] Improved Zeiss rack calibration on-screen instruction - [13] Improved best tip selection in path planning - [14] Added all-inclusive environment import / export 12. Driver Updates - LK Controller - [1] Error Map initialization error when file path is not set - [2] Cannot recover from unexpected touch error - [3] Estop error message not being reported immediately by CMM-Manager - Pantec Controller - [1] Internal position window for moves is set to 1mm which is quite high - [2] Add option to enter max move and measure acceleration in IQWPC.ini file - [3] Retract distance change is not applied until a probe default is created - [4] The stop button of CMMM doesn't stop the move of the CMM - Baces3D Arm - [1] Ignore error 21 loss of communication error on Baces Arm - Robocon controller - [1] Shows out of limit error on the first measurement command - [2] Repeated warnings to go into DCC mode on nearly every move and just about after every touch - UCC Direct Driver - [1] Fails to rotate probe if HCU is connected and no errors are reported - Zeiss C99 - [1] Will not perform the retract move after reaching the home position - CMMC Controller - [1] Error 706 command specification error with CMMC-1 - ComUC Controller - [1] CMMM crashes on connect - Helmel ProCounter II Box - [1] Fail to connect - Helmel USB Controller - [1] Not detecting out of limit error for S_Measure command - Deva DCC driver - [1] When calibrating all tips, the motion sometimes will not start 13. Bug Fixes - [1] Add Move dialog did not update from Cartesian to Polar when the DRO state was changed - [2] Cannot select 2nd circle from cylinder / sphere intersection construct - [3] CMMM may crash when picking points on CAD with manual license - [4] CAD Thickness Property does not handle (-) negative values in reporting and alignment operations - [5] Update Path Planning program database right click option was confusing - [6] Extra moves in path for round slot using PH20 with mixed fixed quill and all axes commands - [7] CMMM may crash when creating complex 2D path - [8] Plane best-fit may fail if center of plane is at (0,0,0) - [9] DDE Preview didn't work on new install - [10] Add Move shows position in machine ref frame - [11] CAD Alignment Results Box not displayed at program run time - [12] Mirror probe of A0B0 gets mirrored to A0B90 - [13] Best Tip selection is off by 7.5 degrees - [14] Constructed point location changes during programming - [15] When import an IGES, the ID/OD flag of certain cone feature may be incorrect - [16] Software would crash when fitting projection plane for 2D feature failed - [17] When the names of two probe assemblies (Tools in UCCServer) are similar, the tips in CMM-Manager and UCCServer goes out of sync - [18] "Out of Memory" error when opening a saved project due to chord height tolerance handling - [19] Cannot execute a saved manual vision program - [20] CMMM crashes on request of a probe calibration with french version - [21] feature display and feature name are out of sync after deleting and re-creating features - [22] "Feature Type" in .rpt report still shows when preference is set as OFF - [23] Modifying the name of a pointcloud reporting crash CMM-Mgr - [24] Construct plane, normal of actual plane may be flipped - [25] Plane construction (thru a point normal to a plan) may result in invalid plane - [26] PH20 path creation failed when there is large difference between actual and nominal ref frame - [27] Data Page output for GD&T outputs actual (0.0) instead of deviation - [28] During calibrate all probes (across all probe assemblies), CMM move is commanded while probe head is still rotating - [29] Software crashes / hangs when Delete Boxed is used from CAD Editor - [30] Cylinder best-fit result may be wrong under certain circumstances - [31] Construct plane, actual and nominal features may be different when there are multi solutions - [32] Failed to Export data to Excel when a program run is complete - [33] Remove 333 probe limit in CMES res file import --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version (SP1) Date: 09/04/13 1. Updated Controller Support - Add Ethernet Support to Pantec Eagle Controller - Support Surveyor 2.1 "minified" Position Update Method - Add Support for Automatic Retry of Missed Touch Point on Zeiss C90 Controller 2. Improved Probe Tip Data Management - Only write current tip data to PC registry after single tip calibration 3. Improved Graphical Report CAD View - Prevent mis-aligned CAD Model by disabling feature normal vector estimation 4. Bug Fixes - [1] Fixed Default File Path for new Out of Tolerance Report Properties - [2] Use of Locks in Cloud to CAD Alignment no longer reverts Machine Ref Frame - [3] Fixed Software Crash caused by Batch / Partial Run with Save Ref Frame - [4] Fixed Non-Adjusted Path for Relative Measure Feature(s) in Block Mode - [5] Fixed Bolt Hole Execution for PH20 / I++ Interface - [6] Fixed Line Tangent to Two Circles Construction (maintains orientation related to input features) - [7] Removed Header Lines from DataPage+ Report Output - [8] Fixed "Dataport contains no points" error on Verify Feature with I++ Interface - [9] Fixed 4th Plane / Relative Measurement Flag (did not stay checked after modifying operation) - [10] Fixed Issues with Importing, Measuring and Reporting Clouds - Fixed update of nominal value when feature is re-named - Crash when picking Cloud from graphics on CAD Teach Cloud - Crash when constructing points from clouds if feature name is invalid - [11] Fixed Zeiss C99 Controller issues - Corrected Ethernet Communication issue - Touch Point not Recorded in Zeiss firmware V 20.18 - [12] Fixed Unicode Issues (non-human readable characters in messages) - Causing Crash with DMIS Execution - Unreadable Error Messages with MCAII Interface - Unreadable Firmware Version Message with Nikon iNexiv Interface - [13] Fixed Path Planning Issues - Points were not created on Some Complex 2D Curves with PH20 - Path Planning Ignored Conical Stylus / Shoulder on 6P Stylus --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 03/21/13 1. Language Support - English, Chinese, French, German and Japanese - Unicode: no need to change locale to display some foreign languages, e.g. Japanese, Chinese 2. Path Planning Enhancements - Path Calculation Speed Improved up to 30x faster - Improved Path Efficiency - [1] Probe changes can occur places other than ceiling - [2] Blended moves for OD circular features - Added New Path Planning Preferences - [1] Dynamic Tip Changes - [2] Circular / Blended Moves - [3] Avoidance Zone - More Useful Message / Prompt for Failed Paths - Show Paths for All Selected Program Operations - CMM volume is included in collision detection / avoidance 3. Handheld / Portable Enhancements - Immediate Form / Fit Deviation: - [1] For Measured Features - [2] For Best Fit Alignments - [3] Displayed in Flyby Window - Live Deviation Enhancements: - [1] Display Deviation of CAD Points as well as Surfaces - [2] Display (+/-) Deviation instead of Absolute Deviation - Allow out of Sequence Point Measurement for Point Clouds - Allow selection of iSpace / iGPS Active Frame from Status Bar 4. Reporting Enhancements - T Deviation – Option to Report Point / Cloud Normal Deviation Only - Extensive tools for curve and point management - Allow In / Out of Tolerance Reports to be Saved in Unique Locations - Added DataPage+ ™ Report Output 5. CAD Display Enhancements - Option to automatically Display CAD as Wireframe on Rotation, Pan and Zoom - [1] Improves CAD Manipulation for Large CAD Model - Mouse / Web Wheel now Zooms on Cursor Location not Screen Center 6. Probe Rack Enhancements - Allow use of all compatible Renishaw probe racks and components - [1] ACR3, FCR25, MCR20, SCR200 - [2] All SP25 components - [3] Auto-Joint Extension Bars - [4] User setting to adjust nominal rack port locations 7. Gear Module Enhancements - Added Internal Straight and Spiral Gear - Report – Lead, Profile, Pitch, Tooth Thickness, Runout, 3D Topography 8. Automatic Teach / Run Mode Selection - Automatically switch to Teach Mode when editing operation in Run Mode - [1] Eliminates extra mouse clicks to edit a program while in Run Mode 9. SP25 / I++ Enhancements - SP25 support for I++ / UCC Server - Improved Tip Calibration for SP25 - [1] Improved path for quicker calibration - [2] Controller dependent parameter control – touch speed, backoff, approach and deflection 10. New Controller Support - Baces3D Articulated Arm - BIG 3D Creator 11. Driver Updates - Zeiss C99 driver will not record some DCC touch points [1] Fixed cases where valid touch points were previously ignored - Zeiss C90 and Sharpe2 driver - fixed unexpected program stopping during execution - Deva 3D CMM false trigger is latched after Probe Rotation [1] Reset Trigger Status immediately after successful Probe Rotation - Add WiFi and Bluetooth options to supported Articulated Arms in addition to USB and Serial connections 12. Enhancement - [1] Added BestFit Construction Open, Square and Round Slot - [2] Added a utility for calculating probe mounting vectors - [3] Enhanced Picking ID Sphere for CAD Teach Measure - [4] Added Variable definition of BestFit Alignment XYZ Points - [5] Allow immediate measurement of Start, Dir & End Points for unknown Touch Probe scan - [6] Enhanced inside sphere (and possibly partial outside sphere) CAD Teach Picking - [7] Allow retaining features measured from initial run during batch run - [8] Include Dimension Name in runtime prompt for User Defined Dimension - [9] Allow "Setting" Active Probe from Probe Assembly Dialog - [10] Add option to update tip angle(s) in the Transform function - [11] Improved Mirror Program function to allow use of PH20 probe - [12] Allow re-calculation of CAD Alignment, Bestfit Alignment, Cloud-to-CAD Alignment, Leap Frog results with selected points 13. Bug Fixes - I++ Interface - [1] Prevent negative A angles with PH10 - [2] Tip Angles are not locked to 7.5 degrees with PH10 - [3] Fix Crash on scan CAD line - [4] Scan parameters are now initialized to a default value - [5] Allow a "programmed" tip calibration with PH20 - [6] Allow sending I++ command blocks over 62K - [7] Now guard against using reserved I++ tool names like "RefTool", "NoTool" and "BaseTool" for probe assembly names - [8] Prevent inferred calibration with PH10 - [9] Fixed Probe Selection - Name is changed after sync - [10] Fixed inability to set some scan parameters from client / CMM-Manager 14. Bug Fixes - [1] Fixed Crash when running empty "move command" list - [2] Added VB Script Variable Recall of Feature Name for constructions - i.e. @MyFeatureName - [3] Prevent constructed features from using illegal feature name - [4] Fixed Crash when selecting RANGE for a sphere - [5] Fixed intermittent connection crash with iGPS - [6] Fixed Cloud to CAD Alignment results in a crash - [7] Fixed Head Touch, move and accel settings when Running PH10 programs on a PH20 machine - [8] Measured Points and CAD were out of sync in Form graphical report - [9] Disable use of negative A Angles for all PH20 move and touch points - [10] Reduced time required to shut down CMM-Manager application - [11] Prevent VB execution when marked as Disabled in Program Database - [12] Fixed Auto Zoom for Prompt settings in Shop Floor Launcher - [13] Fixed MIH probe length definition - [14] Fixed Wrong Solution on some Best Tip for CAD 2D/3D Feature(s) - [15] Prevent Software crash when connection to Surveyor is lost or Surveyor is shut down - [16] Eliminate Lag During Tactile scanning due to beep duration / timing - [17] Allow multi-line notes to be displayed in printed IQ format report - [18] No longer guard against disabling Save Fixture Ref Frame --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version (SP2) Date: 11/01/12 1. Enhancements - [1] Allow use of all compatible Renishaw probe racks and components *ACR3 *FCR25 *SCR200 *MCR20 *All SP25 components *Extension Bars - [2] Change SP25 Calibration form results from Absolute Error to 2xRMS Error 2. Bug Fixes - Drivers - [1] Sharpe2: - Fixed incompatibility issue with some downl.oad / syspar files - [2] Deva DCC: - Resolved error handling for DCC move failure - [3] LK / Nikon: - Fixed pause between probe rack changes with SP25 3. Bug Fixes - [1] Enabled auto-scrolling of Program Database cursor during program run-time - [2] Fixed Runout report calculation for cone feature - [3] Fixed tip calibration issues: - correct probe is now retrieved when modules are stored in multiple rack ports - allow scan and touch probes in batch calibration - eliminate unnecessary prompts during batch tip calibration - prevent collision with calibration sphere after SP25 calibration - [4] Fixed display of tolerance band curves in graphical report - [5] Eliminate unnecessary DCC moves during probe rack changes - [6] Fixed file path issues when writing report to non-local / Network location - [7] Include audible tone when programming move points in Vision Module - [8] Fixed High Accuracy / 5 position pixel resolution calibration in Vision Module - [9] Fixed unintended nominal shift upon loading or syncing CAD in existing project - [10] Fixed error recovery and prevent DCC motion after PH10 "Head Datum Error" --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version (SP1) Date: 08/29/12 1. Concurrent release of CADLink 22 - CADLink R22 is built with Spatial InterOP Release R22 SP2, and it supports: * ACIS 1.0 - R22 * CATIA V4 4.1.9 - 4.2.4 * CATIA V5 R2 - R21 * Inventor (.ipt) 6 - 2012, (.iam) 11 - 2012 * Parasolid 10 - 24.0.133 * Pro/E 16 - Wildfire 5, Creo 1.0 * SolidWorks 98 - 2012 * STEP AP203, AP214 * Unigraphics 11 - 18, NX - NX8 * VDA-FS 1.0 & 2.0 2. Enhancements - [1] Allows changing a DCC taught (joystick) program to PH20 motion - [1] Allows re-picking nominal from CAD in the Nominal tab of all measurements - [2] Auto fill the tip name suffix field with stylus index when creating tip set for a star probe - [3] Too many prompts after a failed touch which was remeasured with joystick on a PH20 3. Bug Fixes - Drivers - [1] All DCC drivers: - Reduced the minimum DCC parameter values - [2] LK: - Software may freeze when taking points with joystick on certain firmware - [3] UCC: - A limit contact in joystick measure mode was returned as a touch - SP25 scanning may fail to start motion due to large search distance exceeding machine limits - [4] Helmel USB: - Failed to detect home staus with new controller firmware - [5] NMAPI: - Long press of a button would enter into scan mode even if trigger mode was selected from UI 4. Bug Fixes - [1] Link paths may have collision with some PH20 features - [2] Memory leak in CAD Teach Complex 2D - [3] A cutting plane was displayed when revisiting CAD Teach Complex 2D - [4] When creating a tip set with PH20, the correct tips were not created - [5] Resource leaks that caused large programs to fail to load - [6] Cylinder fit not using nominal feature info and could yield wrong results - [7] When run as Tactile Module for Focus Handheld, when clicked on the icon to return to Focus, the items in the Feature tab move to the right - [8] The program database window no longer auto-scrolls while running a program to keep the current line visible - [9] Starting path of Define Hole Pattern was set at machine origin - [10] Abstract probe may keep showing even machine setup dialog was closed - [11] Relative measure for features converted from joystick teach didn't execute properly - [12] Software would hang when using Place CAD with a modle that contains more than 10000 surfaces - [13] Software would crash on certain system when connection to CMM is failed at startup - [14] Software would crash when opening a Bestfit Construct dialog in Run mode - [15] Layout buttons could disappear if screen size was too small - [16] In Define DCC feature dialog, DCC overwirte tab was always shown - [17] Software may crash when installing 3.2 on top of an existing 3.1 installation due to ribbon bar layout migration --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 06/15/12 1. Language Support - English, Chinese, French, German and Japanese 2. User Interface Enhancements - Improved ribbon bar layout - Completed icon revamping - Allows customization of ribbon bar buttons - User can save/load custom layouts - Added Run controls to program database window - Master unlock edit setting allows to edit programs without unlocking dialog 3. PH20 Enhancements - Allows PH20 Tip / Probe Calibration from CMM-Manager: No longer required to perform calibrations from UCC Server - New supported measurements: - [1] Slot - [2] Hole Pattern - [3] CAD 2D Cloud - [4] Complex 2D Curve - Various bug fixes on star probe handling - Changed minimum value of incidence angle to 2 degrees - Tip Manager now shows inferred tip property by using different icons; user can change the property from the Tip Details dialog 4. CAD Measure Complext 2D Curves - Allows selection of multiple curves on CAD model for a single measurement - Extensive tools for curve and point management - Availble in both PH20 and PH10 measurement modes 5. Shaded Edge CAD Display - Added Shaded Edge CAD Display option - Added Toolbar buttons that toggle from Wireframe, Shaded and Shaded Edge 6. RPS Alignment Enhancements - Improved algorithm to yield only one result by using unlocked components of nominal points to calculate the best solution: this requires user to input all fields of the nominal points correctly - Shows warning if alignment is over-constrained - Fixed the issue when origin is overconstrained only the last point would take effect 7. Handheld / Portable Enhancements - Unified keyboard shortcuts for view manipulation with Focus - Layout for Tactile Measure in Focus is now preserved - Increased tactile scanning speed for iGPS and arms - Added tactile scanning and guided measurement to Nikon Metrology API driver - Added user preference to determine line direction vector from order of measured points 8. Vision Enhancements - Allows selecting different video resolution with DirectShow driver - Allow using digital cameras that support RGB24 format - Improved robustness of Auto Focus function - Projects with certain vision operations would not save and open correctly 9. NIST Traceable Fitting Algorithm Test - Verify CMM-Manager fitting algorithms by importing NIST data points and comparing feature fit results to known NIST feature results - Executable program located at: Program\NIST_test.prg 10. AS9102 Report Output - Direct conversion of CMM-Manager Excel report to AS9102 11. TESA Motorized Probe Head Support - Now supports TESASTAR-M and TESASTAR-SM probe heads with both 5 and 7.5 degree increments - TESA motorized probe heads are only supported through direct CMM control 12. New Controller Support - Romer Absolut Arm (through NMAPI) 13. Driver Updates - Galil controller [1] Added support for Win7 - Helmel USB controller [1] PMAC General Errors during tip indexing - I++ DME interface [1] Support UCC Suite 4.4.8 (recommended version) - UCC driver [1] Probe comp not correct for joystick touches with SP25 - Zeiss C99 [1] Failed to take points [1] Failed to detect homing complete - iGPS [1] Support Surveyor 2.0 - Nikon Metrology API [1] Added support for tactile scanning and guided measurement - Romer WinRDS driver [1] Implemented probe auto detect 14. Enhancement - [1] Improved path planning to select the tip with minimum probe rotation when two tips yield the same orientation (+ and - A angles) - [2] Implemented ACIS optimization when importing native CAD models - [3] Added "Form Only" profile support - [4] Allow reversed mouse wheel action for zooming - [5] Display target features for canned alignment at program run time - [6] After tearing out a window such as Report or Live Video (vision) it was difficult to re-dock window to original maximized location - [7] Partial Run now auto sets program range based on current selection of operations on the program list - [8] Improved segement delete method in CAD Slots and Cross Section - [9] Changed default values of star adapter to match Renishaw definition - [10] Tip Manager calibration status icons have been improved - [11] Displays abstract probe model during Machine Setup to help visual verification of the setup 15. Bug Fixes - I++ Intrerface - [1] Joystick re-measure fallback option was not available in RUN mode after a motion error was received - [2] Verifying feature didn't show error for incorrect probe assembly - [3] Enhanced communication by stacking DCC parameter commands - [4] When sync'ing with I++ server, show more information in the warning message if there is a conflict, e.g. offsets difference between CMMM and I++ server - [5] Handled case when some of the tools in UCCserver are uncalibrated which would cause UCCserver to throw "Tool not calibrated" error and subsequent sync failure - [6] Allows loading and saving tip files for PH10 - [7] UI items disabled, removed or guarded properly for I++ interface - [8] Datum Alignment would freeze when running program - [9] Relative Measure did not work correctly 16. Bug Fixes - [1] Should not allow selection of non-coplanar circles for hole pattern - [2] Path planning for disc probe failed when measured points were not on probe quadrant(s) - [3] Construct Define nominal values would get changed after re-opening the construct dialog - [4] "Through" cylinders could not create path due to lack of 2nd head angle (PH20) - [5] Added back scroll bars for Graphical Report window - [6] Cross Section Measurement: - DCC override option was missing - Click "Adjust Cutting Plane" button then Cancel would make it fail to create the cross section - Click "Adjust Cutting Plane" button would also cause wrong message box - [7] In RUN mode opening a RPS Alignment line in the program would crash - [8] When loading CMES tip file, tip index info for star stylus was not read - [9] Arguments could not be edited in External Command dialog - [10] Removed Machine Property dialog for arm driver types - [11] The active tip name in the status bar would get changed after clicking OK on the View Tip Details dialog - [12] Some drivers only allowed COM port 1 to 4 - [13] Orientation of Ram size was incorrect if Ram was not aligned to Z axis - [14] Software crash when using Add Move command on certain controllers (UCC) - [15] Software crash when picking a CAD surface for cloud measurement (only occurred when CAD surface was set to "Complex Surfaces") - [16] Exporting CAD Curves to DXF did not yield proper CAD data - [17] Software crash when loading bad IGES files - [18] Software may crash when saving a program with Construct Hi-Lo Point - [19] Could not add SP25 SM25-x module to a rack while building tools - [20] Sphere in CAD was OD but recognized as ID when picked with CAD Teach 3D - [21] RTP20 probe: pole calibratiion and tip change may fail - [22] Software may crash when opening a project that contains graphical reports of run results - [23] Touch scan area may not run/verify correctly when using micro plane - [24] Should not allow verifying features in RUN mode --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version (SP1) Date: 02/24/12 1. Concurrent release of CADLink 21 SP1 - Optimized CAD importer options - Installs prerequisites for Parasolid import 2. Language Support - Added language packs for Chinese, French, German and Japanese 3. Bug Fixes - I++ Driver - [1] Significantly reduced sync time with I++ server when large number of tips are defined in I++ server. Example sync time for a full set of PH10 probe orientations (720) has been reduced from 6 minutes to 10 seconds. - [2] Warnings and prompts were shown twice when syncing with I++ server - [3] Homing message remained after cancelling home with I++ server - [4] Default tool parameters might be sync'd with the incorrect tool - [5] PH20 head commmands were sent when using PH10 4. Bug Fixes - PH20 - [1] Couldn't auto create right tip for slot features when using PH20 as PH10, hence path creation would fail - [2] "Use PH20" option may be changed when deleting next measurement operaton in a program - [3] When creating a 2D or 3D cloud with "Use PH20" option, the cloud nominals were not created - [4] Collision detection may not be accurate for moves between head touches - [5] Forcing to use fixed B angle didn't work for features with orientation vectors close to -Z axis - [6] Edge Point and Angle Point didn't work due to change to block mode - [7] Link path didn't work if "current tip & local path" was selected - [8] PH20 with Star Probe: - [1] Didn't send change tip command to UCCServer when a different stylus of star probe was selected - [2] When switching from a non-star probe to a star probe, the active tip in CMMM might differ from UCCServer - [3] Tip Manager did not indicate calibrated status of a star probe - [4] Should not allow "Fixed Quill" option for star tips other than index 0 (down) 5. Bug Fixes - Drivers - [1] Helmel USB: - DCC search distance not taking effect - [2] Mitutoyo CMMC: - GPIB timeout errors (EABO) after updating to faster computer - [3] Robocon: - Handled scenario when controller does not send move complete status - [4] Zeiss C99: - Failed to take DCC touches - Joystick touch probe vector not reliable - RDS probe angle update not reliable - Connection lost when ethernet communication timed out - Did not warn if the servo was off on attempt to home - Added speed and acceleration settings for re-homing 6. Bug Fixes - [1] Resource leaks causing crash after long program running - [2] Software would crash on attempt to go online with certain drivers if driver was not properly installed - [3] Software would crash when unit was changed from status bar with Vision display window was active - [4] Software would crash when importing certain CAD files - [5] Software would crash when creating paths for hole pattern failed and user still clicked OK and then CANCEL - [6] Software may crash when loading a program file from Shop Floor Launcher - [7] Probe change to a tip with zero diameter was not detected in HHAPI driver - [8] When defining a tip, B angle of RTP20 probe was limited to -90 ~ +90 while it should be -180 ~ 180 - [9] Auto Expand of Feature Database option was not working properly - [10] Tip Management was exceptionally slow when number of tips was large - [11] Shop Floor Launcher did not work in Japanese version - [12] Failed to import Parasolid models on Windows XP SP2 due to missing VC++ 2008 runtime redistributable for CAD importer - [13] Printing report would print the entire report regardless of pages selected - [14] If File Location settings in Preferences contained invalid folder path, when trying to exit CMMM an error message "an unnamed file contains an invalid path" would display and couldn't exit - [15] Verify path may command a wrong move at beginning - [16] Unneeded clearance move at end of Relative Measurement when using 4th Plane option - [17] Improved calculation of CAD Best Tip - [18] When using two racks, need to roate probe to specified angles for each rack before storing/loading as they may be different - [19] "Use safe pos btw ports" option in Probe Station dialog was only available for MCR racks; now it is enabled for all racks --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 12/12/11 1. PH20 Enhancement - PH20 commands are now sent in blocks for faster execution - Added All Axes measurement type for most feature types to take advantage of head touch function where Fixed Quill measurement is not possible - Created dedicated PH20 user settings - Added support for fly mode to control blending of probing paths - Allows to overwrite PH20 parameters within each individual measurement - Improved probe/tip synchronization with UCC Server - Improved system error reporting and recovery - Refer to PH20 User Guide in Help folder for detailed instructions 2. New Spatial CAD Importer - Unified CAD importer solution from Spatial for all Nikon applicaiton software (Note: Datakit CAD importer is still supported in parallel) - STEP and VDA becomes standard in addition to IGES and DXF - CAD importer option is integrated into CMM-Manager license code, and can be enabled for demo/trial licenses - CADLink component needs to be installed separately for all CAD formats other than IGES and DXF - CADLink v21 is built with Spatial InterOP Release R21 SP2, and it supports: * ACIS R4 to R21 * CATIA V4 4.1.9 to 4.2.4 * CATIA V5 R2 to R20 * Inventor 11 to 2010 * Parasolid 12 to 23 * Pro/E 16 to Wildfire 5 * SolidWorks 98 to 2010 * STEP AP203 & AP214 * Unigraphics 11 to 18, NX1 to NX7.5 * VDA-FS Up to 2.0 3. I++ Interface Enhancement - Added full support for PH10 probe system - Added support for thermal compensation - Allows multiple probe assemblies by default 4. Shop Floor Launcher Enhancement - Allows to load and run a program in SFL through command line - Allows to access Tip Manager from SFL with manual license - Prompt will be suppressed if the prompt content is empty 5. View Manipulation Settings - Added unified configuration for all Nikon metrology software - Added legacy Focus and Camio configurations - Allows the use of Right Mouse Button only command 6. Slimmed down version of CMM-Manager for Focus Handheld - Launched by Focus as a Tactile Module - Contains Feature tab only for tactile measurement - Uses Handheld API driver - No desktop shortcut, program menu, license check 7. New Controller Support - Nikon iNexiv: for touch probe only - Zeiss C98 controller - Deva 004 PCI controller 8. Driver Updates - Leitz controller [1] Added support for DEA wrist head [2] Added support for TCP/IP protocol - Caliper PCI Card [1] Allows to change axis assignment for Caliper PCI driver [2] Fixed probe compensation direction issue - Handheld API [1] When coordinate data is unreliabe, e.g. device at end stop, DRO window will stop updating and indicate the state - MCC200 controller [1] Software might lock up after an unexpected hit - CMMC-1 controller [1] Connection error when firmware version is older than 49 - LK200 controller [1] Trying to rotate probe before homing would cause communication error - C90 controller [1] Added option to ignore joystick collision error from controller - Robocon controller [1] Communication issue due to timing 9. Enhancement - [1] User prompts/messages will fit in the status bar by auto font resizing and line wrapping - [2] Added option to extract raw data with probe compensation - [3] Added option in Auto Save Results to auto save Program Summary after each program run - [4] Allows user to input length for all supported features in Report Parallelism, Perpendicularity and Angularity - [5] Allows DDE output for composite position report - [6] Made background color of edit boxes in dialogs more distinguishable: editable v.s. read-only - [7] Moved "Sync with I++" command to main ribbon bar - [8] Added option to export 2D CAD curves to DXF file - [9] Allows keyboard shortcut for Pin (Ctrl+R) and Unlock (Ctrl+E) commands - [10] Changed the file open common dialog back to being sizeable - [11] Improved user interface to modify rack angle in machine setup - [12] Probe head list in machine setup is alphabetize for easy selection - [13] Changed default working values for DCC parameters to optimal/reasonable - [14] Allows JPEG image import for offline vision inspection - [15] Moved user note location from below to above each report item in the RPT report output - [16] Allows an entire SP25 SM/SH assembly to be put in one port of FCR25 - [17] Improved robustness of IGES import - [18] Changed default "Auto Select Last Created Features" option to true only for portable localizers - [19] Changed the default "Auto Sync CAD" option to true for all devices 10. Bug Fixes - [1] Create 2D CAD Curve from points was too slow - [2] Graphical view is maintained when changing unit - [3] Hand cursor would disappear when moved over hyperlinks in About dialog and Check Update dialog in Windows 7 system - [4] There was no warning when there were not enough target points and user tried to verify or simulate the paths - [5] Auto feature report not working with Measure Hole Pattern - [6] Verified points of Touch Probe Area Scan should not be probe compensated - [7] Message boxes were not modal in certain operations - [8] Measure Auto 2D Feature would not work correctly after an external feature was selected as orientation plane - [9] Software would crash if there was CMM error when homing prompt dialog was up and user selected to disconnect the machine - [10] Shop Floor Launcher DRO window popup menu "Show Transparent" would bring up the regular DRO window - [11] When CMM-M auto started UCCserver, and the CMM wass not homed, the prompt to home dialog wouldn't stay on top - [12] Report Perpendicularity, Parallelism and Angularity for cylindrical zone would yield larger than expected results due to consideration of form - [13] Tip and probe assembly would go out of sync if collision occurred during a Get Tip command and user selected Ignore. - [14] Software would crash when creating and running an Operation Plan if the first selected operation was an empty Add Move/Get Tip command - [15] When verifying, one-axis only move would move to the three-axis position of the start point - [16] Angle reporting format Deg/Min/Sec applied to non-angle type items, e.g. Distance Between report item - [17] Add 5 axis move did not auto update A/B angles - [18] PH20 probe head speeds weren't converted correctly in unit change - [19] Probe display would shift upward in Z axis by an addition probe length at every connect/disconnect with Virtual CMM or I++ offline - [20] TP20 module was modeled 1mm shorter than Renishaw spec - [21] 3D Measure picked plane sometimes didn't match the CAD plane orientation in plane X, Y axes - [22] The Verify button was grayed out when revisiting Touch Probe Scan operations if the interface was locked - [23] In some measurement dialogs, if a verifying measurement was cancelled, the Verify and Simualte buttons would be grayed out even if the dilaogs were unlocked - [24] Crash when trying to interset two tangential circles - [25] Display of CAD curve tolerance band was incorrect in graphical report if the curve was a composite curve - [26] Crash at end of connection with I++ driver in Chinese version - [27] No text in License Agreement dialog in localized versions - [28] Show/Hide Windows popup menu displayed in English in localized version - [29] Construct Points from Cloud sometimes would not allow picking of Cloud - [30] Dev. labels could be partially blocked by CAD display in graphical report - [31] Crash when changing Full Circle option in DCC Re-measure Circle - [32] DCC parameters always reset to hard-coded default after software was shut down and restarted - [33] Auto Feature 2D: auto end didn't work properly with Auto Feaure Report - [34] Touch Profile Scan dialog field showed weird characters --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version (SP2) Date: 05/11/11 1. Enhancement - Added support for Japanese language 2. Bug Fixes - PH20 - [1] When launching UCC Server from CMM-Manager during connection, UCC Server interface may become foreground window, and block the Homing message box - [2] If 5-axis Move was created as the first command of a measurement, Verify function would execute it as a Get Tip followed by a 3-axis move - [3] Auto path creation for external cone feature: Start and End points were not along the axis of the cone - [4] Handled ChangeTool failure on "No Calibration Plane available" error from UCC Server - [5] PH20 Vector Touch / Head Touch might not be registered during feature Verify or program running due to the "Time interval between Probe Change and next valid trigger" setting in user preferences (default is 1000ms) - [6] Point measurement data was too perfect, due to a rounding issue in a third-party component for I++ driver 3. Bug Fixes - Drivers - [1] iProbe: - Fixed issue with tip change detection (including zero diameter tips) - Fixed issue with tip name containing spaces, comma and other delimiters - Fixed issues in connection when Surveyor is running on a different PC - [2] Leitz: - Added ability to enable/disable error compensation in the controller - Fixed issue of DCC moves wrongly considered as complete before it actually reaches the target - [3] Zeiss C99: - Fixed timing issue in ethernet communication 4. Bug Fixes - [1] Software would crash when Add Move was selected from menu in Offline mode - [2] Software would crash when revisiting a Construct Point operation and selecting a different input feature - [3] Software would crash when changing feature name after creating a form dev. graphical report for that feature - [4] Memory error in displaying a circular plane, e.g. graphical display view froze and would not draw, or display "out of memory" error - [5] Live Report in teach mode: initial lower and upper tolerance data was not using default tolerance table - [6] Report Could-to-Curve Deviation: points could be projected to wrong curves and yield large deviation - [7] CMM-Manager did not start when trying to start it from command line with /sfl confiuration_file.xml - [8] Path Creation Preferences did not allow user to select all 3 Path Planning Options with Star Probe, although full auto with star probe is now supported - [9] Report Header and Graphical Report in Excel report are now aligned properly - [10] Installer may hang or crash on certain computer systems - [11] Report Composite Position would yield large FRTZF deviation if Datum Features option was selected --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version (SP1) Date: 02/25/11 1. Bug Fixes - PH20 - [1] If UCCServer was started by CMMM, active tip syncing was not correct - [2] Tool paths linking two circles might not be right when using PH20 - [3] Some PH20 related functions and commands were not enabled in offline mode - [4] Approach path may not be right when Verifying paths 2. Bug Fixes - [1] The DRO did not appear upon new installation - [2] Taskbar/Desktop icon/Outlook lockup when CMM-Manager was running - [3] Some drivers may fail to load due to missing VC6 Redistributable - [4] Toolbar on the Report Window in Shop Floor Launcher was missing - [5] Software would crash at end of program run if report was set to be opened or printed in RPT format - [6] When CAD Shading was set to Yellow, the CAD surface could no longer be picked or queried from the graphics display - [7] Feature availabiilty status was not auto updated if feature database was separated from program database - [8] For MCAII arms that were not turned on, a blank message box would appear when trying to connect - [9] Excel 2010 support was not updated - [10] Font registration may fail during installation --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 02/07/11 1. New Graphical User Interface - Ribbon bar style layout - New icons through-out - Highly customizable floating, docking and sliding panes - Fully customizable toolbars and shortcut keys - Transparent heads up display style DRO - Enhanced interfactive status bar with graphical tool tips - List / Toolbox task panel - Updated controls and dialogs 2. PH20 Probe Head Support - Utilizes "head touch" probing to measure points by moving only the probe head rather than the entire CMM structure - 5 axis blended moves - elimates traditional probe indexing - Easily convert existing CMM-Manager programs by a single command - Option to create inspection paths as a traditional "PH10" probe head, by automatically finding best tip angles based on CAD or defined gemoetry - Supported with UCC controller through I++ interface - Features supported with auto path planning include Circle, Cylinder, Cone, Sphere and Plane 3. Enhanced Dual Monitor Support - Tear away tabs allow docking of Report, Live Vision / Video view, or Database panels on second display 4. Launch Focus with Alignment Export - One toolbar button to launch Focus application with user selected reference frame automatically transferred to Focus workspace seamlessly 5. New Controller Support - I++ DME interface - Nikon iProbe 1.1 6. FCR25 Rack Enhancement - SP25 module is no longer required for TP20 to be used with FCR25 rack - If there is a common component between two probe assemblies, e.g. SM25-1, the common component will no longer be put away and loaded back when changing probe assembly - Entry height could be wrong previously depending on module type 7. Report Enhancement - Added support for Excel 2010 - Added option to start leader line of a dev. label from end point of the spike in a graphical report 8. Construct Enhancement - Define to Construct Point / Line / Circle /Plane operations are integrated into respective Construct Toolboxes - Added user preference to auto select last created feature(s) applicable for current Construct operations 9. Other New Commands - Added Reset Windows command to restore position and size of all display windows to their defaults - Added Translate and Rotate view commands to the view toolbar - Added Mouse Mode button in status bar to enable or disable mouse mode for supported arm devices 10. Enhancement - [1] Added display of direction arrows for scanning paths of Cylinder, Cone and Sphere features - [2] Added preference to auto expand Feature Database - [3] Added preference for dialog location and auto moving out of the way of expanded panes - [4] Units button in status bar now directly changes units - [5] Added Portuguese (Brazil) to language selection menu 11. Bug Fixes - [1] Points extracted from a cloud could have wrong names and cause access error - [2] If preference option for "Group by Surfaces/Curves" was not enabled, dev. I-J-K would not be output to report - [3] When creating cloud-to-CAD graphical report from feature database, Auto Arrange may not work properly for the first time - [4] RPS Alignment may crash in singular cases - [5] RPS Alingment configuration check might not be right if OK buton was selected directly without using Preview first - [6] In live report, label backgroud color and disk color sometimes didn't match - [7] "2D Feature Location" option in CAD Teach 2D Joystick measurement could not be changed if there was no raw data - [8] Form Error of a sphere feature displayed in the fly-out result box could be wrong in certain cases - [9] Ref. frame constructed from datum features in Report Position might be incorrect for YZ and ZX plane - [10] DDE dropdown list selection of report item would select the wrong item when revisiting the dialog interface in Teach mode - [11] System resources could run out when many graphical reports containing dev. labels were created and opened - [12] Star probe with no straight down tip (Index 0) could cause system to crash - [13] Initial alignment created through seperate Level-Align-SetOrigin steps could be flipped at run time for Arm application due to nonrepeatable part orientation in machine reference frame; this can now be corrected by setting Program Running user preference - [14] GetProbeAssembly command would fail for SP25+FCR25 set up, if there was an extension between PH10 and SP25, e.g. PEM1 - [15] Creating and running an operation plan on Manual CMM could crash --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 04/22/2010 1. Shop Floor Launcher - Allows easy access to an entire library of CMM-Manager programs - Allows operator to run CMM-Manager programs from a simplified push button browser - May be used in a shop floor environment and is designed to be touch screen friendly - Editor Mode allows programmer to design the layout of the launcher interface; Operator Mode allows operator to run programs only 2. Operation Planner - Allows an operator to easily create operation plans within a program by simply picking the operations, features or dimensions from the program - Only the required portion of the program will be added to the operation plan - Probe paths will be re-calculated on the fly based on pre-defined safe cube - Operation plans can be recorded and run again from Operation Planner - Operation plans will be updated automatically when the master program is changed 3. Handheld API v3.3 Integration - Replaces MCA Utilities with built-in probe calibration - Tactile scanning is currently not supported 4. Windows 7 Support - Compatibility with Windows 7 has been tested on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions - Hardware compatibility depends on individual device drivers 5. New Controller Support - DEA B3CS controller - DEA B5P controller - Helmel USB Manual Box - UCCLite Manual 6. Clearance Plane - Programmable setting allows to define a safe plane for joystick taught operation and path creation "Current Tip & Local Path", which will be used to automatically add move points at start or/and end of measurement - Clearance moves will be updated automatically when the preceding clearnce plane setting is changed 7. SP25 Scanning Enhancement - Added known feature scan support for all feature types for MCC200 controller - Improved cylinder scan for UCC controller - Fixed default probe matrix issue with non-calibrated tips for UCC controller 8. New Fitting Algorithms for Sphere, Cylinder, Cone - Added the following fitting algorithms in addition to existing Least Squares method to all applicable measurement and construction operations: - Max Inscribed - Min Circumscribed - Min/Max 9. Thermal Compensation for LK CMM - Added support for thermal compensation for LK CMM 10. Exchange/Share Tip files with CMES - Allows to save and load tip calibration files in CMES format (.res) - Allows to save tip file in a program 11. CMM-Manager offline as Replacement for FormFit - Allows to run a program offline for data comparison - Allows to import points from an external file in a program - Added support for Micro-Vu's Inspect output format 12. Report Enhancement - Added more reference length options in Report Position - HTML report output: bitmaps paths made relative and all bitmaps placed in one folder for each report 13. High Level Language Enhancement - Added a canned Loop operation which wraps VBScript For...Next function to facilitate programming of repetitive operations - Added VBScript variable support for Rotate Ref. Frame, and Rotate Table commands 14. Enhancement - [1] Extend RPS Alignment to allow using more than 6 points - [2] Added Construct Circle - intersection of Cylinder and Sphere - [3] Allows to add batch tip calibration to program - [4] Allows numerical inputs for range adjustment for cylinder - [5] Improved speed of Define Cloud’s point importing - [6] Added point feature to Auto Feature measurement - [7] Added Spanish (Modern) to language selection menu - [8] Changed GetTip path command display from "GT" to "AxxBxx" for quick reference to new tip angle - [9] Added Rotary Table Info dialog for user to view and modify rotary table calibration status and results - [10] Allows to use FCR25 rack for TP20 without SP25 probe 15. Bug Fixes - [1] Feature list text was blurred in some foreign language locales - [2] Some parameters were not sticky in batch feature report - [3] Report Composite Position should use the smallest bonus tolerance among all features - [4] Picking line from CAD model may gave false warning about invalid 3D orientation vector - [6] Software would crash during tip calibration under certain circumstances - [7] Extract points from cloud: point names are out of sync after Copy&Paste - [9] Hole pattern verify from path page would incorrectly create a center circle - [10] Wrong point location for edge point with one sampling point on UCC1 --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 10/08/2009 1. Visual Improvements - Added Modern toolbar option to use higher resolution icons - Improved toolbar docking ability - Updated tab orders for all dialog Boxes - Combined general user preference settings into one tabbed dialog interface 2. Live Report Improvements - Improved color deviation disc display function - Changed backround of deviation labels for improved visibility: white background for in tolerance, colored background for out of tolerance - Added option to show color coded legend - Added option to turn on/off deviation labels 3. Reporting Improvements - Allows to use an image (BMP, JPG, GIF) as background for graphical report - White backround for graphical report edit mode for improved visibility - Added independent options to show/hide all CAD or Measured features in graphical report - Forced page break on text report for printing - Replaced "----|++++" with colored bar graph for deviation scale display 4. SP25 Scanning Support on Metris CMM - Added support for Renishaw SP25 scanning probe head on Metris machines with MCC200 controller - Support CAD Scan, Define & Scan, Measure & Scan 5. Bevel Gear Support - Expanded gear package to support straight bevel gear inspection - Includes lead check, profile check, spacing/runout check, topography check - Includes graphical and text reporting 6. Change Machine Axes - Allows to change machine axes orientation by assigning native machine axes to CMM-Manager machine axes - This allows to have consistent machine configurations among multiple machines of different brands, thus makes it possible to exchange programs - New machine axes configuration must follow right hand rule 7. Bath Run Job Setup - Allows to execute partial runs after initial run is finished; this is useful when user desires to skip initial alignment operations for the remaining parts - Allows to set up part layout along one of machine axes with a fixed offset distance - Allows to show user defined message prompt after each run 8. Path Planning Enhancement - Added Safe Plane option for Joystick Teach operations: auto add move points to user defined safe plane at start and end of measurement - Added option to not retract the probe at the entry and exit of a path - Allows to define a tip with angle B=180 (same as B=-180) 9. Edge Point and Angle Point Measurement - Edget Point allows to define and accurately measure a point on the edge of a surface, by taking up to five pre-defined sampling hits - Angle Point allows to define and quickly measure a point on the intersection edge between two planes at an angle 10. CAD Measure Pilot Hole - Allows to pick a CAD point or CAD cloud point and measure as a circle - Center position of the cirlce is retrieved from the point, and the diameter is from user input - As a pilot hole is expected at the point location, the corresponding CAD surface is ignored in auto collision detection 11. Define Cloud - Allows to construct a point cloud feature by defining its nominal points either from keying in or importing from a file - Allows to import points from a file at runtime to update the points 12. Report 2D Cloud - Allows to compare a measured cloud to a 2D sectional curve defined by nominal design points rather than a CAD curve, where the accuracy of the curve is most important at the design points. - A best-fit operation can be applied in the reporting 13. Report Profile Enhancement - Added support for curve features: Line, Circle, Ellipse and Slot - Allows to report a group of curve features with same orientation plane together - Clarified tolerance zone distribution options - Allows to use current part reference frame as reporting datum when datum features are selected 14. New Circle Fitting Algorithms - Added the following circle fitting algorithms in addition to existing Least Squares method to all applicable measurement and construction operations: - Max Inscribed - Min Circumscribed - Min/Max 15. Updated IQ-VBScript Functions - Modified GetFeaturePropertyAct, Nom to retrieve form error and attached probe diameter of any given feature - Added GetCloudPointPropertyAct, Nom to retrieve geometrical property of any point in a cloud - Added GetActiveProbeDiameter to retrieve the diameter of the active probe tip 16. Probe Station Enhancement - Added complete support for FCR25-L3, FCR25-L6 to use with SP25 modules (SM, TM) and stylus holders (SH, TH) - Allows to set A, B angles for probe change for MCR20, SCR200 and FCR25 - Added extra moves for MCR20 before entering and after leaving ports to avoid potential collision with a star-stylus module 17. Program Database Window Enhancement - Provides a convenient way to reset actual feature values to nominal values. This is useful for generating sample report with no deviation in one shot - Allows to lock/unlock an operation from participating in part alignments and program transformations both at runtime and in Teach-On Mode 18. Enhancement - [1] Allows to import/export alignment in IGES format - [2] Allows to right-click on the Orientation Plane/Axis dropdown box to quickly select from a list of pre-qualified features - [3] Allows to view DCC paths of any operation by simply highlighting it in program database window instead of opening the interface - [4] Added most recently used CAD files list in CAD menu - [5] Added a printable shortcut key report - [6] Added option to display nominal values of manual CAD measure point in a separate fly-by result box - [7] Allows to change display mode and color of CAD Cloud in CAD Editor - [8] Keeps the same surface mode and color in graphical report view as main view - [9] Show Labels now works for shaded surfaces - [10] Significantly reduced file size of a project containing graphical report or picture prompt through image compression - [11] Allows to use 0.0 tip diameter for an arm - [12] Added support for probe head TESASTAR-i - [13] Single Point Circle measurement allows to pick nominal circle from CAD and program offline - [14] Allows to specify dimension scale when importing CAD or points from DXF and ASCII files - [15] Added support for function keys on new Metris handbox - [16] Added support for SP25 disc stylus scanning on UCC controller 19. Bug Fixes - [1] Couldn't use 4th plane as probe comp direction in CAD Meausre Point - [2] Report Composite Position: - reference frame might be incorrect in certain cases; - material condition might be changed when being reviewed - didn't add Note - [3] Arms and manual CMMs with hard probe: incorrect measurement counter display of target points during mode change (trigger/scan/guided measurement) when dialog box was pinned down - [4] Deleting all deviations in graphical report might cause crash - [5] Auto cloud report didn't work for Touch Probe Profile Scan - [6] In Touch Probe Area Scan, micro plane measurement should be taken after the point is taken - [7] Tolerance data in live report didn't use system default tolerance - [8] Manual Define Hole Pattern: nominal circles were incorrect if actual and nominal ref. frame were different - [9] Batch feature reporting would only create reports for the first two features if the dialog was pinned down - [10] Spur and helical gear should use gear bore as primary datum - [11] Position report in RPT format didn't include the MMC and datum lines - [12] Coodinate (X/Y/Z) values in position report didn't get updated during unit change - [13] Shouldn't allow to drag regular features into CAD curve list in Report Cloud-to-Curve Deviation - [14] Show Legend didn't work properly in graphical report - [15] Eliminate redudant graphics refreshing when first opening a graphical report to speed up the process - [16] Fixed bug in guided measurement calculation when cylinder/sphere is used as reference feature - [17] Fixed resource leak in exporting to Excel - [18] Fixed resource leak in picture prompt - [19] Move Part function didn't work properly for program containing Recall Fixture Ref. Frame operation - [20] User prompt for manual measurement during program running sometimes didn't get updated instantly - [21] No longer displays the scroll to rotate prompt when curcor moves over the three scroll bars, so the real prompt can be displayed - [22] Scanning commands didn't get updated during unit change - [23] Zeiss RDS probe head should have 2.5 degree increments - [24] Program Copy & Paste didn't copy feature raw data - [25] GoTo command didn't update target position correctly if actual and nominal ref. frame were different - [26] Live Report didn't get updated during unit change - [27] Auto Arrange in graphical report didn' work properly on large annotations --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 03/20/2009 1. Live Inspection for Point Measurement on CAD Model - Allows to calculate deviation to CAD model and display deviation and labels in main display window on the fly while performing point or cloud measurement - Allows to save results as a graphical report for final reporting - Allows to change deviation display mode and label display style on the screen - Deviation Display Enhancement - Added gradient colored disc display mode with scalable size - Allows to set line weight and color mode for spike display mode - Added option to always auto arrange deviation lables 2. Other Enhancements for Portable CMM - When CAD is present and aligned with part, deviation of probe tip to CAD model will be calculated realtime and displayed in Watch Window as probe moves. The neareast CAD surface will also be highlighted if probe tip is within a pre-defined tolerance zone - Added option to sync CAD automatically upon completion of first alignment - Allows to measure circles in Leap Frog operation - Detect probe change for MCA and KCMM automatically 3. Single Point Circle Measurement - Allows to create a circle of diameter smaller than that of the probe tip by placing probe tangent to circular boundary. The position and diameter is calculated based from the specified reference plane - Available for portable CMM with hard probe 4. CAD Surface Thickness - Allows to define surface material thickness in CAD model for sheet metal parts - Allows to factor in CAD surface thickness in following operations: - CAD Measure Point - CAD Measure Cloud - CAD Alignment - Cloud-to-CAD Alignment - Cloud-to-CAD Deviation Report 5. Run DCC Programs on Manual Machine - Allows to run DCC programs seamlessly on manual machine with probe tips and DCC paths taken care of - Show warnings to user if any operation cannot be run on a manual machine 6. Probe Station Enhancement - Allows to use more than one probe station of the same type - Allows to mount SCR200 in any direction - Removed the unnecessary large clearance move before entering MCR20 port - Allows to do partial station calibration for ACR1 to update location only - Added more speed settings for probe change: To/From Port, In/Out Port and Between Ports - Added support for FCR25-L3, FCR25-L6 7. Sync CAD Programmable - Users now have an option to put Sync CAD command in a program - Sync CAD is automatically handled by program when ref. frame is complete for the first time, so this command should be used with caution 8. More CAD Import Modules - Added support for importing native STEP files - Added support for importing native Parasolid files 9. Export Raw Data Enhancement - Added "Output I,J,K" option for CSV format - Allows to use variable strings for Directory and File Name: variable string starts with "@" 10. Feature Database Window Enhancement - Hidden features now have grayed out icon, and inactive features have grayed out name - Added ability to change ID/OD property of closed type features from right mouse button down menu 11. Shortcut View Manipulation Customization - Allows to configure keyboard and mouse button function for Roate, Translate and Zoom, in addition to two sets of pre-defined configuration 12. Apperance Customization - Allows to change menu font size - Allows to change toolbar icon size 13. Enhancement - [1] Various DMIS module enhancement - [2] Allows to import/export Metris Transformation Files for alignment, which are interchangeable with other software, e.g. Focus Scan - [3] Added command to convert an Excel file to a CSV file, which can be used in combination with DDE command to customize data output in CSV format - [4] Added Tip Summary Report to show info of all tips in one window - [5] Added otpion to show/hide date and page number on output report - [6] Allows to use more than six points for Datum Alignment - [7] Allows to use variables string as argument in External Command: variable string starts with "@" - [8] Align operation now checks user selected working plane against current leveling plane - [9] Update operation run time in program execution - [10] Added sound effect when showing Probe Compensation dialog box - [11] Added option to group deviation by cloud instead of surface for Cloud-to-CAD and Cloud-to-Curve Deviation Report - [12] Allows to delete all dependent operations when deleting an operation in a program - [13] Normal vectors of actual cloud are updated after Cloud-to-CAD deviation report - [14] Added micro plane probe compensation option for touch probe area scan - [15] Allows to load OEM picture file for splash screen at software start up - [16] Allows to change language from main menu: must have proper language pack installed first - [17] Forced some text contents in report to be always left aligned - [18] Allows to use more characters for labels: < > ~ - [19] Added support for openning a CMM-Manager project or program from command line with switches - [20] Allows to use variables string as file name in DDE: variable string starts with "@" 14. Bug Fixes - [1] Cloud-to-CAD Alignment with lock options now works properly - [2] Shortcut generated form graphical report didn't hide point cloud - [3] Allows to use line feature as datum in Report Composite Position - [4] Some feature report types didn't show in DDE, such as Length, Width - [5] Restoring toolbar customization didn't restore new toolbars - [6] Touch probe scan profile didn't update nominal cloud after verifying - [7] Bestfit construction should use actual feature to check eligible points - [8] Initial value may be wrong for ISO 10360 size test - [9] Fixture ref. frame should participate in unit change - [10] Profile Report didn't work correctly on circular plane - [11] No longer round off cone angle for nominal estimation - [12] Should not allow to take points when prompting user to change to DCC mode - [13] CAD Alignment shouldn't output report if the option is not checked - [14] File permission didn't work properly on Mirror Program and Copy & Paste Program - [15] Define & Measure Circular Plane should guard cases when inner radius equals to outer radius - [16] Manual Define & Measure didn't work correctly with relative measure - [17] Construct Line tangent to two circles didn't work correctly if the the two circles are the same size - [18] SP25 calibration on UCC didn't utilize error map within the software - [19] Need to refresh DRO window to reflect current ref. frame when user navigates through program lines - [20] Free Position Alignment would crash when clicking on User Virtual Tip button in offline mode - [21] Cloud-to-CAD Deviation Report shouldn't allow drag-n-drop of measured feature for CAD surface - [22] Fixed possible underflow caused by very small number - [23] Cross Section didn't create points up to the edge of the cut surface - [24] DataPage stat_count kept increasing even it was not reported --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 10/03/2008 1. Enhancement of Portable CMM Functions - Added support for Metris optical CMM - Added Leap Frog function to allow moving the device for continued measurement of parts larger than the measuring range of the device - Added option to use first probe vector for probe compensation calculation - Added guided plane measurement for 2D features: points are taken when probe crosses the selected guided plane and are within the set tolernace zone - Added guided measurement of point cloud: points are taken when probe crosses the selected guided feature including plane, line, cylinder, cone, sphere and any CAD surface - Added audio and visual guidance when watch window is present: audio tone and DRO color would change when probe is in and out of the set tolerance zone 2. Enhancement of Manual Measurement - Added relative measure to allow measuring a plane or select a 4th plane first as the orientation plane for 2D feature measurement - Allows to verify measurement for CAD Teach and Define Teach 3. Point Page Utilities - Drop to CAD: drop target point to CAD model along a given vector - Edge Point: find edge point by given surface thickness and edge thickness 4. CAD Functions - Allows to create large amount of points from CAD model quickly - Allows to create 2D CAD curve from selected point cloud - Allows to drop CAD points to CAD model along a given vector 5. Graphical Cloud-to-CAD Report Creation - Simplified procedures to create a graphical Cloud-to-CAD report to one step - Right click on the selected measured clouds/points from feature list, and select "Create Cloud-to-CAD Graphical Report" 6. Set CAD Shading Color - Allows to set default shading color of CAD surfaces - Allows to change shading color of selected CAD surfaces 7. Gradient Background - Added option to change the graphics display to gradient background instead of the solid color background - Black, Blue, Green color codes are still in effect - Can be accessed from menu "Display > Display Attributes" 8. Construct High/Low Point - Extract the highest or lowest point from a selected point cloud based on the distance to a reference feature 9. Report User Defined Dimension - Allows to report a customized dimension with nominal, actual and tolerances - Allows to input actual dimension at runtime - Allows to use variable in program mode 10. New IQ-VBScript Function - Added new function "GetReportInfo" - Allows to retrieve an element of a report item - See user guide for detailed specification 11. Zeiss Probe Rack - Added support for Zeiss probe rack 12. Sheffield SMP400 Scanning - Added support for Renishaw SP25 scanning probe head on Sheffield machines with SMP400 controller 13. Integration with Windows Explorer - Allows to double click on a CMM-Manager project or program file in Windows Explorer to open it in CMM-Manager - Also supports drag-n-drop a project or program file into CMM-Manager workspace 14. Enhancement - [1] Allows to change font size of prompt message in program - [2] Added Delete and Recall button in Ref. Frame List window - [3] Keep points original name when combining points into cloud - [4] Allows to export a CAD cloud to a text file - [5] Improved CAD 2D feature picking algorithm - [6] Added option to save run data into project file - [7] Added option to display relative distance of 2D feature from previous measured 2D feature in the flyby result box - [8] Allows to modify nominals of constructed feature from feature data window - [9] Added programmable command "Load User View" to allow switching user defined views automatically in runtime - [10] Added user preference for setting number of recently used files - [11] Allows to toggle surface shading for measured features when no CAD is present - [12] Allows to auto arrange all annotations along edge in a graphical report - [13] Allows to use variable for customer data in report header - [14] Added option to output ---*|++++ for OutTol in DDE - [15] Allows to use joystick for DCC measurement at run time - [16] Added option to apply profile tolerance in Cloud-to-CAD and Cloud-to-Curve deviation reports - [17] Added option to define the sampling points location for relative measure; User can pick from CAD, measure part or define by radius & angles - [18] Improved auto zoom feature in program running - [19] Added form graphical report for cone - [20] Allows to change parameters of a taught cross section operation - [21] Allows to change parameters of a taught area scan operation 15. Bug Fixes - [1] Extract Point from Cloud didn't execute in a mirrored program - [2] Offset in Align operation wasn't mirrored correctly in some cases - [3] Need to guard parallel cases when auto selecting closest axis in canned alignment routines - [4] Composite Position Report was incorrect when actual and nominal ref. frame were different - [5] After extract points from a cloud, modifying the cloud and then visit the operation again would crash - [6] Mirroring for RPS Alignment didn't work properly - [7] Double clicking on empty space in the surface/curve list of CAD editor would crash - [8] Align Part operation would crash if Post Measure Action for manual measure was set to Prompt - [9] Report Printing Option "Print Out-of-Tolerance Item Only" still printed out empty pages - [10] Measure arc with DCC re-measure option, the tareget points were still generated using the full circle - [11] Legend of Cloud-to-CAD deviation in graphic report didn't show up at runtime - [12] Toolbar customization related issues - [13] 4th plane orientation in nominal page should be in part ref frame - [14] Picking one from multiple solutions in construct operation could be wrong if there is a large difference between nominal and actual ref. frame --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 03/14/2008 1. RPS Alignment - Supports creating RPS alignment from user selected points and constraints 2. Construct Bestfit Offset Line - Construct an offset line from user selected points and offset distances - Can be used for offset line alignment 3. Shrink/Expansion Factor - Allows to apply a shrink/expansion factor to reporting - Option to apply the factor to Actual only or both Actual and Nominal - Option to enable dual reporting: a secondary report ref. frame can be selected - Shrink/expansion factor will be display in report header if enabled 4. Program Operations - Allows to apply the following operations to selected program lines through popup menu on right mouse click on program list (1) Transform: translate and/or rotate selected program (2) Update Report: re-create report in selected program with option to update report nominal from nominal features (3) Change DCC Settings: change partial or all DCC parameters of DCC operations in selected program 5. Mirror Program Enhancement - Allows to mirror entire program or only selected block of program - Report Nominals are mirrored directly instead of being extracted from mirrored nominal features 6. Report Enhancement - Added Page Setup: Print Orientation (Portrait or Landscape) and Page Margins - Added option to show report header - Added option to display CAD file name and project name in report header - Graphical Report: (1) Added part ref. frame orientation view helper (2) No longer shrink the size if the adjusted width is larger than default (3) Allows to adjust size to fit page (4) If out-of-tol, the whole line in tolerance label or deviation label will change color accordingly 7. Sticky Settings - Show/Hide Probe - Show/Hide Machine Table - Show/Hide CAD Ref. Frame - Show/Hide DRO, Database, Status Bar, View Bar and View Tabs Windows - Show/Hide View Helpers - View Port Option 8. Adjust Display Smoothness - Displays chord height tol and allows to change it directly - The setting will apply to new projects 9. CAD Measure Cloud Enhancement - Handle picked Cylinder/Cone/Sphere the same way as Plane to enable inbound test of generated points and auto adjust measurement range properly - Display of arrows Side1, Side2: use actual trimmed surface range for calculation - Adjust Range: use actual trimmed surface range for calculation 10. Project Properties - Shows File Version and CAD File Name if available - Listed under File menu 11. Data Page Output - Allows to change the behavior of STATS_COUNT - All dimensions are now output to the Data Page file instead of just X,Y,Z values 12. Enhancement - [1] CAD View Point allows to pick any point on CAD surface - [2] STOP command on toolbar now stops the machine motion immediately without asking for user confirmation - [3] Ref. frame determinant check: check for LEVEL if not video application - [4] Report database list now auto scrolls up during dragging - [5] User Notes: removed inner grid lines; keep user input space characters - [6] Moved probe related commands from System menu to Probe menu - [7] Added more toolbar icons for customization - [8] Added Pick & Define point from CAD model - [9] CAD Measure/Teach Point: highlight picked surface if confirm pick is enabled - [10] Datum Alignment uses micro plane spacer settings for 3 extra points location - [11] Added option to disable graphics update during scanning to improve speed performance - [12] Added option to adjust CAD surface normal by comparing to a reference vector - [13] Zoom All after canned alignment is done - [14] Added support for stylus knuckle in probe assembly setup - [15] Added "Select All" to program right mouse click popup menu - [16] Added all view commands to Display menu for shortcut key customization - [17] Added option to show only the ruby ball of probe assembly - [18] Added Batch Feature Selection support to more operations - [19] Dist Btw Point and Plane: changed probe comp option to None, Auto and Manual (Minus or Plus) - [20] Added probe comp option in Construct Bestfit Offset Plane - [21] Displays last loaded probe file name in Probe Assembly - [22] Displays last loaded tip file name in Tip Manager - [23] Added scan option in teach mode measurement for Arm and Hard Probe - [24] Report Position now has option to output nominal coordinates - [25] Cloud-to-CAD Alignment highlights selected CAD surfaces 13. Bug Fixes - [1] Mirroring of Runtime Align Part and Recall Ref. Frame had problems - [2] Cloud-to-CAD deviation signs were reversed in a mirrored program - [3] Data in Report Header should always align left - [4] Find Dialog: set cursor to search string field at dialog start - [5] If Align Part is on, CAD Align shouldn't move CAD model twice - [6] MIP probe head has 15 degree angle interval, and need special handling in Tip Manager and Program Mirroring - [7] Picture prompt in certain NT system would not display correctly - [8] ID/OD flag of constructed circles were not set in older projects - [9] Report Position and Composite Position had problem in Copy & Paste - [10] Report Symmetry: if two parallel planes are used as datum, calculation is not precise - [11] Define & Measure Circular Plane: changing plane normal and then re-creating path would cause problem - [12] Dialog box size incorrect in systems with large DPI display setting - [13] Report Cloud didn't output 3D deviation even if the option was checked - [14] If a CAD model is present, DCC re-measure had no path collision detection in teach mode - [15] Micro Plane measurement didn't auto start after a point was taken by joystick => only happened with UCC controller - [16] Path Page Insert Command: X, Y, Z of MoveTo command should be checked by default - [17] If font size in Result Box setting was too big, "report out-of-tol" warning message didn't display correctly - [18] Calculation of Report Point 3D was incorrect under certain circumstances - [19] Header of tolerance report label in graphical report might be clipped - [20] Auto Feature Measure would crash in teach mode, when Post Measure Action option was set as "Edit Nominal Page" --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 01/18/2008 1. Probe Compensation for Arm or Hard Probe - If probe compensation direction cannot be determined, in addition to manually select probe comp direction, user has an option to simply trigger an extra point to indicate compensation direction 2. Enhancement - [1] Report Bilateral Position now supports all feature types as position report - [2] CAD Measure Point highlights picked surface if confirm option is used 3. Bug Fixes - [1] Profile Scan: probe spike vector not updated correctly - [2] Various bug fixes in fixture ref. frame - [3] Certain old Windows system would crash on software exit - [4] Recall Ref. Frame was not handled correctly in Copy&Paste - [5] Verifying a hole pattern measurement without any prior alignment would crash - [6] If 4th plane for point option is checked but no 4th plane, it would crash - [7] Micro Plane for point measurement didn't auto switch to DCC with UCCLite - [8] Path shift in seek hole measurement --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 10/19/2007 1. Arm Support - Now fully supports Faro, Romer, MicroScribe and Metris arms - Tip calibration and selection are done from within CMM-Manager, except for MicroScribe, which has to use its own utility 2. Fixture Reference Frame - Allows to save fixture reference frames that pertain to machine workspace instead of individual projects, so that they will become available for use all the time once created 3. Machine Soft Limits - For machine controllers without soft limits capability, general soft limits can be configured in CMM-Manager to prevent machine travel out of range - Soft limits and margin can be set from machine setup - When soft limits exceeded, there will be warning message and alert 4. Drag-n-Drop Alternative for Feature Selection - In addition to drag-n-drop features from feature list, an alternative way to select features for reporting or construction is added for faster access - Simply right mouse click on any supported feature selection box, a list of pre-qualified feature names will show up for selection; when the mouse cursor moves over each feature name, the respective feature will be highlighted on graphics display; left click to select. 5. Best Tip Suggestion - Suggests best A, B angles for selected CAD features, and allows to add it to current tip list if not present - This tool only calculate best angles based on feature geometry, and no collision detection is involved 6. Rectangular Hole Pattern Measurement - Allows to define a rectangular hole pattern for measurement - For both DCC and manual machines 7. Cloud-to-CAD/Curve Deviation - Now shows overall min. and max. deviation in text report - Allows to create only out-of-tol deviation labels in graphical report 8. IQCAD file - Allows to export current CAD data into a native IQCAD file format - IQCAD file format contains all the CAD ref. frame info and so allows assembly of different CAD models - IQCAD file format enables faster import 9. Export Raw Data Programmable - Allows Export Raw Data function to be executed in runtime, which makes dynamic data post processing possible 10. External Command - Allows to call any external application from within CMM-Manager program - Allows to use fixed or dynamic command arguments 11. Shortcut Keys - Allows to customize shortcut keys for any command available from pull down menu 12. Enhancement - [1] Customer data in report header is now sticky - [2] Changed prompt dialog box to modeless in runtime so user can still use other functions, such as toggling joystick mode - [3] Auto select view plane for line-plane case in perpendicularity report - [4] Add best-fit ellipse in construction - [5] Added construction of intersection circle of two cones - [6] Added probe radius option in Combine Points into Cloud - [7] Allows to show/hide feature labels on graphics display - [8] Touch probe profile scan: the initial trial step size is set to be the same as fixed step for Uniform scan or minimum step for Adaptive scan - [9] Now displays cloud feature in graphical report - [10] Auto Assign in DDE function allows to select starting cell - [11] DDE function allows to export VBScript variables - [12] Better align graphical report in exported excel file - [13] Display probe assembly name when mouse moves over CONTACT(0) pane - [14] Added option to display ----|++++ in text report when dimenstion is within tol. - [15] Added best-fit option in Report Cloud - [16] Relaxed co-planar check in some construction tools: line through a point tangent to a circle, line tangent to two circles - [17] Relaxed parallel check in symmetry report - [18] When picking another line to determine the orientation plane for CAD Measure Line, highlight it for user confirmation 13. Bug Fixes - [1] Guard empty input for run time customer data of report header - [2] Need to adjust points in relative measurement for arc - [3] Restore customized toolbar didn't work correctly - [4] False error message when typing negative sign in creating new tip - [5] Need to sort points and associate CAD surface info in Measure Surface Edge - [6] Various bug fixes for RTP20 application - [7] Zeiss RDS probe head dimension was incorrect - [8] Position report had problem with mirroring - [9] Free Position Alignment prompt box didn't do word wrap - [10] Touch Probe Scan Profile needs to update local ref. frame before measuring start point --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 08/03/2007 1. SP25 Scanning Support - SP25 scanning probe is fully supported now - Added analog scanning related functions: CAD Scan, Define & Scan, Measure & Scan 2. Point and Cloud Conversion - Added new construction tool to combine points into a point cloud - Added new construction tool to extract points from a point cloud 3. "Points" Page in DCC Measurement - Allows to modify target measurement point of a point feature - Added new function "Auto Normal": allows to project point to CAD to obtain normal vector - Added new function "Translate": allows to translate points by XYZ offsets or along point vector by given distance - When adding/moving measurement points, allows to pick on any CAD surfaces 4. Graphical Form Dev Report Creation - Simplified procedures to create a graphical form dev. report to one step - Right click on the measured feature(s) from feature list, and select "Create Form Graphical Report" 5. Run Mode Re-Measure for Manual CMM - Allows to re-measure previous feature anytime when executing a program, without having to go thru the partial-run steps - This is especially useful when the last hit is bad or user wants to verify the measurement when the feature is reported as out-of-tol - "F5" is the shortcut key 6. DRO Watch Window - If enabled, the watch window shows dX, dY, dZ and 3D deviation between current tip location and target measurement point; an indication line is also shown in the graphics - The watch window is auto enabled when a DCC measurement fails and falls back to joystick measurement 7. Enable/Disable Program Lines - Allows to disable or enable any line in a program; disabled lines will be skipped during program execution - Highlight the lines and right click to select the option 8. Copy & Paste Enhancement - Feature & Ref. Frame dependency is maintained in the overall Copy & Paste process - Copied operation is transformed to local Ref. Frame at paste location to keep its relative status 9. Enhancement - [1] Added support for Pro/E native file import - [2] Added 3D deviation in point feature report - [3] Added "4th Plane" compensation option for Point and Cloud measurement - [4] Added display attribute settings for Point, Curve and Point Cloud - [5] Added construct a point from feature centroid - [6] Added bestfit point feature - [7] Added report user input data - [8] Added path planning options in datum alignment - [9] Added save/load cal. sphere model - [10] Added save/load individual probe assembly - [11] Added printing date & time stamp in report - [12] Added "straight move" option for tip calibration - [13] Added "Fine Calibration" option in ref. tip calibration to allow re-calibrate ref. tip using located sphere center - [14] Add Move allows to move absolute in one axis only, and keep current coordinates in other axes - [15] Set graphics view rotation point to world center after opening a project - [16] Graphic report view helper settings are now sticky - [17] Allows to DDE output customized report header data, such as serial no. - [18] Allows to pin down New Tip dialog box to keep creating tips - [19] Auto fill out tip name when creating new tips - [20] Allows to set I/O events for Renishaw UCC controller: currently supports toggling between joystick and DCC modes - [21] Added Inhibit Probe command 10. Bug Fixes - [1] Delete multiple tips from Tip Manager only deleted first tip - [2] Best-fit Alignment may fail if all points had the same coordinates in one axis - [3] Best-fit Alignment had problem with mirroring - [4] Cloud-to-CAD report: transformation matrix parameters twist and tilt angles were not unique sometimes due to numeric computation error - [5] Teach off mode, re-measure should create proper link path from current position - [6] There was no dependency check of a 4th plane used in 2D measurement - [7] DDE problem when re-opening a project file after it had been run once - [8] CAD Hole Pattern in teach off mode, if user changed points per circle and recreated path, path was not updated - [9] Report Position in teach off mode, didn't allow to select material condition even if feature report option was selected - [10] Report Position didn't show ref. frame if feature report option was not selected - [11] Crashing problem when merging CAD point clouds - [12] Initial display of a taught Cross Section operation may be incorrect - [13] Re-measure didn't take care of 4th plane as orientation plane --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 05/24/2007 1. Programmable Operations - CAD Alignment 2. Auto Path Creation - Added the path planning settings to all suitable DCC measurement interfaces for easy access. The options are: [1] Full Auto [2] Current Tip & Auto Path [3] Current Tip & Local Path - Relaxed collision detection tolerance when checking feature normal to probe angle at initial stage to eliminate false collision condition - Try to use last tip to measure next feature unless a better tip is found 3. CAD/Define Measure Sphere - Auto adjust sphere normal vector to be in line with current probe direction so that apex is the head on point - Modified default point generation to only use the upper half sphere: 1st point head-on, other points on equator 4. Manual/Joystick Measure Preferences - Allows to set round-off accuracy for estimating nominal from actual feature in manual/joystick measurement; setting the accuracy to zero disables the estimation - Added option to display Nominal Page or Prompt Page for editing after measurement when teaching a program 5. Probe Assembly - Allows to assign probe assembly a more meaningful name: double click on probe assembly name to change - Added function to load probe assembly and/or tip file from within a part program 6. Manual Probe Enhancement - Allows to use "Calibrate Non-Repeatable Tip" command for all manual probes, regardless of non-repeatable flag of probe assembly; this makes it possible to calibrate any tip during program running - Get Tip command allows to get tip by angle (default) or by name; this makes it possible to switch between tips with same angle during program running - No longer show "Switch to..." prompt if the probe head is not indexed, e.g. PH1, TP1, PH6 7. Report Position - Added option to report other feature tolerances together with true position in a single interface 8. Batch Feature Processing - Allows to report or construct with multiple features in a single operation - Added a Batch Feature Selection function under Display menu, which has various filter options to facilitate feature selection - Features can also be multi-selected from feature list directly - When a supported operation has two input features, only the first one would accept multiple features - Currently supported operations: Report Feature, Report Distance Between, Report Angle Between, Construct Circle: Cylinder-Plane and Cone-Plane 9. Sound Settings - Allows to enable, disable and change sound settings for the following events: [1] probe trigger when measuring [2] probe trigger when not measuring [3] probe trigger for last measurement point [4] Add Move [5] Prompt in program - Allows to configure sound by using traditional beep function or playing specified .wav sound file 10. Vision Enhancement - Added support for lighting control, real-time adjustable and programmable - Made "Teach Edge" programmable - When program is being executed in manual mode, if last capture is deleted, roll back image tool accordingly 11. Crash Reporting - Added new mechanism to catch exception in application and create log file for post debugging in case of system crashing - When error happens, user will be prompted with a message showing the log file location 12. Enhancement - [1] Added support for Excel 2007 - [2] Improved CAD feature identifying mechanism by using parametric boundary - [3] Allows to set chord height tolerance for boundary curves of CAD surface to smooth surface edge without slowing down display - [4] Added user preference for tip calibration DCC movement: circular move or blended move - [5] Made RTP20 probe routine more robust - [6] Added support for ellipse feature in Pick & Define - 2D - [7] reduced min approach dist for tip calibration to 4mm - [8] VBScript auto handle "GoTo" command - [9] B89 Ballbar test utility: no need to clear probe after measurement - [10] When estimating nominal, estimate diameter instead of radius for circle, cylinder, cone and sphere - [11] When printing RPT report in runtime, always set proper font name and size, and page margins specified in report settings - [12] Modified probe head models to be more realistic - [13] Added support for Zeiss RDS probe head - [14] Add option to set surface display attributes for all measured surface - [15] Allows to sort tips in Tip Manager by Name or A, B angle: click on the column header of tip list to sort - [16] When creating new tip set, allows to fix A or B angle; also allows to only insert new tips if there is name conflict - [17] Don't re-create path if user only changes feature name from nominal page - [18] Point generation for circle/cylinder/cone/sphere defaults to equal space when changing # of points unless user changes the end angle - [19] Allows to construct a line from a point, normal to a plane even if the point is on the plane - [20] Improved CAD circular plane: allows to pick only the outer diameter; do in bound test for point generation - [21] DDE report now writes 0 to out-of-tol cell if within tolerance, for the incremental option to work correctly 13. Bug Fixes - [1] CAD cloud point display size sometimes became too small - [2] Plane-Line-Circle and Cylinder-Point-Line alignment tools had problem with mirroring - [3] Calibrating a star probe without stylus 0 would go to a higer than normal clearance plane - [4] Profile Scan: adaptive option didn't work in program running mode - [5] CAD/Define measure circle: problem with switching Full Circle option - [6] Adjust Range tool for closed type feature had problem - [7] Point name in a cloud didn't get updated in runtime - [8] Concentricity of circle to a datum line was incorrect - [9] Report dist btw two concentric circles with min/max option would crash - [10] B89 Repeatability test measurement counter not resetting for manual/joystick - [11] Measure Cross Section: picking start point didn't show label correctly; if user invoked cutting plane range tool then canceled it and recreated path, the path was not displayed properly - [12] Define & Measure Hole Pattern always used XY plane as working plane - [13] Adjust Path for joystick measure should use current tip and should always keep all taught moves - [14] Construct Bestfit: allow probe comp for both points and clouds; probe comp inconsistent for plane/line features - [15] Construct Circle now sets circle inner/outer type based on source feature type if applicable --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 01/31/2007 1. Added direct plug-n-play interface for following controllers - DEA Tutor P controller - B&S controllers running Leitz protocol 2. Added Support for Ellipse Feature - Added related functions in Measure, Construct, RefFrame and Report 3. Circle Measure Enhancement - Added support for threaded hole - Allows to view/set starting and ending angles when adjusting measurement range 4. Enhancement - [1] Added sequential # to RPT report - [2] Report composite position allows use current ref. frame with datum features for MMC or LMC - [3] No longer complains "probe communication error" if HCU is connected - [4] Added mechanism to prevent false trigger in probe change for DCC machine - [5] Set to ISO view after loading a program - [6] Added support for form deviation report of slot features - [7] Made zone type options in Report Perpendicularity more obvious to user - [8] Export raw data to CSV now uses cloud point name - [9] Hole pattern selection: pick again on the already selected hole will now de-select it - [10] Allows to use manual probe head in gear package - [11] Add option to keep datum features created in canned alignment tools - [12] Profile scan now skips missed point - [13] Allows to select datum features in Report Bilateral Position - [14] Increased maximum video channel number from 3 to 8 5. Bug Fixes - [1] Software won't start on Windows 95/98/ME: => This bug was introduced in - [2] Cloud-to-CAD and Cloud-to-Curve report should only check selected components for out-of-tol warning message - [3] Show Default Report in report list when creating a new project - [4] Report header image didn't print on some printers - [5] In graphical report, if feature not shown, report item's leader line didn't point to right location - [6] Cloud-to-Cloud alignment complained "empty cloud" at runtime if nominal cloud was empty, even if actual cloud was not - [7] Batch run with "append report" option always used the graphical report from last run - [8] Popup menu through right click on program list should always show "delete" item - [9] Report perpendicularity should disable 3D option for parallel zone type tol. - [10] Sometimes save file command displayed "Save As" dialog box even if the file has been saved with a file name - [11] Graphical report didn't update when user changed report settings - [12] Not allow user to change taught feature name in measure mode --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 11/16/2006 1. Added direct interface for Mitutoyo Bright CMM with UC100/UC200 controllers 2. Added Support for Renishaw RTP20 - The new Renishaw manual probe head can be used as a motorized probe by performing series of moves on a calibrated pole to change A, B angles 3. Added Support for Circular Move - Circular move will be performed in tip calibration, auto sphere alignment and other calibration utilities - Available only for controllers with circular move capability 4. ACR1 Probe Rack Enhancement - Improved robustness of probe changing - Added support for autojoint extension bars: allows to calibrate and cascade with stylus modules in probe assemblies 5. DCC Re-measure and Adjust Path for Joystick Measurement - Allows to use joystick to probe minimal points and then DCC re-measure the feature with the freedom of generating desired target points - In teach off mode, allows to DCC re-measure the feature immediately after joystick probing - In teach on mode, allows to adjust and re-create measurement paths for a joystick taught operation; and the ability to roll back to original taught paths 6. Report Runout - added report total runout of cylinder, cone and plane - added report circular runout of circle 7. Enhancement - [1] Added option for color highlighting max. and min. deviation points in Cloud-to-CAD and Cloud-to-Curve reports; default to disabled - [2] Added more Renishaw models for probe assembly: TP7M, PEM4 - [3] Added touch probe scan to DCC lite version - [4] Added options in Construct/Bestfit feature operation, such as probe compensation, orientation - [5] Added option to update actual feature after verifying measurement path - [6] Added Seek Hole option in joystick teach circle measurement - [7] Made Expand option in angle between and distance between report as default - [8] Made parameters sticky for Construct | Define Feature - [9] Added option to select ref. frame axis as line feature in all suitable construction operations - [10] Added support for "GoTo" button on Mitutoyo joystick as Add Move command - [11] Improved speed performance of handling huge point cloud - [12] Changed probe trigger back to always beep even if no measurement counter - [13] Made it possible for operations like DDE to output most recent report items when used inside an operation group - [14] Made Save RefFrame and Recall RefFrame dialog box bigger for long names - [15] Free Position Alignment auto set joystick mode when running program 8. Bug Fixes - [1] Graphical report not printing out on some printers - [2] Temporarily deleted points from point cloud window were not handled properly - [3] Screen resolution may cause picture prompt to not show properly - [4] Constructing intersection circle of two spheres may fail in certain situation - [5] Constructing plane through point normal to a line may fail in certain situation - [6] Pick circular plane from CAD may fail if curves are not arc type - [7] Report title image file name not updated after browsing the file - [8] CAD features and measured features are now maintained separately in graphical report - [9] Catia V4/ Catia V5 file problem in writing temp file - [10] Free Position Alignment: note disappears as user typing in - [11] Opening a program didn't show CAD model initially --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 08/25/2006 1. Import CAD Model - Added support for CATIA V4 file 2. Programmable Operations - Datum Alignment is now programmable 3. Measure Surface Edge - NEW! - Pick CAD surface and measure its edges at a given depth by specified step distance 4. Offline Programming for Joystick Measurement - Support picking feature from CAD model for joystick measurement - Support defining feature for joystick measurement 5. Feature Editing Tools - NEW! - Trim/Extend Line/Arc - Break Line/Arc - Divide Line/Arc/Circle - Trim Boundary of Plane 6. Report Profile - Added support for reporting surface profile or line profile 7. Points Generation for Plane and Free Form Surface - User can set margin from edge of surface for generated points - Points range will be automatically adjusted to be within the actual trimmed boundary of the surface - "Edge Points" option allows to create points along the surface edge in a loop fashion by given step distance 8. Graphical Report - Added new tools: Delete Deviation, Delete All Deviation - Modified auto arrange deviation label mechanism to make it more intuitive 9. Save Run Results/Report - Added option to save CAD into run results file - Allows to specify file name and add customer data (could be run-time user input, e.g. serial number) as suffix for better data organization 10. Bug Fixes - [1] Some customer data in DDE report was not updated at run time, e.g. Time - [2] Selecting tip during joystick teach would crash - [3] Guard disc tip or cylinder tip to be set as ref. tip - [4] Graphical report lock/unlock icon didn't work when maximized - [5] When saved as a program, if Recall Ref. Frame is present, user may get "Ref. Frame not available" error message for saved ref. frame - [6] Recall Ref. Frame was not mirrored correctly in a mirror operation - [7] Sticky parameters for Define & Measure should be in part ref. frame 11. Enhancement - [1] Color highlight max. and min. deviation points in Cloud-to-CAD and Cloud-to-Curve reports - [2] Added "New Graphical Report" to popup menu when righ clicking on root of report database list - [3] Free Position Alignment is now available in offline programming mode - [4] Menu with icons - [5] Alignment toolbox follows default number of hits from user preference - [6] Associate CAD surface info with CAD cloud during Auto Normal Testing - [7] CAD Cloud Editor uses the standard auto normal testing interface to show progress and associate CAD surface info - [8] Ignore Get Tip operation when checking for incomplete ref. frame before running a program - [9] Allows to set different probe angles than (A=0, B=0) for homing; or remain current angles - [10] Added "Delete Cloud" button in CAD Cloud Editor - [11] Allows "Enter" key to finish measurement interface in teach mode - [12] CAD Measure Cloud (2D & 3D) parameters sticky - [13] Added IGES export option: save cloud as Copious Data(106) or Points (116) - [14] When constructing line-circle intersection point, project line to circle plane if they are not on the same plane --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 07/28/2006 1. Programmable Operations - CAD Measure Hole Pattern - Define & Measure Hole Pattern 2. Bug Fixes - [1] Tolerances for distance btw and angle btw reports and nominals for positional report were not updated correctly in a mirrored program - [2] Creating new tip set now considers MH20, MH20i and PH8 probe heads - [3] ISO 10360 test on manual CMM 3. Enhancement - [1] Allows to report symmetry of a single slot feature - [2] If an IQ error map is used, iterative tip calibration will be performed to enhance the calibration accuracy by applying obtained probe offset - [3] Added "Append" option in Report Properties to allow to accumulate run-time reports into a single file - [4] Added more icons for alignment toolbox for toolbar customization - [5] Report Cloud-to-CAD deviation and report Cloud-to-Curve deviation options are now sticky; default option is no bestfit - [6] Increased accuracy level for CAD alignment operation - [7] Added page number when printing RPT report - [8] Program summary now has option to show all the paths for DCC programs - [9] Added "Project to plane" option in Construct Circle Cylinder-PLane and Cone-Plane to allow to project constructed circle to plane - [10] Added more Renishaw models for probe assembly - TP20 Body, TP20 Module 5W, TP20 Module 6W, TP20 Module EM1, TP20 Module EM2 - [11] Modified "Verify Last Point" handling similar to "Verify All" - [12] In CAD Measure, when nominal is changed, graphics will be updated to reflect the change and paths will be re-created - [13] Added Operation Group to lite version - [14] Allows to create a ref. frame in teach-off mode, before executing a program which recalls this ref. frame at the beginning of the program - [15] Allows to use step gauge in ISO 10360 test - [16] Allows to pick one plane in hole pattern measurement to select all holes on that plane --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 05/19/2006 1. Report Symmetry - Added support for reporting symmetry of two lines or two planes 2. New Programmable Operations - Cross Section - Touch Probe Scan - Profile - Touch Probe Scan - Area 3. Manual CAD Measure Enhancement - Circle: project to original CAD plane instead of current working plane 4. CAD Cloud Editor - Allows to obtain point normal by projecting to CAD model - Allows to translate points along a given vector 5. Bug Fixes - [1] Manual CAD Measure Point/ Manual CAD Measure Cloud: (a) probe compensation along CAD surface normal if probe comp is ON (b) nominal is updated when running program - [2] Use actual feature info instead of nominal to adjust approaching vector after teaching DCC measurements with joystick - [3] Define & Measure DCC page wouldn't show up when re-visiting the operation 6. Enhancements - [1] CAD Measure Cloud allows the points along Side 1 or Side 2 to be 1 - [2] Added Result Box Settings: display duration, show/hide option in Measure/Teach mode and in program execution - [3] Allows showing feature info after verifying path from Program Simulate/Verify, or from Path Page - [4] Cloud-to-CAD Report allows multiple selection in CAD Surface list and the selected surfaces will be highlighted in the graphics - [5] Changed "Get Current Tip" button to "Get Tip" in the counter dialog for joystick teach program mode, and clicking the button would bring up Tip Manager for tip selection - [6] Report Position allows to use point feature - [7] Add option in report settings to output I, J, K or A/X, A/Y, A/Z of feature normal in feature report - [8] Allows to use the scroll bars to move graphical report - [9] Added auto DCC parameter overwrite for sphere feature - [10] Added circle construction tool: thru two circles --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 04/21/2006 1. Program Alignment - In previous versions, the program was only aligned to part during program execution and would change back to original alignment status when the program was taught if re-running the program or switching back to teach mode - Now the program will keep the alignment obtained in programm execution, to allow possible real-time editing or partial run without using "Align Part" function 2. Program Partial Run - Allows to run a program partially (run from any line) - User can choose the range of the program to be executed, and default is to start from current highlighted operation - Options to overwrite existing features, output/print report, and update reference frame to starting operation 3. CAD Editor Enhancement - Allows to create cross section curves by cutting a plane through the CAD model - Allows to set "Complex Surface" property to CAD surfaces, for software to handle wrapped-around surfaces more accurately - Pick to View tool will highlight the last viewed feature in the feature list when ended - Double click on feature from list to invoke Edit Properties dialog box 4. CAD Cloud auto normal testing - After CAD surface auto normal testing - Shows progress dialog which has option to stop the process - Allows to do auto normal testing when importing, or from menu command 5. Construct Point Tool Enhancement - Lin-Line Intersection: if the two lines are not coplanar, construct the mid-point - Line-Circle Intersection: if line and circle don't intersect, construct the nearest point to the line on the circle 6. Offset Align - Allows to align axis to a point reducible feature by two given offsets on selected working plane 7. Bestfit Alignment Enhancement - Allows to pick nominals from CAD model - Shows bestfit alignment results and has option to output to report 8. Report Enhancement - Allows to set and change report printing options in a program: print all items or only the items that are out of tolerance - Show datum in fly-by report results box if any - Report Dist Btw, Angle Btw text box in a graphical report now has two leader lines pointing to the two reported features - Added report settings to control spacing and margins in report - Improved auto arrangement of deviation labels in graphical report - Allows to use 3D option for line-plane type in Report Perpendicularity - Allows to use line feature in Report Concentricity 9. DDE Enhancement - Allows to output customer data only - Added time option in customer data - Format Excel cell type to Num instead of String, if the value is number 10. Vision Point Collection - Option to use touch trigger/foot switch to collect image points - Option to auto end collection after collecting one data set 11. Misc - Bug Fix: Corrected MH20i probe head B angle range: -180 ~ 165 - Bug Fix: Define&Measure with relative measure enabled would crash after Verify - Bug Fix: Construct Line no longer checks coincidental lines for mid-line of 2 lines - Bug Fix: Should not set probe radius to attached raw data of vision measured feature - Bug Fix: Updates program name in program summary correctly - Bug Fix: Creating new icons for macros - Bug Fix: Modified profile calculation for Cloud-to-CAD and Cloud-to-Curve reports - Enhancement: When building a polyline, user has option to set tolerance for connecting curves - Enhancement: Added x, y, z and 3D options in Cloud-to-Curve Report - Enhancement: Always output x, y, z coordinates in DP and BIW reports - Enhancement: Adjusted alignment report width to fit into one page - Enhancement: Pressing Up/Down key through feature list to highlight features - Enhancement: Click on report items to highlight corresponding features - Enhancement: Manual CMM CAD measure circle has option to measure as Arc feature - Enhancement: Auto adjust approach/backoff distances for joystick taught auto measurement, if the parameters are too large for ID features - Enhancement: Added individual placement settings for ISO 10360-2 size test --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 03/21/2006 1. CAD Editor - Curve Functions - Allows to edit properties of selected curves: Name, Color, Chord Height Tol... - Allows to adjust curve normal - Allows to build a new polyline from individual curves, and break an existing polyline into individual curves 2. Report Cloud-to-Curve Deviation - Allows to report cloud to CAD curves deviation in a selected 2D plane, with or without best-fit - Added support of cloud-to-curve deviation in graphical report - Allows to set form tolerance zone to curves, and show/hide tolerance zone in graphical report 3. Cloud-to-CAD Bestfit Alignment - Create a ref. frame by best-fitting cloud to CAD surfaces - Synchronize CAD model with the created ref. frame - Option to report alignment results 4. Function Command String for Sheffield MP/SMP - Allows to send FLB command directly to Sheffield MP/SMP controller - It is user's responsibility to ensure command is valid 5. ISO 10360 Test Utility - Added ISO 10360-2 probing test utility - Added ISO 10360-2 size test utility 6. Tip Calibration Enhancement - Added support for cylinder tip, and allows to calibrate disc tip and cylinder tip with either a sphere or a ring gauge - When calibrating a disc tip with a sphere, it is required at least 3 hits are taken above the equator, and 3 hits below the equator - When Calibrating a cylinder tip with a sphere, it is required to take first hit at the top of the sphere normal to probe, and at least 4 points around equator - After loading probe from probe rack, keep the loading position height until moving to above cal. sphere, if loading position is higher than tip calibration clear position - Fixed bug for star probe auto calibration at certain angle 7. Macro Support - Allows to record macros from a set of operations. Currently only certain manual measurement, ref. frame, construction and reporting operations are macroable - Macros can be run in any mode - Allows to create toolbar buttons for macros thru toolbar customization 8. Misc - Bug Fix: Corrected PH9 and PH10T probe head model dimension (23mm => 25mm) - Bug Fix: CAD & Define meausre hole pattern need to consider path creation settings, instead of always doing collision detection - Bug Fix: Show license expired message - Bug Fix: Measure Circular Plane wouldn't allow to exit during feature picking - Enhancement: Updated Help file - Enhancement: Define & Measure parameters are now sticky - Enhancement: Added "Profile" output in Cloud-to-CAD and Cloud-to-Curve report - Enhancement: Added "Thin Part" option in all suitable operations where best-fit calculation is applied to better handle part with small thickness - Enhancement: DDE function allows to specify excel worksheet number for output - Enhancement: Cross section measurement allows to add the segment curves to CAD model for further analysis - Enhancement: VBScript now supports "GoTo" function - Enhancement: The reports created when running a program will update "Inspector Name" in the report header with current CMM-Manager login name --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 01/27/2006 1. Touch Probe Scan - Area - Allows to digitise an unknown area with touch probe - Allows to define the four boundaries of the area and scanning grids 2. ACR1 Probe Rack Enhancement - Calibration procedure was modified to use datuming stylus on rack to calibrate Autojoint to improve accuracy - Modified probe changing command sequence to make it more robust 3. Picture Prompt Enhancement - Allows to load BMP, JPG and GIF picture file - Auto adjust dialog box size to accommodate picture size. If picture size is larger than 800x600 pixels, the picture size will be reduced to fit the dialog box 4. Report Position - Allows to select X, Y, Z components for sphere features - Option to output coordinate deviations (dx, dy, dz) 5. Misc - Bug Fix: Incorrect display for measured arc feature - Bug Fix: Direct viewing HTML report from Report Window wouldn't display image (this was introduced since last release) - Bug Fix: Shift key didn't work on program list selection first time after opening a project file - Bug Fix: Some issues in Cloud-to-CAD best-fit - Enhancement: Apply reverse error map compensation when issuing motion commands - Enhancement: Allow lower tol to be +ve, and upper tol to be -ve - Enhancement: MP/SMP CMM: added support of using Record button on RCU as IP button (used to record drive points when teaching paths with joystick) --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 01/05/2006 1. USB devices compatibility issue fixed - It has been reported by some users that after software installation, the USB devices connected to the computer would stop working. This was due to the compatibility issue of the dongle driver with newer computer hardwares. The problem has been fixed in this release. 2. Report Distance Between - Added distance option for Line/Plane type features - Normal Dist: calculate distance normally as line/plane - Normal (parallel) Dist: for distance between 2 lines only; will treat the lines as parallel even if they are not co-planar - Center Dist: calculate distance using center point of line/plane 3. Report Angle Between - Allows to use one of the axes or working planes of current ref. frame 4. Report Cloud-to-CAD Deviation - Allows to use single point features as well as point cloud 5. Reference Frame Tools - Level and Align: option to set origin to feature (always does in previous versions) - Level, Align and Set Origin: user preference to auto use last created feature 6. Construct Line - Added new tool: thru a point, angle with another line 7. Misc - Bug Fix: If align part on and teach-on mode, Construct->Define Feature would have created two identical features and caused crashing when align part is done - Bug Fix: ACR3 rack calibration should set joystick trigger mode for MP machine after the first two points are taken - Bug Fix: Relaxed the parallel condition check for constructing intersection line of two planes - Bug Fix: CAD ref. frame tools couldn't pick circles or lines from some CAD models - Bug Fix: HTML file exported from report will use relative path to link included image file, so that it will display correctly when moved to other location - Bug Fix: The excel file used by DDE operation will be released when the project file is closed, instead of when the software is shut down - Enhancement: Tip calibration considers tip radius when calculating drive points - Enhancement: Bestfit Alignment displays point coordinates in local ref. frame - Enhancement: Added graphical instruction on measurement counter for manual measurement of cylinder and cone features - Enhancement: Added picture prompt using bitmap - Enhancement: For CAD measure, if a circle feature is picked, and "Full Circle" option is unchecked, the feature will be recorded as an arc - Enhancement: Allows to select multiple tips in Tip Manager --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 12/13/2005 1. Report Composite Position - Added support for reporting of composite positional tolerance of multiple features 2. DCC Settings - User preferences to use percentage or absolute values - Added support for changing move and touch accelerations 3. Path Creation Failure Message Improvement - If path creation fails, system will try to identify specific cause and suggest solutions, instead of always giving all possible causes 4. New controllers - added support for Renishaw UCC2 and UCC/Lite controllers - added support for Numerex Robcon controller - added support for Mitutoyo CMMC controller 5. Misc - Bug Fix: DDE function had problems writing to an excel file opened previously - Bug Fix: ACR1 calibration problem due to MEA offset - Bug Fix: Change unit would change width only on a plane - Bug Fix: Selecting tip from Tip Manager would have added two OPOs to program list if it's DCC machine with manual probe head - Bug Fix: Vision gradient compensation not done previously - Bug Fix: Video tip offset calibration fitting error if using crosshair tool - Bug Fix: GetProbeAssembly online in teach-on mode would always change to Get Probe Assembly 0 and "?" icon - Bug Fix: Changing probe using a probe rack might have caused communication error with MP controller - Enhancement: Changed manual get tip operation icon to Get_Tip_Only - Enhancement: Reporting Angle Between operation now displays lines with arrows on graphics to help identify the angle being reported - Enhancement: Export System Configuration backs up system registry first to save all changes since last CMM-Manager start - Enhancement: False trigger during probe change prevention: user preference to set minimum time interval between probe change and next valid trigger - Enhancement: Added tip calibration option "Do not clear probe for single tip calibration" --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 11/11/2005 1. Rotary Table Support - Added support for rotary table - Requires optional license 2. ACR1 Support - Added support for ACR1 probe changer - Requires ACC2-2 controller connected to host PC via RS232 cable 3. Circular Plane - Added CAD Measure Circular Plane, Define & Measure Circular Plane - Allows to pick a circular plane or two boundary circles from CAD model - Allows to define inner/outer radius 4. DDE Function Enhancement - Added incremental options: if a designated cell contains data, according to option, it may overwrite this cell, or write to next non-empty cell by row or column - This option allows to run a batch of parts and export the same feature data to an already customized spreadsheet for SPC analysis 5. Misc - Bug Fix: System would crash if "Use sound card" is selected as sound settings but the computer system has no sound card - Bug Fix: CAD Editor -> surface property could not be changed - Enhancement: Added "Probe Retract Ceiling" option in Path Creation settings - Enhancement: Graphical Report leader point option defaults to "Auto", and allows to change leader point position in "Auto" mode - Enhancement: Tip Batch Calibration (1) defaults to "Prefer default calibration sphere" (2) avoids possible collision when using multiple spheres - Enhancement: Relative point measurement allows to modify existing project - Enhancement: When getting probe assembly from a probe station, CMM will moves to entry position at normal speed, then switch to specified probe station move speed --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 10/19/2005 1. Report Customization - Allows to customize report contents for all report items and report header through user preference, such as report title, feature name, feature type, space between report items... 2. Tip Calibration - Added option to calibrate tips in all probe assemblies, so if a probe station is used and calibrated, calibration utility will auto change probe assemblies and continue tip calibration without operator intervention - Added "clearance distance above cal. sphere" as user preference - Relaxed probe access angle tolerance from 70 deg to 10 deg - Changed drive points calculation to use approach dist directly, to take care of cases where the first vtouch is "Ignored" and the returned measured point is invalid 3. Copy & Paste Program - Allows to copy program operations and paste into other location - Accessed from menu invoked by right clicking selected program operations 4. Cross Section Measurement - Perform auto sequence sorting upon creation of cross section curve segments - Allows to pick starting curve segment and do sequence sorting - Allows to manually adjust curve segment sequence by selecting curve segments on screen; "Ctrl + Pick" retains the sequence number of selected curve 5. Find Function - Right click on program or feature list to invoke menu - Find program(s) or feature(s) that contains the specified string 6. Misc - Bug Fix: Seek Hole: changed Seek Dist. to Diameter, Backoff to Back Out - Bug Fix: Tip Manager -> New Set (1) Create only one tip with A=0 angle: A0B0 (2) Check if tip names have been used - Bug Fix: System crash when verifying a circle measurement with relative measure - Bug Fix: Cal. Sphere Editor didn't update Y coordinate - Bug Fix: Couldn't drag a 4th plane after adjust range of a circle - Bug Fix: Cloud-to-Surface deviation label didn't update at run time - Enhancement: To eliminate confusion, positional tolerance reporting now uses current ref. frame as reporting datum and corresponding coordinate components as nominal position (previously only XY plane is allowed) - Enhancement: Allows to to change decimal places and angle settings of run-time reports within a program - Enhancement: Added Back-out distance in gear definition - Enhancement: Added Flip button on circle nominal page to change normal direction - Enhancement: Added "View CAD Point" tool - Enhancement: differentiate "Add Move/Get Tip" operation by using different names and icons: if only "GetTip" commands, display "Get Tip"; if only "MoveTo" commands, display "Add Move" --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 09/02/2005 1. Move Part operation - Allows to create a program that measures a part at two different locations, or different orientations at same location, e.g. measure one side of a part, flip it and measure the other side. 2. Mirror Program - Mirror a part program about a working plane or user specified plane - Option to mirror CAD model if applicable - Option to append the mirrored program to current program 3. Gear Package - Dedicated utilities and functions for gear inspection - Includes define gear, calibrate gear tips, build gear ref frame, lead check, profile check, spacing/runout check, topography check - Requires optional license 4. New Construction Tools - Construct Point: * intersection of line and sphere * move a point along a vector - Construct Circle: * cone cross section at given diameter * intersection of cone and cylinder - Construct Plane: * center plane of two lines 5. Define & Measure for manual CMM - Allows to define feature nominals to measure for manual CMM - Programmable 6. Report Output Column Options - Added output options in report settings - Allows to specify what column data to display in a report: Nom, Act, Dev, LoTol, UpTol, OutTol 7. Auto Feature Report - If enabled, feature report will be auto created after a feature is generated - F8 key to bring last reported feature back for modification - Option to enable/disable - Option to allow user confirmation 8. Machine Setup Enhancement - Use scale readings instead of tip position to query CMM workspace (non-calibrated tip was required before) - Auto switch DRO to scale readings 9. Vision Enhancement - Added auto focus utility, programmable - Added focus height data property to video tip, which will be set after pixel resolution calibration, or auto focus execution - If the focus height is set for a video tip, when the video tip is selected, machine will go to the focus height - Added option "Goto Focus Height" in tip manager dialog box - System will pause for a user specified period of time before point collection if it's immediately after a DCC move, to make sure image data is synchronized 10. Misc - Bug Fix: Overwriting an existing ref frame needs to copy determinant flag - Bug Fix: Relaxed cone angle constraint from 1 ~ 179 to 0 ~ 180 - Bug Fix: When VBScript OPO running, such as "MsgBox", if Stop Program command is selected, it wouldn't stop the program. - Bug Fix: Guard duplicate CAD entity name when importing CAD model and modify CAD surface name - Bug Fix: Angles in DMS format were not displayed correctly in RPT report - Enhancement: No longer import "Company" and "License" info when importing system configuration - Enhancement: Added "Scale" option in DRO to display machine scale readings without probe offset - Enhancement: Revised terminology used in machine setup interface - Enhancement: Auto Path Creation settings: if option is feature local path and clearance distance is set to zero, no enter/exit points will be added - Enhancement: Bestfit construction tool allows to select ID/OD for circle, cone cylinder and sphere, also allows to apply probe comp if fitting data are all clouds and have probe radius info attached - Enhancement: Allows to import point cloud from an ASCII file - Enhancement: Report Distance Between allows to select options Center, Min or Max if one of the features is circle or sphere - Enhancement: The flashing DCC mode request dialog box will be terminated when user confirmation is required at abort motion command - Enhancement: Added option to display/print RPT report after program execution - Enhancement: Added Report Cloud-to-CAD menu to Run Mode - Enhancement: Added Auto Path Creation Settings menu to Lite version for Define & Measure --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 07/26/2005 1. Polar Angle Display - Display angle in polar coordinate system if it's current DRO setting, using preferred angle display method, e.g. deg/min/sec - DRO, feature data window, flyby result box, feature report 2. CAD Importing - In previous versions, Auto Normal Testing is always performed upon import of CAD model, which may take significant amount of time for large CAD models. Now it's an user preference - Added "Auto Normal Testing" progress dialog and allows to cancel - Allows to do auto normal testing from menu 3. Probe Assembly - Allows to add GetProbeAssembly at any position, but show warning if there is conflict with others - Allows to delete GetProbeAssembly at any position, but show warning if it's used by following measurement operations - User option to prohibit multiple probe assembly if no probe station is present - Inhibit probe during probe assembly changing on software side, even when no probe station is present 4. Cross Section Measurement - Need to create cross section segment curves first - Allows to adjust cross section cutting plane range - Allows to select target segment curves - Allows to adjust measurement range of each segment curve 5. Adjust Measurement Range - Added option to adjust range by picking boundary location directly - Allow to drag boundary lines freely 6. Cloud-to-CAD Deviation Report - CAD surface information is now associated with cloud features where applicable - If a cloud is measured off CAD model (e.g. CAD Measure Cloud), when the cloud is selected for reporting, the corresponding CAD surfaces will be automatically selected 7. Report Header Customization - Allows to add customer data to report header - Option to add to General Report, Body-In-White or Datapage - Option to run-time update 8. Path Command Variable Support - Allows to set variables to "Add Move" and "VTouch" commands thru Modify button of path page - Command list will show "@" mark at line start to indicate variable path command 9. DCC measure OD circle/slot error handling - If DCC measure error (unexpected touch, no touch...) occurs during OD circle/slot measurement, user will be given a chance to move the probe about 10mm above the feature and then continue DCC measurement 10. DMIS Enhancement - Added support for GSurface measure and report profile - Added support for report plane profile - Added support for GCurve measure and report profile - Added support for GCurve measure and report profile - Added support for RMEAS/PLANE - Fixed bug for TOL/POS - Other modifications: REPORT, OUTPUT, BOUND, SNSMNT, DMESW 11. Vision DCC - Allows to teach a vision measurement in DCC mode - Vision commands: Image Tool, Move, GetTip 12. Get Video Tip - Get Video Tip operation will be inserted to program automatically when a video tip is selected from Tip Manager 13. Misc - Bug Fix: Star stylus configuration "Shift Angle" unit was incorrect - Bug Fix: MCR20/SCR200 stylus length estimation at rack calibration - Bug Fix: Calculation of approach distance used in tip calibration now considers nominal tip radius - Enhancement: Click to highlight points in both nominal and actual pages of a stand-alone cloud data window - Enhancement: Changed cone info display from bottom center to cone apex - Enhancement: Improved speed performance of CAD Editor when working with large CAD models - Enhancement: CAD Editor and CAD Cloud Editor list column width sticky - Enhancement: Added out-of-tol indicator "----|++++" to all report formats - Enhancement: Merged report related user preference - Enhancement: Option to use Absolute Coord. Deviation (normal in auto industry) => coord. deviation is always positive when deviation vector is away from designated center axis, and vice versa - Enhancement: Allows to overwrite existing non-TEACH ref. frame - Enhancement: Seek Hole operation supports offline programming - Enhancement: Added 4th plane relative measure option to point measurement - Enhancement: Removed "Apply" button from Cal. Sphere Model dialog to eliminate confusion. Sphere model will be auto updated once configured - Enhancement: Added "Prefer default calibration sphere" option in Calibrate All Tips window - Enhancement: Allows to use "Recall Ref. Frame" operation during Align Part process --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 06/03/2005 1. Construct mid-line of two lines - Allows to construct the mid-line of two lines 2. Auto Save Reference Frame - User preference, default disabled - If enabled, "Save Ref Frame" window will auto show up at the end of every new reference frame creation 3. Create Path on the fly - User preference, default enabled - If disabled, path creation will not be performed instantly at option change, but only when "Create Path" button is clicked 4. Path Creation for feature local path (without collision detection) - No longer adds "GetTip" command to path start; it's user's responsibility and common procedure to switch to appropriate tip before hand - If new operation, use current tip to create path; if already taught in a program, search for last used tip 5. Vision Tool Magic - New algorithm for faster and easier feature recognition and tool placement - Single click to detect segmented feature type - Single click + Ctrl key to detect closed feature type - Multiple click + Alt key to detect feature type by fitting clicked points 6. Vision Blob Tool - Detect all edge points within a user defined rectangular region 7. Misc - Bug Fix: Removing CAD model from workspace while it is used as background in a graphical report would result in crash when project is being saved; Now shows warning message and if confirmed by user, remove CAD from report - Bug Fix: Handle empty cloud in Report Cloud, Report Cloud-to-CAD deviation report - Enhancement: Improve robustness of calibration sphere model - Enhancement: Force Notepad font to be "Courier New" at application start, in order for text report to line up properly - Enhancement: Fly-by feature window now displays starting piont of a line feature to be consistent with feature data window - Enhancement: Clicking on points in data list of actual cloud window will highlight the points in the graphics - Enhancement: Changed auto feature default to disabled --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 05/20/2005 1. Sync Part Ref Frame operation - Sync part ref. frame to CAD ref. frame - programmable 2. Calibration Sphere Model - Supports multiple cal. spheres with graphical illustration - Auto calibrate cal. spheres if the relative coordinates are defined - Auto select most appropriate cal. sphere in tip calibration 3. DCC measure hole/slot error handling - If DCC measure error (unexpected touch, no touch...) occurs during hole/slot measurement, user will be given a chance to move the probe to hole/slot center and then continue DCC measurement 4. Graphical Report - Measured features and CAD features can be used together as background - Point tolerance item will be attached to CAD point if no matching measured point feature is found 5. Cloud-to-CAD Deviation Report - Added option to output X, Y, Z or 3D data - CAD surface picked from graphics will be highlighted for 2 seconds for better confirmation assistance 6. Misc - Bug Fix: Crash on exit problem for FAT & FAT32 file system (since - Bug Fix: When simulating paths, check if required probe assembly is available - Bug Fix: If MAN PH on DCC Machine, don't prompt user to change tip after homing - Bug Fix: CAD-based Vision 2D circle auto generation: avoid repetition - Bug Fix: View bar of graphical report in toolbar customization was incorrect - Enhancement: Allow to change unit from status pane even if having program - Enhancement: Improved robustness of path creation for no collision option - Enhancement: During tip calibration, give user option to stop when user is instructed to move the tip to the top of the target - Enhancement: Added user preference for DCC tip calibration: Colatitude Angle - Enhancement: Added option to cancel multiple features drag&drop into a dialog box, if any feature doesn't meet the criteria - Enhancement: Added option to output raw data in form deviation report --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 05/11/2005 1. Polar Coordinate System Support - Feature data window, operation nominal page and feature report now display position data in polar coordinate system in sync with current DRO settings - Added polar coord system option in Report Feature window, default is the same as DRO settings 2. Misc - Bug Fix: Disc tip calibration crashes for manual machine - Bug Fix: Star stylus holder size and disc tip used in star stylus - Bug Fix: Star stylus holder display color incorrect when shown in queried tip - Enhancement: Implemented more robust method to identify cylinder type feature from CAD - Enhancement: Modified text message in "Select Feature Type" dialog - Enhancement: Added comm port settings to Galil controller setup page - Enhancement: Allows to show CAD model in run mode --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 04/29/2005 1. CAD Reference Frame - Added new tools to facilitate construct CAD reference frame - Level, Align, SetOrigin: use CAD feature(s) directly 2. Bestfit Alignment - Constructs a part reference frame by bestfitting 3 or more point-reducible features to their nominal coordinates 3. Probe Management - Added support for disc type tip and ring gauge calibration - Added star stylus holder model to probe assembly, removed star stylus mounting depth parameter 4. Misc - Bug Fix: Incorrect probe head model transformation MH20i, MH8, MIP - Bug Fix: Modified GetProbeAssembly to only set get station speed when executing in DCC, and restore move speed properly - Bug Fix: CAD pick cylinder sometimes would give wrong axis - Enhancement: Modified BIW and DataPage report formats - Enhancement: Added "OutTol" to RPT report column header - Enhancement: Allows user to change company name from report property page - Enhancement: Allows to re-arrange order of report items in default report by drag&drop --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 04/15/2005 1. Extract Raw Data - allows to extract measurement raw data as point cloud from a feature 2. ACR3 Support - Support probe changing rack ACR3 3. Misc - Bug Fix: Program would crash after deleting program operations and then right click on current selection - Enhancement: User preference for CAD pick confirmation --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 04/08/2005 1. Non-Administrator User Account - Now allows Windows non-administrator user to access and run CMM-Manager - Still must have administrator privilege to do installation 2. System Configuration File - Import or Export system configuration file for backup/restore purpose 3. Construct Bestfit Offset Plane - Construct an offset plane by best-fitting user selected points with each assigned offset distance - Can be used for offset plane alignment 4. Sync CAD - Added option to move CAD model along with CAD ref. frame or not 5. Define & Measure Hole Pattern for manual CMM - Define a hole pattern to measure one by one 6. Show feature information after Verify - User preference to show feature info after verifying DCC paths 7. Misc - Bug Fix: Relaxed constraints on Line-Line intersection - Bug Fix: Auto Sphere Alignment teach-on image was incorrect - Bug Fix: When adjusting range of surfaces, no longer do in-bound test, since boundary lines may fall out of actual surface boundaries - Bug Fix: Pick & Define 3D should allow user to override feature type - Enhancement: Allows to input notes to report items - Enhancement: Allows to import IGES file with all supported units - Enhancement: Added construct circle tangent to 2 lines - Enhancement: Added option to include Z/H coordinate in Positional Tolerance for sphere feature --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 03/17/2005 1. CAD Measure Point & Cloud for Manual CMM - Modified interface to measure point first and then drop measured point onto CAD model for nominal information 2. New Reporting File Format - GM Body-In-White - DataPage 3. DDE Custom Data Support - Any String - Incremental Number - Date (MM/DD/YYYY) - Current Windows User 4. Misc - Bug Fix: program path drift when run multiple times during batch run - Bug Fix: "Lock Path" flag may not be set after path modification, causing modified paths lost - Bug Fix: CAD Placement should backup/restore view port option, instead of always setting to part RefFrame after finish - Bug Fix: Seek Hole will auto adjust DCC approach/backoff distance for small holes to avoid undesired hit during backoff - Bug Fix: Unit change for camera model - Enhancement: Allows to delete and rename points in a point cloud feature - Enhancement: Loosen up constraints for perpendicularity and parallelism --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 03/03/2005 1. Relative Measure - 4th plane - allows user to select a 4th plane for relative measurement of circle, slot 2. new operation - Seek Hole - allows to measure circle feature by seeking from hole center - prompts user to move probe to hole center, then DCC seek hole along direction perpendicular to tip vector 3. Point Compensation Direction - allows to change compensation direction of joystick measured point feature from measurement page - when measuring a point in teach-on mode, if compensation direction option is Auto Axis, auto switch the option to the closest axis. This is to ensure the programmed operation keeps the same direction during program execution. 4. Constrained CAD Alignment - allows to lock bestfit components - shows bestfit alignment results before user confirmation - outputs CAD Alignment Report to report tree 5. Graphical Report - shows deviation magnification factor - deviation label param sticky: mark max/min, auto arrange, leader line etc. 6. Misc - Bug Fix: SMP machine, "UpdateProbeAssembly" button in Probe Assembly dialog would have triggered a point - Bug Fix: disable program list multiple selection in Run Mode - Bug Fix: need to set active feature tree right after set active part, otherwise when exit run mode, run feature image index may be changed causing run features greyed out on the feature list - Bug Fix: ProgramAlignPart should ONLY transform nominal local RefFrame during program running, since this func will be called also by "UnAlign". - Bug Fix: modified OnOpenDocument to remove AlignPart checking - Bug Fix: manual machine Measure Hole Pattern used wrong icon - Bug Fix: DMIS measure commands - Bug Fix: change unit would change feature report header size - Bug Fix: Excel output no longer sets report name to sheet name, because long report name may be invalid - Enhancement: added option in Report Cloud-to-CAD to lock bestfit components --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 02/16/2005 1. Database List Multiple Selection - Multiple selection thru standard Windows "Ctrl" and "Shift" key combination - Feature List: support group feature operation such as Delete, Show/Hide, and drag-n-drop to suitable operation - Report List: support group report item operation such as Delete, Move, and drag-n-drop to Graphical Report - Program List: support group program item operation such as Delete, Move; Note: now the "Alt" key instead of "Shift" needs to be pressed to move program item 2. Auto Path Planning Enhancement - Revised to speed up collision detection performance - Uncertain paths warning: if some intermediate paths cannot be created, then system will give warnings to prompt user to go to "Path" page to check/modify these paths. Uncertain paths are denotated with "**" in command list. 3. RefFrame Alignment Toolbox - Plane-Line-Line - Plane-Line-Circle - Plane-Circle-Circle - Cylinder-Point-Line - Cylinder-Point-Circle 4. Fly-by Result Box Settings - User option to display measurement results coordinates in Cartesian, Polar, or current DRO coordinate system 5. Auto Save Run Results Settings - Allows to auto save program running results - Option to specify file directory and file naming method 6. Program Batch Run - Allows to run a program multiple times - # of runs is user specified 7. Goto Operation - Now programmable - Option to move in Part/Machine RF - If taught in a program, Machine RF and Absolute Move only - option to move one axis first (e.g. to achieve Park effect) 8. Machine I/O Operation (currently UCC1 only) - I/O Input: port #, read Low/High signal - I/O Output: port #, write Low/High signal, condition to write 9. Program Delay Operation - Can be added to anywhere in a program - Wait a user specified period of time and continue program execution 10. Report Cloud-to-CAD Deviation - Option to report bestfit transformation info - Option to report deviation I-J-K 11. Trigger Beep Sound Settings - Allows to select PC Speaker or Sound Card 12. Misc - Bug Fix: allows to input "." in report window when current number selected - Bug Fix: Level RefFrame auto select closest axis if feature is picked from graphics - Bug Fix: click "Update Assembly" after "Assign Port" keeps the port assignment - Bug Fix: DMS angle preference may cause problem in other language versions - Bug Fix: measure CAD cloud & Zoom All would crash - Bug Fix: Cross-Section measurement now handles probe comp correctly - Enhancement: File Security allows to set expiration date - Enhancement: Surface Focus Indicator algorithm for video revised - Enhancement: allows user to change probe assembly of a GetProbeAssembly operation taught in a program; gives warning if necessary - Enhancement: Calibrate SCR200 - diagram and user prompt revised to eliminate confusion about measurement point sequence - Enhancement: report run-time output option - "Printer if out of tolerance" - Enhancement: CAD measure point/cloud now uses CAD entity name if valid --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 12/03/2004 1. Added support for Dynamic Data Export (DDE) - Export all feature data (geometry), report items to MS Excel - Allow to specify individual or all report items to export, and destination cells [row, column] in MS Excel - Allow to apply feature type filter 2. Toolbar Customization - Customize toolbar in current mode (e.g. Measure, Run, Report, Graphical Report) - Allow up to 3 new toolbars - Customization: drag and drop to toolbar (left or right of selected button depending on dropped location) 3. File Security - Permissions to View, Modify, Run part program - Password protection to change the permissions of a part program 4. Misc - Bug Fix: micro-plane compensation for Define Measure Point and CAD Measure Point perform micor-plane measure first to get more accurate approach vector, then measure the target point along the estimated surface normal - Bug Fix: manual machine setup reads in template ini file first in case updates have been made - Enhancement: added feature variable name support for RefFrame operations --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 11/18/2004 1. MP/SMP driver - implemented PART function on RCU to allow joystick move along part RF - implemented RECORD function on RCU or Foot switch to verify measurement point - enable/disable from driver .ini file 2. Video Setup - DirectShow compatible devices: allow to specify input channel and video size, as well as video format 3. Point and Cloud measurement projection 4. new jog function for DCC machine 5. Misc - Bug Fix: when calc bonus tolerance, search backward to get the most recently reported feature size info: take care of "FEAT #1" naming issues - Bug Fix: possible key reading error (error code 0x1016) has been fixed. - Bug Fix: Point Compensation always run-time compensate according to Compensation Direction setting, except for "Touch Vector" - When create new project, check if need to delete/reset ref. frames from last session This is now a user preference --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 10/29/2004 1. added auto feature to vision inspection 2. Vision Function Enhancements - Image tool auto placement needs to guard invalid tool param - Image tool snap to x, y axis or diagonal if rotated with "Shift" key held - reset image tool size & position - Dual monitor display: check current main window position (could be on Secondary Monitor), and create image view on the other monitor accordingly - Magic Tool needs to set image tool param initialized flag so the tool won't be placed at image view center if it's first time invoke - adjust Vision Measure Line direction based on Image Orientation 3. Probe Compensation for Point Measurement - Options: - Touch Vector - Auto Axis - Micro Plane - Polar XY - Polar YZ - Polar ZX - Polar 3D - Micro Plane: - DCC machine: meas 3 points DCC, allow to fall back to joystick - manual machine, meas 3 points manually 4. Report - Report output to Excel support - direct view icons for all supported file formats - run-time report output to file: Excel/HTML/CSV/RPT; option to overwrite file and specify file location 5. Free position alignment - added set origin option - simplified UI 6. CAD Editor - added surface property editing - added Button SelectAll to all tabs, added FlipNormal to surface tab - added UpdateTitle to show CAD entity count on tab title - added modofied UI to prevent undesired scrolling to beginning of list every time, and to improve speed 7. Allow to user override of feature type if a standard 3D surface feature cannot be identified 8. Scale Error handling (Caliper Design PCI only) - if driver throws Scale Error msg, DRO will display in red, and remains red until "Clear Machine Error" is applied - flyby warning box will flash to show problem axis 9. Misc - Bug Fix: graphical report display deviation magnitude value instead of absolute value - Bug Fix: modified to check Default Report, if not empty, enforce its header name, since report header name was serialized and could be in other languages (e.g. document was created in another language version) - Bug Fix: Auto Feature - invoke on trigger should check against Simulate/Verify dialog - programmable sticky problem - Bug Fix: stylus configuration and tip calibration - Guard stylus diameter > stem diameter - Report Form Dev: Sort deviation cloud and pnt cloud for Line, Arc - Added TPES probe support - ASCII data import now reads in both point name and point normal - Report Angularity: changed angle tol for parallel & perpendicular check from 5 deg to 0.5 deg - Online Help: use respective language version of help file according to system locale - Tip calibration: Changed stem angle tolerance from 10 to 5 degree --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 09/21/2004 1. Support USB dongles now 2. Group Transfer task - allow to run part program in batch mode - user specifies layout parameters among parts - dynamically ask user the number of parts to inspect 3. Hard Probe support - Measure Mode: Trigger, Scan - Currently for teach off, cloud measure only 4. Vision Function Enhancements - Dual monitor support for video/image (1) dock vision toolbar to image view if using 2nd monitor (2) user preference - Edge Focus Indicator - Image tool part align now handles angle rotation - More Image Tools (1) Open Slot Tool, Square Slot Tool, Round Slot Tool (2) magic tool handles 6 or more points with round slot tool - Image Tool Settings: tool color, line style, density - Auto re-place image tool & Noise Filter (1) user preference (2) for Circle/Arc Tool & Slot Tools only 5. Report Enhancement - Report Title Customization: Text or Bitmap Image - Feature Report View (1) Property settings: report name, part name... (2) Click on report header to invoke dialog directly - Report Angle Btw: supplementary angle option - Angle Dimension Expression settings: Decimal Degree, Degree/Minute/Second, Radian - Report Dist Btw 2 Circles options: Center, min, max 6. Tip Calibration Settings - Added options to show warning when tip calibration result differs from nominal by a specified percentage 7. Report Cloud to Surface - Report participating surfaces only - Display form tolerance zone 8. Tip Manager - New Tip: allow to input A, B angles directly in addition to slider selection - New tip set: use more meaningful names 9. Misc - Bug Fix: View orientation registry setting: MachineRightUp => MachineUpAxis - Bug Fix: Probe Assembly dialog graphics view was not correct, if probe orientation was not the same as default. - Bug Fix: Export raw data to IQFormFit in local RF - Bug Fix: Correctly backup/retrieve Teach status when close/open a document - remember Teach status, only when file is not new or modified - auto switch to Teach On, if flag set and opened file has program - Bug Fix: when opening a project, if saved file and current frame have different units, local RF would be way off - Bug Fix: Snap Point - don't update to picture - Bug Fix: Teach On -> Change report name -> crash - PH10 probe head: PH10 => PH10T; removed PH10A - Re-organized registry settings for AutoFeature, Vision - Allow manual CMM to re-home --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 08/12/2004 1. CMM Driver Update - SmpDriver release (added support for Non-MEA machine) 2. FG Driver Update - IQDirectShow - IQMatroxOrion - Added IQCorecoBII 3. Modified installation - Unified installation to "CMM-Manager", and all dlls and exe are changed to without version number, e.b. CMMMgr12.exe => CMMMgr.exe - Check and un-install CMM-Manager 1.1, rename the previous install folder to "CMM-Manager" and set as default install path to preserve user files and settings 4. Video Setup - Added Video page in machine setup tool - User configurable: - video source (FG driver) - video format, channel - video sampling rate - camera configuration file 5. Live Video Auto Start - Current live video status will be remembered, and when the image view is created next time (New/Open document, New Application), live video will be auto started if it was last time - Combined menu "Video | Connect/Start Grab/Stop Grab" as "Video | Live Video" to simplify UI and better coordinate live video on/off 6. Auto reload last import image - if it's an imported image when last exit, reload it back when application starts 7. Vision measurement: - added "Feature Location" option to allow projection to working plane 8. Auto Feature - Auto Feature 2D (auto end) - Auto Feature All - user preference: invoke on trigger, feature specific criteria... --End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date: 07/19/2004 1. Added multi-sensor support for vision inspection 2. Added support for Probe Head model MH20 & MH20i 3. Added feature report to display feature data in a report format - report item will be added to report automatically once a feature is created 4. Added Manual Focus Indicator - Adjust camera focus to pass thru the optimal focus position to get the max focus measure and then fine tune the focus referencing the percentage readings of current focus measure 5. Fixed toolbar flickering problem when switching mode 6. Probe tip info display: Radius => Diameter 7. Show machine moving direction indicator for running part program - When running video based inspection part program, an indicator will be displayed showing machine move direction. When the target feature enters into FOV, image tool will snap to target feature automatically. - user preference settings 8. Windows layout maintained - When CMM-Manager starts, it will restore to the same windows layout as it exits last time. --End